Final Fantasy Opinions?


Has anyone here played "the Final Fantasy Legend" or "Final Fantasy Adventure" or "Final Fantasy Legend III" for the game boy? I saw them at my local EB yesterday, and I wasn't sure if I should buy them . . .

Voice your opinions, and influence my wallet!
I liked those old games. I played through all four of them. I'm not a total FF freak, so if my history is slightly off, please everyone, hold off the rampant flaming.

The Final Fantasy Legend I, II, and III games were part of Square's SaGa games in Japan (some of which were released on PlayStation). These were turn-based RPG games that centered more on gameplay than story. You won't see a lot of similarities with other console FF games simply because they weren't really part of the series. If I remember correctly, Square attached the Final Fantasy moniker to the games to sell a familiar brand overseas.

Now Final Fantasy Adventure is a different monkey all together. This was Squares first adventure in the Seiken Densetsu series. Later these games became more commonly known as the Legend/Secret/Sword of Mana series. This is an action-based RPG, and is similar style gameplay to the original Zelda, or the Zelda series on GameBoy. This game was recently remade on the GBA as the Sword of Mana. New story and other updates were put in for its re-release.

All four games are worth playing. I played through FF Legend I, II and Adventure several times growing up. There is nothing totally unique about the series, but they are fun on long trips. If you do plan on purchasing Sword of Mana I would hold off buying FF Adventure since it's essentially the same game.
IMO, FF legend is a piece of crap. It's a really non-user friendly RPG. There is no defined level system and your weapon has a limit on the number of time you can use it. Really confusing, unless it was just because I was young when I played it. Adventure was one of my fave GB games though.
sword of mana is a re-make of final fantasy adv.

personally, i never liked the legends games, but adventure was ill. if you like the first zelda, you will like adventure.
FF Legend reminded me slightly of the original Final Fantasy in that it was a turn-based RPG with minimal story and a lot of repetitive battles. I enjoyed it, but I can't figure out why. It should have bored me to tears. I do have to give it credit, though, for having a really diverse class system. Not only abilities, but the actual way characters level up varies depending on the class.

And something that's kind of annoying is that weapons can only be used a certain number of times. Like in Fire Emblem.
Ooh, its a really good one.

You need items to get money, and money to get items. There are no backup attacks, so if you get low on both money and weapons you are caught in a catch-22 situation.
Oh, never thought about that. When I played, most of my characters were mutants. Mutants randomly learn skills for free, so if I ran out of weapons I just used skills.
I have FFA. I thought it was turn based and not like Zelda...

I tried to look at it a few weeks ago, and I was amazed that I ever found it entertaining. It looked pretty boring, but I'd probably just have to get into it...
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