Yay for raffles.
T thetriscuit CAG Veteran May 12, 2010 #2,958 I would say something to try and make it seem like I'm not just commenting here to get that last entry ticket, but that's exactly what I'm doing. So, at least I'm honest, right?
I would say something to try and make it seem like I'm not just commenting here to get that last entry ticket, but that's exactly what I'm doing. So, at least I'm honest, right?
cgarb84 CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) May 12, 2010 #2,959 I might as well increase my chances from no shot in hell to extremely unlikely/ a snowballs chance in hell.
I might as well increase my chances from no shot in hell to extremely unlikely/ a snowballs chance in hell.
biscuit CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) May 12, 2010 #2,963 CheapyD runs the best gaming website out there. Thanks for the chance to win!!
G Gears24 CAGiversary! Feedback 24 (100%) May 12, 2010 #2,971 Are you Entered automatically into this sorry if its been asked just wondering thanks!
foreverjoe20 CAGiversary! Feedback 236 (100%) May 12, 2010 #2,974 Thank you for all these contests !!!
ubernes CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 12, 2010 #2,980 Neat idea with the raffle tickets. Here goes nothing!
AuXoIs CAGiversary! May 12, 2010 #2,981 This would really be nice to win. Got no money to keep up with all these games. -_-
Gooney Gu Gu CAGiversary! May 12, 2010 #2,984 These contests have been really great, thanks to both Cheapy D and GameStop for doing this for the CAG community.
These contests have been really great, thanks to both Cheapy D and GameStop for doing this for the CAG community.
jstew9 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) May 12, 2010 #2,986 I must say, Gamestop seems to want to keep a good thing going here at CAG!
FLiPPiN_OuT CAGiversary! Feedback 17 (100%) May 12, 2010 #2,989 Cool... more reason for me to pick up things I've been lookin at for awhile.
1 125125 CAGiversary! May 12, 2010 #2,993 Cheapy so many contests the past couple of months we are going to need to change your name to something else.
Cheapy so many contests the past couple of months we are going to need to change your name to something else.
J JustinLH1125 CAGiversary! May 12, 2010 #2,996 Hope I win, I could use a new game being unemployed and a soon to be student.
J JudeanPeoplesFront CAG Veteran May 12, 2010 #2,997 Been following you on Twitter for awhile, but this got me to finally sign up. Thanks for the contest opportunity.
Been following you on Twitter for awhile, but this got me to finally sign up. Thanks for the contest opportunity.