Entered the contest. Crossing my fingers. Good luck to everyone!
S Spoonybard CAG Veteran Oct 13, 2010 #12,451 Entered the contest. Crossing my fingers. Good luck to everyone!
C Cirno of ⑨ CAG Veteran Oct 13, 2010 #12,463 Grats to those who've won so far, and I too hope i can join that lovely pool
G grrouchie CAGiversary! Feedback 8 (100%) Oct 13, 2010 #12,473 CAG is the first site I check ever day when I wake up, is that wrong?
J Jackel09 CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Oct 13, 2010 #12,477 Thanks for putting on such an awesome giveaway.
Jn64lover CAG Veteran Oct 13, 2010 #12,482 Didn't know about this until today, but what a great contest, CAG is awesome!
monsterjoe77 CAGiversary! Oct 13, 2010 #12,489 i wasn't aware of this until just now. that's what i get for not paying attention i guess. i hope i win!
i wasn't aware of this until just now. that's what i get for not paying attention i guess. i hope i win!
Spanky CAGiversary! Feedback 50 (100%) Oct 13, 2010 #12,490 [quote name='Jn64lover']Didn't know about this until today, but what a great contest, CAG is awesome![/QUOTE] Same here. Just entered now. Wish I would have done so earlier.
[quote name='Jn64lover']Didn't know about this until today, but what a great contest, CAG is awesome![/QUOTE] Same here. Just entered now. Wish I would have done so earlier.
Burning Karma A pain so heavy I could collapse Feedback 9 (100%) Oct 13, 2010 #12,492 Good luck to all who have entered! Winning one of these gift cards could definitely help.