FF X-2 is kind of like finding out your dad is gay


9 (100%)
First off this is not a gay bashing thread. The subject is for a comparison.

It’s hard to describe how I feel about Final Fantasy X-2 but I guess this would most accurately describe it. Imagine its your 16th birthday party with all your friends over and your Arnold Schwartz.... built and strait as an arrow dad, while in the other room asks, hey son do you want your birthday present? Followed by you dad coming out in a dress and saying I am gay. That’s kind of what its like to play FF X 2 after playing FF X.

It just feels so wrong in so many ways. I have tried to play it 3 or 4 times but every time I walk away with a sour stomach.

Has anyone else had better luck with this game ¿? Just curious.
I was considering picking this up in the future when it becomes dirt cheap, I liked X well enough but what was so bad about x2? The general atmosphere, having only three characters or just too many colorful things?
i dunno. I guess after playing X you have a feel for all the characters. An atachment. You come to know and Love these characters.

Then I pick up FF X 2 and its like who are these people. What hapened to you guys. 2 years without sins did this ¿?¿?¿

Chants: bring back sin, bring back sin.
Considering the effect of the constant death Sin represented hanging over their head I could imagine a world without Sin would really make them look at things a bit different afterwards. But yeah opinion of the game doesn't seem to be that high, guess i'll find out one day if I ever find it for 10 bucks or under.
Wow, does it really suck that bad when people are happy?

From what I've heard of it, it is *very much* a lost love story. I can understand how Yuna's first love could open her up and bring her out of the shadows, you know, kind of be a little more 'out there' (in reference to the intro FMV)

Besides, people make drastic career changes that that seem to work well for them even though some people think it's really stupid (The Rock, Jennifer Lopez... yeah I hate them too)

But whatever. I like Devil May Cry 2 and Chaos Legion, and aside from *not* being picky, what do I know?
[quote name='redgopher']But whatever. I like Devil May Cry 2 and Chaos Legion, and aside from *not* being picky, what do I know?[/quote]

You need to put a disclaimer on that, pal. People will think you're crazy until you explain that you played DMC2 before DMC. Cats and dogs living together, total anarchy.

As for FFX-2, it's not the style of the game, or the battle system that sometimes gets to me, it's the mission-based gameplay. I found it annoying in FFTA, and I find it annoying again in FFX-2. Still a fun game though. I find the fast pace of the battles to be engaging and entertaining (two in a row for Square; the best thing about FFX was its battle system), and the lighthearted approach to the story a refreshing change. It's just annoying that the story is somewhat disjointed, and often feels like story arcs are too much a "reward" rather than a normal course of playing the game.
But in your example, you still love your dad, even though he's gay, right? I thought FFX-2 was a great release after the goth wet dream that was FFX. It's like the weekend after a long week's work in the acid mines.
I am tired with FF series & getting Bored FF7. I wish "SONY" release Ys series from Ys 1-5. Also, I can't wait to get my hand on Ys 6 coming out this FALL.
let the stale FFX universe diealready.
X-2 was a step in the right direction for every cosplayer on the planet...
but not every final fantasy fan...

lets just be glad it was made for them... and we never have to tend to their needs ever again..

however we still have to worry about elements of X-2 resurfacing for cameos in Kingdom Hearts 2....
Yeah I think the whole j-pop thing, and the game itself is pretty emasculating. I was stunned to see that included in a FF game.
I don't mind the concept of a sequel, but the fact that it has NO STORYLINE bothers me. I can't stay hooked on it, so i quit at chapter 2. I'm hoping to resume it when I'm bored enough.
don't bring back sin! if that happened then all of FFX would be in vein. vegnagun was a very good final boss wasn't it close enough to sin for you.
yeah its that. but its not as bad as it seeems only i some parts does it get sappy. just don't think about how girly it is and enjoy it.
Someone else already nailed it. If you had lived your entire life not only surrounded by death, but knowing that the path you were choosing was going to kill you (and I'm not talking when you hit your 80's or 90's either) then I imagine you'd be pretty freakin' happy when all that changed. I found X-2 to be very fun and very refreshing, and the changes that occurred to the characters (ok...to Yuna...Riku is always the same ;)) were very believable imo.
bread's done