fast food places limiting seating time YMMV?


144 (100%)
stopped by jack in the box the other day noticed they had a sign inside limiting you a 30 min. seating with an order. Is this to keep the bums out? :lol:
Ah, that more lengthy discussions over McNuggets and Big Macs for me. That's where I proposed, you know.
[quote name='Unickuta']Ah, that more lengthy discussions over McNuggets and Big Macs for me. That's where I proposed, you know.[/quote]

Classy :D
I never saw that before but at McDonald's I have seen no loitering signs before. Maybe it's to stop people from ordering a soda for $1 with free refills and having a group of friends hanging out in the seating area just drinking soda and talking for hours.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I never saw that before but at McDonald's I have seen no loitering signs before. Maybe it's to stop people from ordering a soda for $1 with free refills and having a group of friends hanging out in the seating area just drinking soda and talking for hours.[/quote]

yeah I was surpised as well usually I own see signs such as no shirts, no shoes no service, first time I've seen this sign inside!
There are a few McDonalds around here with large No Loitering signs inside, but they're in areas with a large homeless population so I always assumed it was just to keep the vagrants out.
So i take it they dont want adult paying customers to meet people 30 minutes? If they wanna do something like that 'and they shouldnt' its gotta be atleast an hour. If homeless people are a problem they can tell them to leave right off the bat right to serve whoever they want is already in place.
But I need time to digest!

This thread would probably feel more at home in the OT forum. At least you'd get a more lively discussion out of it.
So.......what about those McDonalds Wifi for the DS?We can only play for like 20 min?It takes me like 5 min. to eat so yeah.
[quote name='yukine']Who the fuck wants to eat inside anyway? Take your fast food home, or eat it in the car like a civilized human being.[/quote]

nobody wants to sit in the 90-100 degress of burning sun eating!
The only sign related to seating I've ever seen is capacity. 3 hours in White Castle when you're drunk can seem like 5 minutes.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']The only sign related to seating I've ever seen is capacity. 3 hours in White Castle when you're drunk can seem like 5 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you know about that first hand? ;)

I can understand places giving a limit of seating time. But damn... 30 minutes for, say, a family sometimes is not long enough of a limit.
[quote name='Demolition Man'].... I suspect you forgot to finish that sentence. ;)[/QUOTE]

No that was an ode to Hex who says "Get" in the OTT which is his way of saying GTFO.
[quote name='Graystone']No that was an ode to Hex who says "Get" in the OTT which is his way of saying GTFO.[/quote]

Actually I think his "Get" is a /b/ reference in the case of post numbers or page toppers.
[quote name='Graystone']No that was an ode to Hex who says "Get" in the OTT which is his way of saying GTFO.[/QUOTE]

You obviously missed the ;) there. ;)
The McDonald's here says 20 minutes to. I also saw 30 minutes at Wendy's.

It's good It's ups and downs. Good side is the kids that just got out of summer school who use to literally pack the McDonald's and did nothing but talk are getting the boot in the ass. It also keeps the older folks from talking my ear off while I'm just there trying to eat my food.

The bad part is 20 minutes might not be enough for a family or someone who orders a ton of food, but I doubt they will enforce it on people who aren't causing a disturbance or buy a lot of shit.
yea this is one of those things so they can get rid of someone making trouble or if its super crowded. as long as you arnt causing trouble and there are seats for everyone they wont say anything to you.
its no new secret fast food places dont want people hanging around. i dunno where i read it or saw it at but i recall that they choose some of the interior colors a well as furniture in restaurants to eat you in and out asap. certain colors make you hungrier and they have uncomforatable charis and tables so you wont want to stay any longer than it takes to eat.
[quote name='lokizz']its no new secret fast food places dont want people hanging around. i dunno where i read it or saw it at but i recall that they choose some of the interior colors a well as furniture in restaurants to eat you in and out asap. certain colors make you hungrier and they have uncomforatable charis and tables so you wont want to stay any longer than it takes to eat.[/quote]

Perhaps here...

The McDonaldization of Society by George Ritzer
bread's done