Final Fantasy X


CAG Veteran
I skiped buying a PS2 at launch and only bought the system recently. Everyone told me this was the game to own, so I went out and picked up my copy.

Final Fantasy X is amazing, I am currently kicking myself for not playing it earlier.
Is Final Fantasy X a long game, I just don't want it to end, Oh and is Final Fantasy X-2 worth picking up?
It took me 40 hours to finish Final Fantasy X.
As for Final Fantasy X-2, I actually love that game, unlike many other gamers. The battle system is fast-paced, the "job" system gives you a ton of options and the numerous side missions will keep you busy for awhile. However, the plot is nothing to write home about, the graphics are recycled from its predecessor and the corny/poppy dialogue can be annoying at times. That didn't stop me from enjoying and finishing the game, though.
[quote name='Socheata']It took me 40 hours to finish Final Fantasy X.
As for Final Fantasy X-2, I actually love that game, unlike many other gamers. The battle system is fast-paced, the "job" system gives you a ton of options and the numerous side missions will keep you busy for awhile. However, the plot is nothing to write home about, the graphics are recycled from its predecessor and the corny/poppy dialogue can be annoying at times. That didn't stop me from enjoying and finishing the game, though.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this 100%.
if you want a "prefect game" you can play a lot longer. Too bad the US version doesnt have the extra boss in the international version.
i played final fantasy x for 80+ hours. Not since FFVII have I played an RPG where I had the drive to do absolutely everything including maxing out my characters. I only got about half way through FFX-2 though. But I just picked up the guide cheap from the brady games deal and I'm about to go through it again.
If you really wanted to, you could max out the timer on FFX.

As for liking it.... I believe you'll start out liking it, then it'll begin to feel like a weight that you just want to get rid of, then you'll put in another 25 hours since you've already devoted so much you might as well finish it.

You might end the game loving it, but it's commonly used as an example of one of the most awful stones in the downhill avalanche that is current-gen Final Fantasy.

I much more greatly recommend the new Dragon Quest 8, it's an uber-long RPG that's actually FUN to play and explore and max out. I'm 60 hours in (which is how long I took on FFX before you end it; and believe me, you don't finish FFX; you put an end to it when you can't take any more), nowhere near done, and in no way burned out on it.
Personally, FFX is one of my favorite games this generation, and it's my favorite Final Fantasy game (and yes, I did go back and play Vi and I played VII at launch). To me, I liked the story line. The characters (except for Rikku) really struck a chord with me. I don't know why (I can see people ragging on the story), but to me, it just felt right.

Overall, I think my love of X put a damper on X-2, since it couldn't possibly be as good (for me). Overall, I thought the battle system was fun, and some of the mini-games were really good (though, I was disappointed with Blitzball, I liked the X version better). But, X-2 is definitely worth playing. One major positive to X-2 (and I'm being careful to not add any spoilers) but the story is believeable in the context of the first game. You do everything in the first game, lots of sequals would say, now the enemy is twice as big in the second one, go do it all again. It isn't like that in X-2. If you can buy the story of the first one, this is a natural progression to X-2.
I did really like how you could see what order everyone would be taking their turns in, and how you could affect that order with certain moves. It really made it one of the most strategic combat systems I've played.
FF X-2 is what happens when you make a sequel that is more interested in showing off what happened to everyone than actually focusing on plot or character development. Still like most FF fans you'll probably buy it and like most of them you'll probably end up disliking it, but hey here's to $20 down the drain!

Oh and Fallout rocks.
[quote name='zionoverfire']FF X-2 is what happens when you make a sequel that is more interested in showing off what happened to everyone than actually focusing on plot or character development. Still like most FF fans you'll probably buy it and like most of them you'll probably end up disliking it, but hey here's to $20 down the drain!

Oh and Fallout rocks.[/QUOTE]
or $5
Played X 3 times, me and some friends beat it over new years week last time. 1 week, 65 hours logged lol. X-2 blew. It plays a little smoother than X as long as you dont try and make all of them good in every job but i couldnt get into the story at all.
That's another thing I don't get: spectator RGP playing. Most RPGs get tedious enough when I'm playing them, I can't imagine watching someone play one.
I'm having a great time with Final Fantasy X so far. At the moment I'm 23 hours into the game, just entered the Calm Lands.
I'm planning to get this game soon (I also am behind times), so I can jump and scream in a girly tone like everyone else! :)
Final Fantasy X hit the red clock limit for me at 99 hours. I spent a lot of time doing all the power-up things, most my time was spent playing Blitz for Wakka's Overdrive. FFX is a great game- the entire reason I bought a PS2 (besides Devil May Cry).

Personally I didn't like X-2 at all-- It just didn't have the same sort of driving storyline emphasis , and made me bored too quickly. I thought the Sphere Grid was better than Job system, but i really can't say as I never finished the game.

Good purchase.
It seems I must be in the minority opinion then.

I got bored of FFX and stopped. I have dificulty tolerating the linearity of walking from point A to point B (which are marked on my little map in the corner), without a real world map, unless its a Strategy RPG and the depth of the battles make up for it. The story was fine, I just dont think it was told very well.
[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']Final Fantasy X hit the red clock limit for me at 99 hours.[/QUOTE]

That can't be right. Do you mean to say 999 hours instead? Because my save file, at the moment, is at 108+ hours.
[quote name='Socheata']That can't be right. Do you mean to say 999 hours instead? Because my save file, at the moment, is at 108+ hours.[/QUOTE]

Hah, no-- I just stopped playing at 99 hours. :) Sorry for the confusion.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']It seems I must be in the minority opinion then.

I got bored of FFX and stopped. I have dificulty tolerating the linearity of walking from point A to point B (which are marked on my little map in the corner), without a real world map, unless its a Strategy RPG and the depth of the battles make up for it. The story was fine, I just dont think it was told very well.[/QUOTE]

You arent the only one. I've been playing the final Fantasy series since i was six years old and X was in my opinion the second weakest in the series with only X-2 behind it.
[quote name='FatBat']I skiped buying a PS2 at launch and only bought the system recently. Everyone told me this was the game to own, so I went out and picked up my copy.

Final Fantasy X is amazing, I am currently kicking myself for not playing it earlier.
Is Final Fantasy X a long game, I just don't want it to end, Oh and is Final Fantasy X-2 worth picking up?[/QUOTE]

Mm... FFX is one of the real good Rpg's and it made me almost cry at the end. I spend about 60 hours, mainly for getting some of the rare items. Especially Yunas weapon.
For one thing, the last fight is the fight you want to be prepared for. So i just recommend, that you spend some time for the special items too. It really makes it easier.
FF-X2 is the continued story. If you want to know what happen after and why, you should play this one to. Don't be confused and irritated because of the starting approache the game takes. Honestly i did not finish FF-X2, but i will. Currently i play and finish DQ8.
[quote name='lordxixor101']Personally, FFX is one of my favorite games this generation, and it's my favorite Final Fantasy game (and yes, I did go back and play Vi and I played VII at launch). To me, I liked the story line. The characters (except for Rikku) really struck a chord with me. I don't know why (I can see people ragging on the story), but to me, it just felt right.

Overall, I think my love of X put a damper on X-2, since it couldn't possibly be as good (for me). Overall, I thought the battle system was fun, and some of the mini-games were really good (though, I was disappointed with Blitzball, I liked the X version better). But, X-2 is definitely worth playing. One major positive to X-2 (and I'm being careful to not add any spoilers) but the story is believeable in the context of the first game. You do everything in the first game, lots of sequals would say, now the enemy is twice as big in the second one, go do it all again. It isn't like that in X-2. If you can buy the story of the first one, this is a natural progression to X-2.[/QUOTE]

Actually i am not quoting to this posting. Just in general.
To me FFX was the first FF i really played and it was, what i think, rpgs should look like. The story is sad, but at any point good told and the expressions are just wow.
I played also FF1&2 on the GBA and yes, these were good titles to. Well kinda more shorter. Also i play currently 4 on GBA, but little stuck in the tower on the moon. The story is also very nice and heartbeating.
FFVII and FFIX (which i did not complete so far) are good titles too. Altough i like FF9 somewhat better (because of this cute little mage).
Really touched got me FFX and DQ8 so far. But that is only a personal preference.
The bottom line is, i enjoyed all of them (even the ones i did not finished).
Because i don't want to spoil some of the issues in FFX, i don't tell them here. But in the ending, the very last moment, i got somehow confused.
I've played every Final Fantasy released in the US, pretty much in order of when they were released in the US as well. I'd have to say FFX is definitely one of the better ones. I'd rank it up there with FFVI (my personal favorite) and FFIV, which I feel had an outstanding storyline.
I bought FFX last year, played it for about 6 hours, got annoyed with the main character, and haven't played it since. Cool graphics though.
FFX was an average RPG for what it should have been. I came away very disappointed, although I did love both Auron and the Sphere Grid.
i liked final fantasy x a lot. but the thing i liked the least was the voice acting. by the end of the game if i hear someone say "ya know" again i was going to smash my tv. and its weird having wakka voiced by bender
[quote name='Zyvern']FFX was an average RPG for what it should have been. I came away very disappointed, although I did love both Auron and the Sphere Grid.[/QUOTE]

Wow, you tore the thoughts right from my head.
[quote name='IkilledLassic']I bought FFX last year, played it for about 6 hours, got annoyed with the main character, and haven't played it since. Cool graphics though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if you couldn't stand it after 6 hours, you DEFINATELY wouldn't have made it all the way through.
Mm...looks like everybody hates FFX. I loved it.
It had a real good story and was good presented.
But not anybody gets attached to the game, i guess. The last boss fight was really challenging though, but i really love the challenge. :)
Just starting playing it today for roughly an hour, I'm liking it so far even with the voice acting. Just hope this goes well with City of Villains in the future.
[quote name='yester']Mm...looks like everybody hates FFX. I loved it.
It had a real good story and was good presented.
But not anybody gets attached to the game, i guess. The last boss fight was really challenging though, but i really love the challenge. :)[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say everyone hates it..seems like there are more people responding positively than negatively.

I also wouldn't say the last boss was much of a challenge, at least IMO..pretty standard fare.
So are the graphics still any good? It's an 01 release so I'm kind of unsure. The screenshots, although which always make all games look pixelated, don't look very well done.
[quote name='Moxio']So are the graphics still any good? It's an 01 release so I'm kind of unsure. The screenshots, although which always make all games look pixelated, don't look very well done.[/QUOTE]

they are a bit jaggy, like there's not much AA on them, but still look pretty nice. the environments still look great.
The FMVs are still amazing. In-game is pretty "meh" but I attribute it to the PS2 rather than the age of the graphics. In many portions the line between a pre-rendered FMV and an in-game cutscene is blurred.
[quote name='Zyvern']I wouldn't say everyone hates it..seems like there are more people responding positively than negatively.

I also wouldn't say the last boss was much of a challenge, at least IMO..pretty standard fare.[/QUOTE]

I believe it was the middle portion, or 2nd fight of the ending string of fights that annoyed this Horse. Either way I was still a fan of the game. The only negative part was that I had to really rush through it as I was home for a week, staying with my friend and cruised through the game in that week before I went back to college. I have the game and a ps2 myself now, but I've yet to replay the whole thing.
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