FC Twin In-Compatible Game Hunt



I have picked up my FC Twin not long ago because, sadly, I never owned an SNES and sold my entire NES collection to buy an N64 when they first came out. It seemed like a no brainer, since I am disappointed so far with the current generation of games, why not go back in the years a bit and revive my NES collect/begin my SNES collection? I can do that on one console? Kick arse!

So, I have the FC Twin and a small collection so far of SNES games. I've been trying to compile a list of games incompatible or "Broken" with it, as I know some are out there.

For starters, has anyone confirmed if Brutal: Paws of Fury is incompatable with it? I picked it up for $5 at a local Mega Media Xchange and found out that I get nothing but a black screen with vertical grey lines (from top left to bottom right) when I try to use it. I've yet to use a q-tip and rubbing alcohol on the cartridge, but my assumption is that the FC Twin does not like said game.

If anyone can confirm this or add some more game titles that they have found does not work, please post it here :) Thanks.
Interestingly enough, after using the "rubbing alcohol" technique on both Brutal: Paws of Fury and even Doom 64, both of them work like new. I seriously didn't think that technique would work on Brutal: Paws of Fury giving the black screen and grey lines, but--wow, cool :D
I've read only about 6 or 7 games are incompatible..but....I was meaning to ask

I've seen this for $40 and $50 at different stores and I was wondering if it was really worth it..I've picked up a few Koei SNES games and a few RPG's I've never played and have always contemplated getting a used SNES..but if I can buy this and get a brand new console that won't break in a year and can play NES games too...it'd be a good idea

Is this console really worth it? Or would buying a standalone SNES be the best option?
At the moment I do not think I can give a very definite answer to that question about the FC Twin. One thing that really bothered me was right out of the box, the company that makes it didn't even include the RCAs necessary to plug it in to your VCR or receiver o_O; I had a spare, so it was no issue, but still kind of cheap if you ask me.

I didn't see any website url on the box or inside of the box when I opened it. I could have easily missed it and will go back to see if I did or not one of these days :p

The product itself is packaged cheaply, and out of the box feels cheap as well. However, it is pretty solid. The controllers I don't like, and intend to replace for regular NES controllers. They too feel cheap, but much worse than the console.

Overall, at this point, I would say that, compared to finding a used NES and SNES that work well still, unless the few games that are not compatible with the FC Twin are must haves for you, I would actually recommend this unit.

But like I said, make sure you have some spare RCAs, you might want to replace the controllers, and there are some compatibility issues. Other than that, I seriously recommend it. When I am given more time with it, I will probably be more descriptive, but yeah ^^

Anyway, I overslept and am late for work, so--see ya! o.o;
My FC-Twin (model OT-8168) came with RCA cables.

It's a decent little machine.

Takes up a LOT less space/outlets/RCA connections than an NES and SNES
Plays a lot of games that wouldn't work on an NES w/ game genie
Uses standard RCA cables (so longer runs are no problem!)

SNES controller ports (so no zapper lovin')
It says right on the side of the package that it includes AV cables. Sounds like you got shorted.

The RCA cables included are pretty short, and lower quality, so if you have AV RCAs that you can use instead, I'd go with those.

NES Compatibility

The NES Compatibility is very comparable to other NOAC clones. Most of the unlicensed Tengen games do not work very well, or in some cases not at all. I tried Gauntlet, which displayed garbled graphics and had clipping issues. I couldn’t get Rolling Thunder to work at all. I didn’t have a copy, but I’ve read Castlevania III doesn’t work either. This has something to do with a special chip in the game. Aside from that almost all Nintendo games work, which is something like 99%. From what I’ve read, most NOACs have problems with the original Zelda, but the FC Twin runs Zelda almost perfect. The colors were a little off, but it was definitely playable. I’d say the only issue I have on NES Compatibility that is consistent across all games is that the sound seems a little off. Granted, this is subjective, and some people might not even notice.

Aside from the aforementioned ones, it definitely won’t make any games unplayable. Check out the video I posted further down to get a listen to the differences yourself. The NES outputs in mono sound, so I just had that go to the right sound channel in the video. Also, given that the FC Twin only has SNES controller ports, you will have to play games with a Super Nintendo controller. I didn’t have time to try, but theoretically, you could wire a NES controller port to a SNES controller cord to play NES games with the NES controller. Both controllers used the same method of sending button presses. However, it’s quite possible that wouldn’t work, I just won’t know until I try it.

SNES Compatibility

This is actually opposite of what I would have thought, but SNES games are where the FC Twin really shines. Every game I played worked and played great. The only problems I saw were some pretty minor coloring issues. One thing I noticed was that whenever there wasn’t much displayed on the screen, like an initial “Nintendo Presents” logo at the beginning, the image would be smudged a bit. However, when the screen was full of other things, it wouldn’t be a problem. I noticed this especially in the intro of Zelda: A Link to the Past, which is in the video I made. However, once graphics fill the entire screen, most games look perfect. Also, I noticed some strange coloring in StarFox, which is also in the video.

Aside from that, everything seems to look peachy. I have since played games like Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Kart, Street Fighter II, and many more with no problems at all. As mentioned before, the FC Twin does use standard SNES controller ports. I hope you still have that SNES mouse or Super Scope 6, because they will both work with the FC Twin. I have Mario Paint and can confirm that it works perfect with the mouse. I don’t have one, but I have read numerous places that the Super Scope 6 works flawless as well.
I noticed an FC Twin at a local gameshop not to long ago, however I just don't know if 50$ is worth it.
I too had some strange experiences with Star Fox, but nothing major that really didn't happen any SNES to my understanding. The main thing for me is if I play on difficulty 3, the additional enemies on the screen make maneuvering rather frustrating, because the frame rate bogs down significantly. But according to friends of mine who've had an SNES, the same thing happened on the SNES too, so...
I purchased an FC Twin today, along with a copy of Gradius III. I'm trying to rebuild my NES and SNES collection, I sold both systems plus all my games to buy a Nintendo 64.

Anyhow the only game I tested at the moment was Gradius III, and I was impressed. There were a lot of framerate issues, but I remember this on the SNES as well.

My only major problem is with the controllers, they feel extremly cheap, if you can score a pair of offical SNES controllers I suggest you do so. Other then that, the FC Twin is well worth the money.

If the company behind the FC Twin decides to release another console, I hope they add N64 compatibility, how sweet would that be?
I am looking for a list as well, as I know Mario RPG is incompatible with this system. The small review above is helpful, and I'll have to try Castlevania III. What a shame if that doesn't work.

I assume I'll find out all the incompatible games in time, since I have a shop and have to test SNES/NES games before they go on the shelf. The FC Twin is perfect in my shop for testing/playing in spare time however due to how easy it is to get a connection with the game, even if it's a little dirty, unlike old NES/SNES systems.

Poor Mario RPG though. :whistle2:(
I own an FC Twin and I can attest to the relative crappiness of the controllers. The device comes with two, but one of the controllers in my bundle had a malfunctioning D-pad, with "down" presses registering as "down and to the left." VERY irritating to say the least. Button presses have more travel than the older controllers, and the plastic shell feels as f it will split apart at any moment.

Of course, this issue is nullified with the compatibility of the SNES controllers, which work flawlessly.
bread's done