Thanks for the contest! Good luck to you all.
karekano126 CAGiversary! Feedback 14 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,651 Thanks for the contest! Good luck to you all.
zaw73 CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,652 This would make it easier to upgrade my Elite to Slim...
A Arrog CAG Veteran Aug 11, 2010 #9,654 hope I win something - don't know why I never noticed this before.
N necrojustice CAGiversary! Feedback 31 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,657 I'm always excited for Friday just in case
R Retom7 CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,661 I really need to win this! Too much coming out too quickly!!! I can't keep up.
CapAmerica CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,663 I really hope I win! I haven't bought a new (or used) game in a while
Fergywan CAGiversary! Feedback 189 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,666 I just got a Gamestop where I live. Could be a nice way to visit.
J jaystaeb8 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,673 Ooops < i guess I should have looked sooner I thought I had all tickets except twitter.
W Worldcrafter CAG Veteran Aug 11, 2010 #9,679 Is this thread secretly designed to stress test the servers?
au7oma7ic CAGiversary! Feedback 34 (94%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,683 heres to hoping I win. I want to donate something to teh childrens hospital in hartford. I used to remember loving getting injured so I could go there and rock out to megaman x for the SNES. good times.
heres to hoping I win. I want to donate something to teh childrens hospital in hartford. I used to remember loving getting injured so I could go there and rock out to megaman x for the SNES. good times.
B bcjohnnie CAG Veteran Aug 11, 2010 #9,690 Great, I could always use more money for games, especially with the fall coming up.
W wiedergod CAG Veteran Aug 11, 2010 #9,693 I have been putting every dime I make to the cost of my wedding coming up.... This could keep me in my gaming hobby
I have been putting every dime I make to the cost of my wedding coming up.... This could keep me in my gaming hobby
F Feist77 CAG Veteran Aug 11, 2010 #9,695 I hope I win, but the most I have ever won on anything is a buy-one-get-one on a soda cap.
Raymond CAGiversary! Feedback 11 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,696 I never won anything. I'm not expecting to win this with my 7 tickets.
KhrevalBruuk CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Aug 11, 2010 #9,700 [quote name='limitationrh']Cant believe how long i waited to enter[/QUOTE] Ibidem.