Farcry 3 @ $30


CAG Newbie
Basically I want some input on if I should go ahead and pull the trigger on Farcry 3 while it's running at thirty bucks, or wait for a "potential" GOTY with all the associated DLC included, for what I hope is about $40 - $50. Also how much DLC is there right now for this game? Enough to justify waiting to make myself happier, or buy now to make my wallet happier?
i think 3 or 4 and also not all get the GOTY Ver with all the DLC
The DLC is pretty much meaningless for this game. It's a couple of weapons and short bonus missions in a game already overflowing with content. No achievements either. I definitely wouldn't wait on a GOTY version for that reason.
Worth it. Took me 20 hours "game time" to 1000 it (not counting Co-op hours). That doesn't count cutscenes, pauses to craft, view map, etc. I'm sure you could get 30 hours of story + Co-op. Then there is MP if you like that. I didn't touch it.
Theres no real dlc, mostly just the preorder bonus's released for sale. This game is FANTASTIC!!! Get it Get it... To describe it, it's not one specific thing they did OVER THE TOP it's how EVERYTHING was just perfect. The driving, weather, animals, gun's, story, etc. The driving you probably look at it like, oh god, more vehicles in a fps this won't end well, but even that is ENJOYABLE!!!
I would suggest pulling the trigger at $30 for just the main game (I haven't played any of the DLC, but don't really feel like I need to), except I really think it's going to hover around $25 on sale or in AWD.
bread's done