Far Cry (Wii) $14.99 at JR.com

I also heard this was terrible and agree with the above that 5$ is my breaking point on this one. Hopefully some more Wii games (even the crappy ones) might start dropping.
It's early PS2 graphics comparible, but the Wii-mote control is a fun diversion. For as cheap as it is, it's really not a bad deal.
I guess it's *PROBABLY* worth $15, just don't get it expecting it to look even as good as a Gamecube game (which is really unacceptable). I'm one who'll always harp on gameplay over graphics, but when it's this obvious that the developer didn't give a damn, well, that's a bitter pill. Even the cut scenes look like they came out of some early 32-bit game (early Saturn or PSOne, 3DO, CDi, Jaguar CD (despite its 64-bit"ness", you get the drill), as the characters are composed of few polygons and the resolution is so low that artifacting shows up as giant blocks. Ugh...

Of course, you might be able to forgive that if it controlled great, but controls are sluggish and only so-so. I don't think we're going to see an FPS done right until Metroid Prime 3 hits.
I played this for a while back when I got it for SPM. It's not as terrible as most reviews say. Control is decent, better than Red Steel. But the feeling that the developers didnt put any effort into this game is hard to shake.

I would say it isn't worth it on principle alone, especially if there is no GCO. I got it for $12 before and traded it in the very next day.
All I can say is that it was fun on the xbox...so unless they totally screwed up the gameplay, it should be fun on the Wii.
Which, apparently they did. Like, you would think that the 360 version would be a thousand times better than the Xbox version, but even that was fucked up!!! So of course they messed it up even more trying to make a Wii version.

I'm all over this game once it hits ten though, even if I never play it I'd love to have it for that price. I bet the people that paid $50 for this game are about as pissed off as possible.

OH, BTW, it's back to $20 now.
bread's done