Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon DS $27.99 Pre-order Amazon

why i do not think the game is worth it ..

1... the game levels are cap meaning level 20 is the highest your troops will get (unless you upgrade then you can take them to level 20 once again) Meaning you cant level grind

2. tons of more RPG games coming in the next 2 months

my world my way FEB 3
Ys books Feb 10
dragon quest 5 feb 17
blue dragon feb 24
FF echos
pokemon both in march
and that sulk. game

that is 8 games that im looking at and probally will buy at least 3..... right now DQ 5, Ys and pokemon

will probally rent or pick up FE for 2o or under knowing how amazon loves to drop prices

also i still have Chorno trigger and star ocean 2 (HOPE TO GET TODAY) and about 15 other rpg games to play i have now
[quote name='ZForce']Actually, MSRP is 34.99 according to Gamestop, so that's actually a pretty good deal[/quote]GS is notorious for jacking up MSRP's on DS titles by $5, so that's no surprise they have it at $34.99 "MSRP".

$27.99 w/FSSS and no tax for most, that's good deal for a launch title.
[quote name='slidecage']why i do not think the game is worth it ..

1... the game levels are cap meaning level 20 is the highest your troops will get (unless you upgrade then you can take them to level 20 once again) Meaning you cant level grind

2. tons of more RPG games coming in the next 2 months

my world my way FEB 3
Ys books Feb 10
dragon quest 5 feb 17
blue dragon feb 24
FF echos
pokemon both in march
and that sulk. game

that is 8 games that im looking at and probally will buy at least 3..... right now DQ 5, Ys and pokemon

will probally rent or pick up FE for 2o or under knowing how amazon loves to drop prices

also i still have Chorno trigger and star ocean 2 (HOPE TO GET TODAY) and about 15 other rpg games to play i have now[/quote]

You think My World My Way is going to be better than Fire Emblem? :whistle2:s
[quote name='nucleartrask']You think My World My Way is going to be better than Fire Emblem? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

it be something different... already own both FE on the GBA. the one on the cube and the one on the wii

im sure FE will be better but it will be the same old same ol..... i will probally rent all 8 of those games off gamefly

i just think FE will be very short since it came out long ago and i dont remember the NES games being that long
I was thinking of preordering this at GS to get the free art cell, but now it begs the question is the art cell worth $7 (the price difference)? Hmmm.
[quote name='slidecage']why i do not think the game is worth it ..

1... the game levels are cap meaning level 20 is the highest your troops will get (unless you upgrade then you can take them to level 20 once again) Meaning you cant level grind [/quote]

This is nothing new to Fire Emblem fans. If you already like Fire Emblem, this one should be just as good as the other GBA versions.

I already have mine reserved at GameStop, but I'll probably just cancel it. $35 is asking too much.
[quote name='slidecage']why i do not think the game is worth it ..

1... the game levels are cap meaning level 20 is the highest your troops will get (unless you upgrade then you can take them to level 20 once again) Meaning you cant level grind [/quote]

What? I can't be the only one who thinks this is NOT a bad thing.
FE for the win, it was one of the greatest GBA games. No level grinding and an actual caring about every move you make and deaths that actually stay dead is what I love about FE
i would recommend checking out the screenshots... they switched to what looks like prerendered sprites and to me it's significantly more blah looking than the GBA iterations...
[quote name='deftoast']i would recommend checking out the screenshots... they switched to what looks like prerendered sprites and to me it's significantly more blah looking than the GBA iterations...[/quote]

I would agree, though I'll still buy it regardless. Beautiful hand-drawn 2D animation for the win. :(
[quote name='deftoast']i would recommend checking out the screenshots... they switched to what looks like prerendered sprites and to me it's significantly more blah looking than the GBA iterations...[/quote]
All the previews I've read have said that the game looks significantly better in motion than it does in still screenshots.
[quote name='deftoast']i would recommend checking out the screenshots... they switched to what looks like prerendered sprites and to me it's significantly more blah looking than the GBA iterations...[/quote]

Oh well if the graphics are no good, certainly the game is of no value to me. :roll:
[quote name='slidecage']why i do not think the game is worth it ..

1... the game levels are cap meaning level 20 is the highest your troops will get (unless you upgrade then you can take them to level 20 once again) Meaning you cant level grind


Have you even played a Fire Emblem game? I don't see where that's a set back in the older FE titles.
[quote name='Josef']I was thinking of preordering this at GS to get the free art cell, but now it begs the question is the art cell worth $7 (the price difference)? Hmmm.[/quote]
For now it is. If I'm unimpressed with the art cell, it will go back to the store and I'll save $7 at Amazon.

Slidecage, you just said Fire Emblem isn't worth it because it's Fire Emblem.
[quote name='SirChadlyOC']This is nothing new to Fire Emblem fans. If you already like Fire Emblem, this one should be just as good as the other GBA versions.[/QUOTE]Exactly. My only hesitation is that it's gonna be an old-school Fire Emblem, so it won't have support conversations and such. I really missed that in Radiant Dawn.

[quote name='slidecage']2. tons of more RPG games coming in the next 2 months

my world my way FEB 3
Ys books Feb 10
dragon quest 5 feb 17
blue dragon feb 24
FF echos
pokemon both in march
and that sulk. game

also i still have Chorno trigger and star ocean 2 (HOPE TO GET TODAY) and about 15 other rpg games to play i have now[/QUOTE]Are any of those games even comparable to Fire Emblem? You listed a bunch of JRPGs, and FE is a strategy RPG, which is totally different.
this game is pure ownage
I played the GBA one and I loved it. I've been waiting for the DS one as well. I think unless you've actually played the previous versions, you can't judge. :)
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Exactly. My only hesitation is that it's gonna be an old-school Fire Emblem, so it won't have support conversations and such. I really missed that in Radiant Dawn.

Are any of those games even comparable to Fire Emblem? You listed a bunch of JRPGs, and FE is a strategy RPG, which is totally different.[/QUOTE]

no my pts was with limited cash and all of these other games coming out i would probally rather have its a tough call...

Though i just sold a Marvel vs capcom 2 for 99 bucks on amazon so it gives me more cash, BUT i just picked up star ocean 2 off gamefly for 22 shipped.

by the time i get around to playing this it probally be less then 28..... and i could always rent it off gamefly.

i wonder how long the game is since it was release on the japan nes, i dont think it will be that long of a game ..

+++ i still have RONDO of swords to play what is mostly just somewhat like
Newegg has the same deal, which is great for me because I have to pay sales tax on Amazon but not Newegg. Plus Newegg's free shipping is UPS 3-Day, as opposed to Super Saver.

I pre-ordered Fire Emblem and DQV ($36.99 just like Amazon), which come out the same week, and will keep me busy for a long time after that.
[quote name='slidecage']
i wonder how long the game is since it was release on the japan nes, i dont think it will be that long of a game ..

First of all, just because it was an NES game doesn't mean it can't be ridiculously long.

Second of all, it's a remake of both the first and second games in one.
[quote name='Vegan']First of all, just because it was an NES game doesn't mean it can't be ridiculously long.

Second of all, it's a remake of both the first and second games in one.[/QUOTE]

i think if i can dump my star ocean 2 for the psp off before this come out i might grab it

forgot that the star ocean 2 psp game was just a Pure port of the ps1 game
[quote name='Vegan']
Second of all, it's a remake of both the first and second games in one.[/QUOTE]

Really? Oh snap. How did I not know this? Awesome.
[quote name='SirChadlyOC']Really? Oh snap. How did I not know this? Awesome.[/QUOTE]

are you sure your talking about Fire emblem. Nintendo power said it was a remake of the FIRST one.

you might be thinking of Y's Book 1 and 2 what is a remake of the first two games.

IF i knew for a fact it was 2 games i would run out and preorder this game today...

Tempted to run out and preorder Ys but hopefully the price falls before it comes out on amazon cause i almost know for a fact that Y's will crash in vaule very very quick

found off gamefaqs

If you love the FE series, you will definitely want to get this game despite the few cons. This game is actually the remake of FE1, which explains why some of the above points score lower.

so it seems its only the First one not the 2nd
[quote name='SirChadlyOC']This is nothing new to Fire Emblem fans. If you already like Fire Emblem, this one should be just as good as the other GBA versions.

I already have mine reserved at GameStop, but I'll probably just cancel it. $35 is asking too much.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I don't understand the logic of that, especially since he mentioned having other games in the series. It's like saying that this game won't be good because of permanent deaths. :/
over on gamefaqs some are saying if you played FE before the game is only about 8 to 10 hours

if that is right then it will be worth a rental ,,, nowhere worth a purchase at 27.. maybe sub 20 i will grab it
I'm a sucker for FE games, must have played those 1st 2 on GBA each about 4x, so this for me is a no-brainer. Who cares if it's 8 or 10 hours, if I play it 4x like the other ones, that comes out to 32-40hours. Easy call for me. Thanks OP!

Why Nintendo has slept on this series for the handheld market for so long is beyond me. Get to it!:bouncy:
[quote name='destro4eva']Who cares if it's 8 or 10 hours, if I play it 4x like the other ones, that comes out to 32-40hours. Easy call for me. Thanks OP!

Precisely. A game of chess or a game of baseball only lasts a couple hours, but people play those all their lives.
I thought it was a remake of FE6 (Marth's story) on the SNES which is ridiculously hard (substitute hard for challenging for most gamers). No Fire Emblem game has grinding as there are only a set number of campaigns and you can NOT revisit an older one after you have finished it.

IF I remember correctly, FE6 is the sequel to FE7. The first FE on the GBA and the first FE to be released in the US.

8-10 hours is not right since most of the time you will actually replay a level several times so that you may beat it with no casualties. FE has permadeath so if any member of your army dies in the battle they die for good. The hame continues as long as the lord (main character) does not die. You are given several choices to collect army members (sometimes you recruit members of the opposing force).

I have really enjoyed every single FE (FE6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Its on my must buy list but I am going to wait a while since I already have a lot of unopened games from November. I am yet to buy Valkyria Chronicles as well.
bread's done