Fave RPG's??

FF IV, VII, IX, and X
Shadow Hearts
Xenosaga I
Star Wars: KOTOR I and II
Neverwinter Nights
Baldur's Gate I
Pretty much all of the classic SSI D&D PC RPGs
Fallout I and II
LOTR: The Third Age
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Shenmue (It's sort of a RPG- exceptional game anyway)
Dragon Slayer (on the TurboDuo)
Dragon Warrior I
Destiny of an Emperor (on the NES)
Final Fantasy Legend I
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Suikoden I
Phantasy Star II
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Planescape: Torment
The PS1 Lunar is a streamlined version of the upgraded Saturn port of the Sega CD original.

And, hey, if I didn't find anything of value in current video games, I wouldn't play them. Can't comment on computer rpgs because console rpgs suck up much of my leisure time (Although I have played about five different incarnations of Eye of the Beholder, which I believe was originally a computer game).
Lufia II Rise of the Sinistrals was a pleasant surprise.

Phantasy Star II can't be beat for old-school RPG goodness, the dungeon crawls were hardcore.
Baldurs gate 2 is the best RPG is the last 12 years. Graphics are top down and not anywhere near Oblivian quality but the game is awesome. The story and Throne of Bhall's continiation where you can become a God, makes it the most epic game you could possible ask for. All the charecters, some of which are from 1. All the mods for new content for current charecters, completly new charecters, completly new continents and lands that are so large it's a game of it's own. And the voice acting is great. Iranicus the main villians voice acting you hear when you start the game still impresses me when I hear it. Also you can run a thieves guild, Mage tower, Fighters keep, A play house. It would take to long to list all the reasons this game is great. It's system requirments are also extremly lax. I reccomend this game to everyone with no expection.
Mario RPG is one of the first rpgs I actually beat, amazing game. FF8 was fantastic and in my opinion the best FF on psone. For some reason I really love okage the shadow king, its a really enjoyable rpg to play through. Legaia 2 is also an amazing rpg, with a great battle system.
[quote name='j.elles']Is there a difference between the Sega CD and PS1 version. Of Lunar I mean.

Yes. Besides adding 'more' to the PS1 version, the story has also been tweaked in quite a few ways. Some characters have different roles, other locales were added, and some sidequests were changed. Plus, the anime sequences were much improved in the PS1 version. And, the PS1 version has all that bonus material, if you can find it.

Both of them are great, and I would say both deserve a playthrough. Some people prefer the SCD version, while others prefer the PS1 version. I would say the PS1 version can be found easier, so I'd play that one. (Especially since a good Sega CD is harder to find than a PS1!)
Even more reasons why Sega is hopefully trying to put all those games they have on Nintendo's virtual console. Or maybe Microsoft will unveil a special deal they've worked out over the next few days at E3. Either way I hope it happens. It's such a no brainer for sega since those games are just sitting there making no money for them.
just beat chrono trigger again, in under 19 hours. i think that was pretty good. First time beating it in about 6 years, no walthrough, and went the whole way through doing all the side quests and such, and then went thru the black omen to get to the end boss. i thought it was pretty good for taking the long way!
Wow, no wonder why there are no New Shining Force games being made. Only 2 or 3 of you have even mentioned it! Where is the love for the Force?? Hands down I'm a huge Shining Force fanatic. The first 3 Shining Force games were all excellent. Not counting Shining In The Darkness as that was the actual 1st game in the series. (I do like that one too) Also Dragon Force needs some love as well. That game was great and very underrated IMO and I'd love to see a new one on any new system. I also like the Phantasy Star series and Fire Emblem series. Wild Arms, Final Fantasy III, Brigandine, and of course Zelda! If I have not mentioned others it's either because I've not played them yet or have just not liked them too much.
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