Awesome contest, Cheapy :) Good luck to all!
PR Mega X CAGiversary! Feedback 16 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,051 Awesome contest, Cheapy Good luck to all!
blackjaw CAGiversary! Feedback 50 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,055 I don't care what anyone says, I've always enjoyed EB/GS.
RAY16 CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,062 Getting in my comment entry and saying thanks for the opportunity. I don't expect to win, but by god that won't stop me from trying.
Getting in my comment entry and saying thanks for the opportunity. I don't expect to win, but by god that won't stop me from trying.
S sherisdoppel CAGiversary! Feedback 34 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,066 This is really a great contribution to the community. Thanks CheapyD for everything.
XxFuRy2Xx CAGiversary! Feedback 18 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,070 Thanks for the contest, could always add some free stuff to the collection.
S SWise CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #1,071 This is pretty cool.. too bad Iv never won a thing in my life.
kiLLaH_FOB CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,072 Thanks Cheapy! Hopefully i'm one of the lucky ones this time around. Good luck everyone
S skate92695 CAG Veteran Feedback 1 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,073 hopes i winss thisss good luck to eveyone else
dork CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,078 lost my job where i used to be able to rent games for free, now i have to buy them and have no money
K koyettsu CAG Veteran May 11, 2010 #1,079 Hell yea I am all about gift cards that let me buy video games!!!
rawr90 CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #1,080 Hooray more free stuff, but I hope wishlist Wednesdays makes a triumphant return.
N nogard CAGiversary! Feedback 20 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,086 Looks easy enough to win, good luck people.
weaponomega2x CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,089 Awesome contest! Thanks Cheapy and thanks to Gamestop, too! Good luck to everyone!
discordman CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,090 Wow, amazing. congrats on the sponsorship!
X xlaxparkax CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 11, 2010 #1,093 Quoiting from that great urban poet, Rick Ross: "Hustlin' hustlin' hustlin' hustlin' hustlin'..."
Buuhan1 CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #1,095 What's more awesome than awesome contests? Winning said awesome contests, goodluck everyone!
M MattNortnic CAGiversary! May 11, 2010 #1,098 Sweet contest. Didn't win the last one. I hope I do this time.