Fighting Game Thread 6 is dedicated in memory of Chac*

Imma gonna keep my copy of SFIV...'cause ya never know.

I haven't played any fighting game in months and months and months. Ohhhhh mannnn......
Nah SSF4. It's pretty dope, I don't think anyone is going to be let-down.

I was really digging on Guy and Cody.

Also, I've played Avengers Galactic Storm. It sucks. It was weird characters (Cap., Black Knight, Thunderstrike and Mockingbird or something like that.)
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Mock[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']ing[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']bird[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']or something like that.[/QUOTE]
Ok, I should not read this thread while teaching. I busted out laughing over joes post. I bet all these little shits think I am crazy now.
[quote name='distgfx']Geez, you act like suko is the ultimate evil, LOL! Axc is pretty good at giving tips though, so ask him for help too. Where is he anyway?[/QUOTE]

Lurking? haha

Still around. I work a bunch as usual, so I don't post as much as I used to.

Good at giving tips? You are too kind.
So watching all these trial videos it looks like Dee Jay looks like he's going to be a lot of fun to play. Dudley still looks like he's going to be pretty scary in the right hands.

One more week, get hype!
[quote name='TheCapn010']Glover.

Super Street Fayter Fawr?

OMG... I lovvvved Glover. That was one of my favorite N64 games.. and there were a lot of good N64 games at the time. :]

I even bought a PC version, one of the only PC games I've ever bought. Used to play that shit on my P4. :bouncy:
[quote name='ValkyrieVF-1S']I can't wait for hank to personally train me in Super Street Fighter IV, so we can take on suko together! ;)[/QUOTE]

The only thing I'll train you to be is a punching bag.
Under a spoiler for size.
Ya know, I really didn't care for a new MvC, but after seeing that trailer i am very excited. Nice to see Dr.Doom back and Super Skrull could be cool. Hope DareDevil and The Thing make it in too.

Eight more days till SSF4.:whee:
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']Are we expecting SSF4 to be as big as the SF4 release?[/QUOTE]

Amongst casual gamers? Nah. Amongst fighting game fans? Yea.
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']Are we expecting SSF4 to be as big as the SF4 release?[/QUOTE]

In general, I don't think so. SFIV's success was in it's marketing towards the casual gamer, selling the name to people who remembered the fighting boom of the 90's. They played it, had a little fun, learned they sucked, and went back to CoD within a few weeks.

I only say this from experience. I had friends, family and co-workers who thought they were the shit at SF, your typical trash talking. We played for a few weeks and I annihilated everyone (and I'm not that good.) They will not be picking up SSFIV, but I will.
[quote name='Rodimus']In general, I don't think so. SFIV's success was in it's marketing towards the casual gamer, selling the name to people who remembered the fighting boom of the 90's. They played it, had a little fun, learned they sucked, and went back to CoD within a few weeks.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much, exact same thing happened to most of my friends who picked it up due to the hype.
Well, their loss then, I'll be getting release date delivery on it.

Personally I was VERY surprised at the turn-out last year for SF4. I was still in college and working at GS, and people were lined up outside (there was no midnight release for it) hella early. We didn't even get the shipment with the games until like 5pm so it was pretty crazy.

EDIT: LMAO!! Thumb fighters?
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[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I just don't like the idea of having MvC3 a 3 button fughter if it follows TvC... it'll take alot of enjoyment out of it for me[/QUOTE]

Two completely diff versus games. Wouldn't they want to cater to the MvC2 fans more so while keeping casuals in mind? I mean, MvC2 got a digital release, so they should be familiar with the control scheme since it's coming to PS3/360 just like MvC2 did.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']I'm sure Venom will be in it.. how does Activision factor into it? Is there some kind of legal issue I am not aware of?[/QUOTE]

exclusive rights to spiderman stuff till 2017... >_
[quote name='Rodimus']In general, I don't think so. SFIV's success was in it's marketing towards the casual gamer, selling the name to people who remembered the fighting boom of the 90's. They played it, had a little fun, learned they sucked, and went back to CoD within a few weeks.
I think this is absolutely true. Also, a lot of the "casual" gamers that SFIV appealed to are the ones complaining that SSFIV should be DLC and not a full game.

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']exclusive rights to spiderman stuff till 2017... >_
Played a little bit of Samurai Shodown Sen. Not that this is a surprise but it's a horrible game. It plays nothing like the SamSho's of old, instead it's this awkward Soul Calibur wannabe. The game focuses more on string hits rather than special moves. So instead of your QCF+P moves expect more slash, slash, down/slash, kick. They tried to convert some of the characters signatures moves to this new play style but it just feels forced.

The graphics are hideous. I wouldn't have minded them if the game played at least halfway decent. It looks like one of the those early 360 games that were ported from the PS2. Stay far away from this one. I'll be send mine back to Gamefly first thing tomorrow.

There's a cowboy with a gun in the game and yep, he's a cheap bitch. I got to him in story mode and I had flashbacks of Vermillion from Toshinden 2. I couldn't do anything but eat gun powder.
GGs AxC. Can't remember the last time a round ended in a time over. That one round where you EX rolled out of the way of Claw's roll, I yelled "holy SHIT" because I thought the game was over. :lol:
[quote name='Mr. Beef']GGs AxC. Can't remember the last time a round ended in a time over. That one round where you EX rolled out of the way of Claw's roll, I yelled "holy SHIT" because I thought the game was over. :lol:[/QUOTE]

GG's to you too Beef.

I hate playing Seth online because I pretty much don't even try his BnB because of lag. Oh well :)

Haha I was yelling at that moment too. More so because I was dashing in to cr.FP and nothing came out.
[quote name='MtlTom']I think this is absolutely true. Also, a lot of the "casual" gamers that SFIV appealed to are the ones complaining that SSFIV should be DLC and not a full game.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but these same "casual" gamers also tried boycotting MW2 and Left for Dead 2 and look how that turned out.

I think it'll get hype. There are a lot of people who play just between themselves and not on the internet and they can be terrible and just pick Ken all the time but they still love the game.
[quote name='kainzero']Yeah, but these same "casual" gamers also tried boycotting MW2 and Left for Dead 2 and look how that turned out.

I think it'll get hype. There are a lot of people who play just between themselves and not on the internet and they can be terrible and just pick Ken all the time but they still love the game.[/QUOTE]

I, for one, is that "casual" gamer who is boycotting MW2/L4D2 (still), but support Super Street Fighter IV (although I do loath SFIV for gameplay with a passion...)

Because Capcom got the price point right: $40, instead of same game, more stuff for a full $50/60. (In L4D2's terms. Modern Warfare 2 is completely different, and actually has good reason to boycott for PC :p)

I know this is really late news, but as a PC-only gamer, I'm a bit put-off for BlazBlue:CT being released instead of BlazBlue:CS. Sure we have cross-platform play, but after CS is released, the player population is obviously going to be significantly less.

I do hope this is not punishment for that CT arcade leak.

Also, cross-platform play means GFWL. Fffffff....
bread's done