Finally a wireless nunchuck

Mad D

10 (100%)

so the wireless nunchuk connects to the wireless receiver attached to the wireless wiimote, which connects to the wii. wow.
Meh. The Nunchuk cord never got in my way. You would think Nyko would make a Classic Controller like this. Setting the Wiimote next to the console sounds way better than setting it in your lap.

[quote name='ITDEFX']but will this work with the Zapper?[/quote]

Of course! You'll just need an adaptor wire.

Sold separately.
[quote name='banpeikun']so the wireless nunchuk connects to the wireless receiver attached to the wireless wiimote, which connects to the wii. wow.[/QUOTE]
What, did you expect it to connect with rainbows and magic instead of a receiver?
Might be fun to have on hand, but that's going to add to battery usage/loss.

Eh. I might try it out if it's only a few bucks more than a first party nunchuk.

Though, I question any third party's ability to mimic the motion capability.

Also, yes please on a wireless VC controller with IR ability, so that I could start up my system all with one unit.
While I quite like the idea of a wireless nunchuk, I'll wait for Nintendo to do one first party. Nyko is certainly better than MadCatz, though not by much.
[quote name='Liquid 2']What, did you expect it to connect with rainbows and magic instead of a receiver?[/quote]

nah i expected to see crayons and glue! with some orange construction paper :D
[quote name='CYRiX']because one cord is too much.[/quote]While I wouldn't buy a wireless nunchuk, I've whipped myself in the face with the chord a few times during Wii Sports and Godfather.
[quote name='Liquid 2']What, did you expect it to connect with rainbows and magic instead of a receiver?[/quote]

They could have used twine and paper cups. Technically, twine isn't a wire.
[quote name='The Crotch']While I wouldn't buy a wireless nunchuk, I've whipped myself in the face with the chord a few times during Wii Sports and Godfather.[/QUOTE]

lets not forget Mario and Sonic.....pumping those controllers and yea your gonna get smacked by that cord :|
The cord is kinda obtrusive... in fact, I would definitely buy this if it worked well.

But the thing is, it won't. It'll work like sh*t, like all third party stuff.

I just don't see why in hell's name they had to make the nunchuk wired. (And more importantly, why the hell the Classic controller has to be wired.) Nintendo should just release a wireless Classic controller- the wireless nunchuk can wait.
[quote name='Liquid 2']What, did you expect it to connect with rainbows and magic instead of a receiver?[/QUOTE]

I was thinking a wire.
[quote name='The Crotch']While I wouldn't buy a wireless nunchuk, I've whipped myself in the face with the chord a few times during Wii Sports and Godfather.[/quote]
But you're an idiot. :lol:

I wouldn't buy this if they paid me.
Funny thread.

Anyway... I can see it now. Wii were playing and not only did the remote "slip" out of our hand and hit the HDTV, but the wireless nunchuck too. lool
Well of COURSE Nintendo will release a wireless nunchuk AND classic controller. Let's see..they both cost $19.99. So, instead of releasing the wireless ones at around $20 and lowering the other prices...they will most likely release these new wireless ones at $30ish. That is, after they made even more of a killing in profits on the 'chuk & CC. This way, millions upon millions will double, triple, or even quadruple (?) dip and buy these for more $$.

And yet, I know I would still get them, because I always thought that cord WAS always in the way.

Oh by the way, a year after that happens.. they will be re-released with new colors. /Win
[quote name='lilboo']Well of COURSE Nintendo will release a wireless nunchuk AND classic controller. Let's see..they both cost $19.99. So, instead of releasing the wireless ones at around $20 and lowering the other prices...they will most likely release these new wireless ones at $30ish. That is, after they made even more of a killing in profits on the 'chuk & CC. This way, millions upon millions will double, triple, or even quadruple (?) dip and buy these for more $$.

And yet, I know I would still get them, because I always thought that cord WAS always in the way.

Oh by the way, a year after that happens.. they will be re-released with new colors. /Win[/QUOTE]

Lilboo, the amazing fortune teller :D
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