Features for Wii Fit Plus?


CAG Veteran
So I was thinking about upgrading to Wii Fit Plus, but can't find any good details on what exactly is included in the newer version. All the product descriptions are so general. Has anyone found better detail about what's included OR bought it themselves?

Also, any talk of a Wii Fit version that will accommodate multiple players (i.e. multiple boars)?

There is already a discussion thread for Wii Fit Plus, where folks have posted impressions.


The game comes with 3 new yoga exercises, 3 new strength exercises, 15 new games, and a new Routine addition, wherein you can combine activities into a longer workout, along the same lines as EA Sports Active.

It's exactly the same game as the first, just with all the above new additions. If you have Wii Fit, you won't need it anymore after buying Plus.

I'm not greatly surprised that a multiplayer option hasn't really been brought up. One, you would need a considerable amount of room to play in to avoid hitting each other, and two, the cost of the hardware is significant.
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