Final fantasy 13 $9.99 new & $8.99 used in store.

[quote name='Vanacloud']Is this a Online only price or In-store as well?[/QUOTE]

in store as well. side note*** I just realized my copy rang up new instead of preowned like it was when I originally bought it, probably because I peeled the obnoxious stickers off. ah well not stressing over a dollar. thanks again op
Finally I can get my copy back. I actually traded this in last year for around $10, so I'm glad I bought it back at $9. And what's funny is that I actually got the same copy I traded in too.
[quote name='xGunCrazyx']Edit: And to the people that say this game sucked, you are the reason why JRPGs are horrible right now. Square tried to innovate and everyone wants the same shit they were getting 10-15 years ago (which is why most developers are afraid to try anything new)
FFXIII was easily the most fun I've had with any JRPG since PS2 days[/QUOTE]
It's an interesting new combat mechanic wrapped in one of the worst JRPG stories ever. The characters are awful. Notice how nobody, not even the fanboys, have said a word about the story or characters? Tells you something?

JRPGs are failing because they are failing to create a compelling experience. They're equal parts story/character and battle mechanic. FFXIII brutally murdered 50% of the experience right out of the gate. IMO, the VERY intriguing battle mechanic couldn't drown out the awful that was that convoluted, boring story arc.

Hell, at this point I'd grab it for a $10 spot just to see what the bitching is all about.

/I never thought someone could be more of a whiny bitch in an FF game than Tidus. Then Hope raised the bar into the stratosphere.
[quote name='kingsnuff']in store as well. side note*** I just realized my copy rang up new instead of preowned like it was when I originally bought it, probably because I peeled the obnoxious stickers off. ah well not stressing over a dollar. thanks again op[/QUOTE]

Thanks, cause sometimes the online prices is different than in-store prices so just gotta make sure
[quote name='LordVila']I was so hyped for FF13. I took a vacation day from work so I could go to a midnight release and spend the whole next day playing what was sure to be the best RPG of all time. Two hours into the game I yelled, "What the fuck is this shit!" FF13 is probably one of the most polarizing RPGs of all time.

This article sums up a lot of my complaints I had with FF13: 13 Reason I hate Final Fantasy XIII[/QUOTE]

Okay, after reading that blog about the top 13 reasons why Final Fantasy XIII sucks, I have decided against getting this game...even for 10 bucks. All those points that that author made reminded me of why I hated FFXIII so much back when I owned and played to about the 20 hours mark, because I had the same issues that he made in his article too. I had just forgotten about them until I read it just now. Thanks for the link, because you just saved me 10 bucks AND 80 bucks for the FFXIII-2 Collector's Edition I had reserved on Amazon; as I am hearing it is more of the same garbage as FFXIII was.

I thought I hated FFXII, but FFXIII easily takes the award for the worst Final Fantasy game in the series. It is a shame that it is written by the same guy who wrote FFX's story as that was a really great story compared to this tripe in FFXIII. Bleh!
[quote name='bigpimpin24']I loved this game. Probably due to the fact that I was going in expecting a horrible game. The battle system is fucking great, the graphics are beautiful, the music is good and the story was not that bad.

If you actually enjoy JRPGs, then don't let people steer you away from this. There are far worse and shorter games than this. For $10 it's a hell of a deal.[/QUOTE]

100% agree. I'm excited FFXIII-2 will be keeping the same battle system (almost, looks like adding beasts). It is so fluid once you get used to it. Rewarding when it goes right, but there can still be "oh shit" moments. Remember FFX to FFX-2? I loved FFX battle system, but loathed FFX-2 system. FFXIII got it right imo. The summon system is kinda lacking, but throwaway.

Crybabies just want "towns" and less linearity. I can agree Hope is whiny, but I don't have to use him in my party. Don't have to use Wakka, don't have to use Stiner, don't have to use Vaan/Titus, etc. Every FF has one haha.

Here is my take on how very Linear FFXIII is: Yes I play FF for how open it can be, but that can be a lot to take in for new comers to the series. This is the first FF this console generation remember. So I can appreciate if people just want to blaze through the game and get the full story, that's great. My brother still never beat any FF so he is missing out on the stories unfortunately. This way some people won't get lost and quit playing mid-game, and hopefully be able to finish the game. FFXIII did have some extra content after you beat the game, which I think took me 40 hours to do. Most games don't even offer 40 hours of content. So I still got my 90-100hrs in this FF. FFXII on the other hand was way too grindy, trying to bazaar for best weapons, and pop named monsters for even rarer drops. I did like the Hunt system though.
[quote name='Tdog987']Mine was a black label (the regular one, not the red greatest hits one).[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the reply. ya i stopped tonight, none new at the closest store, may try a diff store tomorrow.
I would say it is very much worth $10. The combat is interesting and fun (at least when you reach Chapter 11 and fight the more difficult bosses) and the characters aren't bad. Lightning
[quote name='speedracer']It's an interesting new combat mechanic wrapped in one of the worst JRPG stories ever. The characters are awful. Notice how nobody, not even the fanboys, have said a word about the story or characters? Tells you something?

JRPGs are failing because they are failing to create a compelling experience. They're equal parts story/character and battle mechanic. FFXIII brutally murdered 50% of the experience right out of the gate. IMO, the VERY intriguing battle mechanic couldn't drown out the awful that was that convoluted, boring story arc.

Hell, at this point I'd grab it for a $10 spot just to see what the bitching is all about.

/I never thought someone could be more of a whiny bitch in an FF game than Tidus. Then Hope raised the bar into the stratosphere.[/QUOTE]

The story wasn't very good, but I have yet to play any JRPG this generation that has even close to being called decent. At least Square made the game "fun", which is what I'm mainly concerned about seeing as how that's what you do 90% of the game...
I picked this up used last night at my Gamestop. At first one of the employees said the price was only for PS3. I told them that's not what the website says, they checked and finally just scanned the game (duh'r) and it was in fact $8.99. I had a 20% off birthday coupon so after that and taxes it was $7 and change.
i wouldn't buy this for $10 either. I played the demo and as soon as a little bird came out of one of the main guy's afro's, I quit out and deleted it. IMO, FFX was the last "acceptable" Final Fantasy. Since then, they've released nothing but garbage.
My Experience with FFXIII (old school 8/16bit fan)
First 30 hours (gameplay overly automated - it almost plays itself.)
Second 30 hours (This is best rpg battle system I've played! Lot's of tense moments and I like being able to upgrade the equipment/accessories I prefer.)
[quote name='Greatwhitecoley']All JRPG are basically long hallways, the only difference is that this one removed the town so you just don't have the illusion of non-linearity.[/QUOTE]

EXACTLY! Somebody gets it!

If you can get past linearity, you'll find a really really fun battle system that's extremely rewarding. And this game is incredibly beautiful, like holy shit beautiful.
[quote name='Insane dead']The one I got wasn't sealed. It was just like taped shut.[/QUOTE]

They tried to sell me the same thing. Not sure how this is considered "new".
[quote name='deftoast']My Experience with FFXIII (old school 8/16bit fan)
First 30 hours (gameplay overly automated - it almost plays itself.)
Second 30 hours (This is best rpg battle system I've played! Lot's of tense moments and I like being able to upgrade the equipment/accessories I prefer.)[/QUOTE]

Playing itself is an awfully strong statement to make. You'll die within the first few hours if you do not watch your Paradigms.

Great game, 45 hours of RPGing for $10. Can't go wrong with at least trying it now.
[quote name='KryllFood']i wouldn't buy this for $10 either. I played the demo and as soon as a little bird came out of one of the main guy's afro's, I quit out and deleted it. IMO, FFX was the last "acceptable" Final Fantasy. Since then, they've released nothing but garbage.[/QUOTE]

I bought it at launch, played for about 10 hours, and then quit. I can see why people would like it, and perhaps my expectations were too high, but it just didn't do anything for me.

It's like dating a really hot chick in high school. At first she's gorgeous, an absolute 10 when it comes to appearance. Then you go out on a few more dates, start noticing that she's kind of shallow. And by the time a month or so goes by, you realize there's no depth to her, no matter how good looking she may be, and that she's actually very boring.

But, for ~$10, it's worth a quick romp.
OK, so this will probably get laughed out of the thread...but, does the battle system compare to Blue Dragon? I don't normally like JRPGs but that is the only one I've started and finished (excluding FFVII off of PSN). I actually really enjoyed it. I hate random battles...a lot...
The battle system is extremely fast-paced and revolves around changing between pre-assigned sets of six roles that your characters can play (basically: attack, magic, defense, healing, buffing, debuffing). You only directly control the party leader and even with them you'll frequently be letting the AI choose their actions. It's got a very different feel to a typical turn-based, direct control system. It's a step removed since the AI is controlling so much of the specifics, but it also feels very hands-on since in many battles you'll be changing your roles many times in the space of a few seconds.
just wanted to say enjoy getting the gutted copies if you find one in store, because it's OOS online right now
[quote name='CaoPi']just wanted to say enjoy getting the gutted copies if you find one in store, because it's OOS online right now[/QUOTE]

And here is the standard "gutted" copy post. Never fails to show up on a GameStop thread. Don't like, don't buy and SFTU.
[quote name='oasisboy']And here is the standard "gutted" copy post. Never fails to show up on a GameStop thread. Don't like, don't buy and SFTU.[/QUOTE]

Yeah...SFTU...Stop Fleeing The Underverse. (best i could think of lol)
Just got a used copy. Question- Are all three discs supposed to be stacked on top of each other in one holder, or is it like rage or la noire where each disc gets a holder?
[quote name='Royal High Knight']Just got a used copy. Question- Are all three discs supposed to be stacked on top of each other in one holder, or is it like rage or la noire where each disc gets a holder?[/QUOTE]

They are all stacked.
I went to best buy to price match gamestop and it worked. Got a brand new and sealed copy for $9.99.
Shit I might do that then. I hate when the guy tells you to go get the sued box off the shelf and use that. The box was beat the fuck up and the discs were type scratched to death. Im going to see if I can price match this at BB.
This game isn't bad. It's just nothing compared to the legendary FF titles, like IX.

This game is extremely repetitive, streamlined, lacks exploration, freedom, the battle system is incredibly sub-par, has no towns and some terrible characters.

That said, the battle system is still fun, the visuals are amazing, some characters are great (Fang, Lightning, Sahz), and when the game finally opens up, there's quite a bit of fun to be had with questing.

I payed full price for this game, and played all the way through it, including all of the quests at the end. I don't regret buying it, cause I had fun, but again, this game is nothing compared to the great FFs.
[quote name='AugustAPC']This game isn't bad. It's just nothing compared to the legendary FF titles, like IX.

This game is extremely repetitive, streamlined, lacks exploration, freedom, the battle system is incredibly sub-par, has no towns and some terrible characters.

That said, the battle system is still fun, the visuals are amazing, some characters are great (Fang, Lightning, Sahz), and when the game finally opens up, there's quite a bit of fun to be had with questing.

I payed full price for this game, and played all the way through it, including all of the quests at the end. I don't regret buying it, cause I had fun, but again, this game is nothing compared to the great FFs.[/QUOTE]

I agree, the game really opens up once you get into Gran Pulse and obtain a Chocobo after the 10th Cieth stone mission... but then once you reach into Edens area, thats when things get ridiculously hard :hot:
[quote name='oasisboy']And here is the standard "gutted" copy post. Never fails to show up on a GameStop thread. Don't like, don't buy and SFTU.[/QUOTE]

I already have a non-GH one, was just giving a heads up, and thanks for the douchbagging response
[quote name='Vanacloud']I agree, the game really opens up once you get into Gran Pulse and obtain a Chocobo after the 10th Cieth stone mission... but then once you reach into Edens area, thats when things get ridiculously hard :hot:[/QUOTE]

I couldn't remember the name of anything from this game, lol. I remember Fal'cie, L'cie and that's about it. Really, the story was pretty bad and the names were confusing.

I think my favorite part of the game was doing those trials, where you entered different portals. The last one was wicked tough.
Things I liked about this game :

The opening credits with the FF theme.

Things I didn't like about this game :

Everything that came afterwards.

For the record, I have been a huge JRPG fan since I got an NES when I was 5 23 years ago. This game is the only one in the either the numbered series(including the much maligned II) or its multiple spinoffs I could not bring myself to finish. It is an example of everything that is wrong with Squeenix(FF14 botched launch? Where is Kingdom Hearts 3?) and one of the biggest reflections on the failings of Japanese RPGs to keep up with western ones in the last 5 years.

I have played a JRPG I enjoyed since(Tales of Vesperia). Just not one that Square has had a hand in.

This game isn't worth $10. Save the $10 and go watch a movie and take your portable gaming platform and play a few minutes every 20 minutes or so but don't get too involved in the game. It'll be the same experience and maybe the popcorn will be good too.
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[quote name='WTPolaris']Things I liked about this game :

The opening credits with the FF theme.

Things I didn't like about this game :

Everything that came afterwards.

For the record, I have been a huge JRPG fan since I got an NES when I was 5 23 years ago. This game is the only one in the either the numbered series(including the much maligned II) or its multiple spinoffs I could not bring myself to finish. It is an example of everything that is wrong with Squeenix(FF14 botched launch? Where is Kingdom Hearts 3?) and one of the biggest reflections on the failings of Japanese RPGs to keep up with western ones in the last 5 years.

...and for the record, I have played a JRPG I enjoyed since. Just not one that Square has had a hand in.[/QUOTE]

The opening credits with the FF theme and the chapter 12-1 cutscene were the most memorable for me playing FF13. Decided to pick it up again since its only $10.
Just started playing the game tonight (again after original 20 or so hours back on 360 a long time ago). I still don't understand all of the hate this game gets. Sure the story/characters are not so great (Like mostly anything that comes out of Japan these days), but the game is actually a lot of fun (I play games to have fun, not to be bored lol). I haven't read anything about FFXIII-2, but I'm hoping they kept the combat mechanics as they are the best thing to come from a JRPG this generation in my opinion.
I remember playing this and getting stuck on some boss pretty early on and after hours of trying to beat it and failing, I just gave up on it. i plan to eventually get back to it, and now with internet access i can just look up how to beat the boss, but i was incredibly frustrated and put off on it for the longest time.
My opinion, its not worth it.

I played the 1st 20 hours of the game, stopped and sold it. I play video games because I want an interactive movie feel. If I wanted to read a manual for 20 hours I would read a book. I read books for characters and plot. This didn't even have that, it was playing an interactive manual titled FFXIII: The manual.

All the recommendations are for the music and visuals. The plot, exploration, summons, characters, everything that made FF great was not there.

There is a reason why this game is this low. Almost every other FF game is hard to find and somewhat desirable/set cost to obtain, this keeps getting lowered in price.
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[quote name='nixmahn']
There is a reason why this game is this low. Almost every other FF game is hard to find and somewhat desirable/set cost to obtain, this keeps getting lowered in price.[/QUOTE]

Maybe it's because games are so massively produced these days, it being multiplatform, etc
bread's done