Final Fantasy III


So I bought FF3 a long time ago during a PSN square sale. The other day I finally got around to firing it up.

It truly is a beautiful looking game, think FF7 or Chrono Cross but with PS2 graphics.

One thing though, they may have went new school on the art side of the game but the battle system and encounters are old school all the way and VERY punishing. People these days complain sometimes when areas of a game are roped off until you progress a little. Well here in this game you can get your ass owned right out of the gate on the world map if you head west instead of South. They didn't block off the area and if you didn't save prior to your total annihilation then tough, time to relive somethings as punishment.

It's refreshing and shocking as I've grown accustomed to being spoon fed in most games. I'm really digging this and the dialogue has been rewritten and is more up to par with what you would expect from say FF5. If your an old school FF fan then this one is worth picking up on PSN for you PSP, PSV or Vita TV.
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