Far Cry


Anyone play this yet? I have a friend who said it was awesome and he'd been playing it all day. I downloaded the demo and it was freaking amazing! Great graphics, but a little on the tough side. You can only take two or three bullets before you die unless you get armor. Even then you can't take much more punishment. Still, great water effects, and the few vehicles in the demo seemed cool. Good AI, too. I think I just found something to spend my Ninja Gaiden/UT2004 vouchers on...
In a review they said that the save system absolutey sucks cause you can't manually save and you will have a bunch of guys chasing you on almost every save.
I picked it up the other day and I estimate I'm about half of the way through. This game kicks serious ass! I'm running it on a home built P4 2.4ghz with 1 gig of ram and a ATi Radeon 9500 Pro, with everything set to high the game moves very smooth. The graphics are incredible, everything is pixel shaded, and that water is unreal! Enemies are smart, they'll run for cover, flank you if possible, or call for back-up. For example, I was up on a lookout tower and started to pick a few guys off with my sniper riffle, a few seconds later a chopper rises from the distant bush and heads right for me! The story seems like filler, but when a game is this fun to play who cares. If you're looking for a DX9 game to tide you over untill HL2 and Doom 3 come out, this is it! I give it two thumbs up with a mountain dew and a bag of doritos. Go get it now!
I played the demo and I was sort of disappointed. Honestly I don't know how it got all that hype. It looks really nice though, I might pick it up if they lower the price.
I hear vouchers take 2-4 weeks to be emailed out. I wouldn't worry just yet.

The save system DOES suck. It's all done by checkpoints and there's no indication of where they are. I've taken down a small army, then get a save point, kill one other guy, get another save point.
I read that an upcoming patch this month will include user-defined save points. Don't know if that was the best way to word that, but I hope you get the idea. F5 at any time or perhaps a limited amount of saves per level? Sounds good.
[quote name='tyecko']how long does it take to get the UT2004 voucher, I sent mine in on the 17th and havent gotten anything yet.[/quote]

It's alway's taken 4 to 6 weeks for the few i've sent in but I alway's get them sooner or later.
The game kicks major ass! The graphics are superb, and the game runs decently on my 2 year old pc at 10X7 resolution. My only problem is despite the 1.2 km draw distance you really don't get a chance to use all of the length ever, i am on like the 18th level (close to the end i think) and the longest shot i have taken was 400-500 meters, I hope a mod is made where i can shoot someone from 1.2km, that would kick so much ass it isn't even funny. On that note, I am hearing about some really great mods, ones that are total conversion to Stargate, Jurassic Park mods, Dawn of the Dead mods and the such. I really can't wait for these mods to come out, too bad it will be so long until they are completed.
The demo was ok. Wasn't really that great but not bad. Some of the guns were a little off aiming wise which kinda made me mad. But then that's just the demo.
[quote name='tyecko']how long does it take to get the UT2004 voucher, I sent mine in on the 17th and havent gotten anything yet.[/quote]
I sent mine out the day I got UT2004 and I just got it in my Inbox today.
I don't think the aiming is off on the weapons. The game tries to be realistic, so when you open up with a huge burst from an assault rifle, your accuracy goes down dramatically and you almost have to fight the weapon to keep it aimed. If you go prone and fire, your accuracy diminishes very little. Just as you would in real life, use short controlled bursts ;)
bread's done