Fire Pro Wrestling R ($8.98/$10.98/$13.98 @ FamilyVideo) (Amazon/Buy/Agetec shipping)

Sofa King Cheap

16 (100%)
11/15 Edit:,, and are shipping out orders.

11/12 Edit: We have a new lowest price after coupon or without coupon (thanks CAG IAmTheCheapestGamer) :

$10.98 after using coupon code NEWMEM3F (for existing accounts only, and not new members? Still works for me as of 11/14 at 10:30 PM EST)

$13.98 without the coupon code.

There is also some $5 off codes for new members that might not work anymore:


If anyone can confirm that they work, give the heads up.


11/11 Edit: Some notes about the release:

The localization producer from Agetec has stated that November 13th is the *ship date* and most stores will not have it in stock on that exact date, but a couple of days later. I guess that means online orders will ship 2 or 3 days later, as well.

For those looking for it in B&M stores, he also stated:

"Actually, Best Buy is a great place place to buy the title at the CL.
Others good places are Gamestop, Blockbuster, K-mart, Freds, Kaybee Toys, Amazon and of course Agetec’s webstore."

CL = checkout lane.

Edit: Some new screenshots are up at Agetec's site:

Edit: A Localization Producer for Agetec has confirmed the release date as being 11/13 (thanks CAG dopehat):

Latest Edit: looks to have the cheapest non-promo/non-coupon related price at $14.13 shipped:

Also, most e-tailers are giving this an early November release date of November 6th.

Edit: Agetec has added new box art and has included a video of the game to their website:

I was hesitant to post this here in the deals forum because it looks like the game will MSRP for under $15 and the links provided below really aren't deals off of that price. However, since Victorious Boxers 2 got CAG love in the VG deals forum here, I'd figure I'd spread the news to fellow bargain hunters looking for a good cheap game. Not to mention if this sells well, it helps the cause for future Spike wrestling games to come to North America.

Anyway, it looks like the critically acclaimed Fire Pro Wrestling Returns from the beloved Fire Pro series of wrestling games (Japan based) is being released in North America with a bargain bin price of around $15 and should be out in mid to late November for the PS2. There is already a CAG forum post about the game here (thread started by CAG pete5883):

The game is up for pre-order here: $12.99 (Nov 14th) sales rank as of 9/9 = 709 $14.99 (Nov 27th) sales rank as of 9/9 = 566 $12.99/12.74 (Nov 14th)

With that price point, buy one for Christmas for everyone you know who has a PS2 or PS3 . :)
[quote name='aniousjoe']not in the past, but it should be safe to assume not now, either. unfortunate, but maybe that's what's next for the next-gen consoles... ;)[/QUOTE]

I thought "Final Fire Pro Wrestling" (a way better FPW2 for GBA), was supposed to be the last Fire Pro game ever?
[quote name='darkwingduck13']There's cheap, and then there's stupid. It would be stupid to pass on this title even at full price if you're a wrestling fan. I still can't believe it even got picked up for a US release.[/quote]

I agree. If anyone is on the fence about buying this game, just buy it. You will have a blast with it and you will be glad you spent $15 for it. Hell, it might even save you more money if you decide to just play it and not get SvR.

I actually sold my import version last week for $30.
Interview with Agetec:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] had a chance to interview Agetec the publisher who is bringing Fire Pro Wrestling Returns to the US. You can expect more coverage to come in the upcoming days. The questions were answered by Hiro Fukuoka, Agetec Producer for Fire Pro Wrestling Returns.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1. For those who are not familiar with the Fire Pro Wrestling series can you tell us a bit of the history of the game?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sure. Fire Pro Wrestling first made its appearance in Japan in 1989, and immediately set the standard for gameplay depth. Since then, over 20 games have been released in the series, and it has gained a rabid fan following. The series is known worldwide for its unparalleled customization options and accuracy to the sport. Basically, if it can happen in pro wrestling, then it can happen in Fire Pro![/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2. Is there any plans on bringing the Fire Pro series over to other platforms. I think an Xbox Arcade version of the game would sell very well. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Great point, but we'll have to see how this version does! We're bringing over the definitive version of Fire Pro Wrestling to North America. If it catches on with wrestling fans here, who knows![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3. What are some of the difficulties you faced on bringing over the Fire Pro series and translating it to the English market?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By virtue of the engine, dealing with the character limit for English text was the most difficult task we had. Whereas you can say more with less characters using the Japanese kanji, we had to use a lot of abbreviations in translating to English. Wrestling fans shouldn't have any problem decoding our shorthand, but casual fans will probably be left scratching their heads wondering what a Dbl Undhk BrnBst (this is not used in the game but you know...) is.

[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]4. Will there be any enhancements or differences over the Japanese version of the game?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We're changing the controls to the American standard in the menu screens (X is move forward rather than back, and Triangle button is cancel/back), but other than that and translation we're leaving everything as is. We feel that Fire Pro Wrestling Returns is THE definitive wrestling title, and to do changes beyond that is a disservice to the game and to its fans.

[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]5. As you may know there has been some feedback on the choice of cover art for the game. Why was the decision made to go in that particular art direction? Some of the characters on the box art look very familiar.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We read the fan message boards and have seen what the Fire Pro fans think of the cover art. Obviously, we don't want to upset the Fire Pro fans who are to thank for getting this title over to North America in the first place, but you also have to remember that there's millions of other people who have no idea what Fire Pro is. For many, our cover art is going to be the one and only chance to get people to notice the game. We don't have a big advertising budget by any stretch of the imagination. So we designed the cover art to first and foremost get noticed - to make a wrestling game fan pick up the game and read the back of the box, and hopefully that will entice them to give the game a chance.

[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]6. What do you think is the number one selling point of this game? And why should the average wrestling game fan pick this title over your competitor's higher priced game.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Player options. You can create any wrestler, any match...pretty much anything your mind can think up with Fire Pro Wrestling Returns. Plus, the game plays better than any other game on the market. I guess that's two things...but honestly, if I could just let every person who's ever purchased a wrestling game know that this game has the deepest wrestler creation options and gameplay on the market, it will hopefully do well.

[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]7. Was there some resistance by Sony to bring this game over to the American market?
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Not at all. We've been fans of the Fire Pro series for years. We presented it to them, and they thought it was a great idea.

[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8. If Fire Pro Returns sells well is it Agetec's intent to pursue to publish other Japanese wrestling titles made by Spike and other Japanese developers.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Fire Pro Wrestling Returns will definitely be testing the waters. Is there a market for a wrestling game that doesn't have a big league attached to it? We'll find out.

[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Again I would like to thank you for bringing Fire Pro Wrestling Returns to the US. I have been along time supporter of this game and I listed Fire Pro Returns and Fire Pro Wrestling D as the number 1 and 2 ranked wrestling game of all time.[/FONT]
[quote name='evanft']I preordered mine over at for $7.39, so I'm showing my support! Let's hope for King of Colliseum II!!![/quote]

If they decide to bring KoC II over here, I really hope they fix the slowdown during tag matches.
[quote name='evanft']I preordered mine over at for $7.39, so I'm showing my support! Let's hope for King of Colliseum II!!![/quote]

Shoot. How did you do that? I've been trying to get that $10 discount but it won't let me. It looks unavailable for this game.
Man, if they manage to get this out in the US with no cuts or re-colors, it'll seriously get my GOTY vote for 2007 and I'll wind up buying a new PS2 just to transfer saves into it.

I sort of wish they had done a more secretive release just to avoid drawing any negative attention from TNA/WWE. Everyday I keep expecting to hear, "Sorry guys, we had to cut all the non-japanese wrestlers because of a legal matter."
[quote name='Halo05']Man, if they manage to get this out in the US with no cuts or re-colors, it'll seriously get my GOTY vote for 2007 and I'll wind up buying a new PS2 just to transfer saves into it.

I sort of wish they had done a more secretive release just to avoid drawing any negative attention from TNA/WWE. Everyday I keep expecting to hear, "Sorry guys, we had to cut all the non-japanese wrestlers because of a legal matter."[/QUOTE]

If you read the new IGN preview and some of the message boards where the workers post you can't use the edit packs and nothing has been changed except for the X and Triangle buttons.
Can't wait to play as Terry Funk!!!

I mean, 'Kerry Texan!!!'
[quote name='dopehat']If you read the new IGN preview and some of the message boards where the workers post you can't use the edit packs and nothing has been changed except for the X and Triangle buttons.[/QUOTE]

I've seen that but I'm still dreading some last minute cuts. I trust the guys doing the translation but I don't trust WWE/TNA to not come rushing in with all sorts of legal bullshit and screw things up.
[quote name='dopehat']If you read the new IGN preview and some of the message boards where the workers post you can't use the edit packs and nothing has been changed except for the X and Triangle buttons.[/quote]

I'm sorry I got on to the bandwagon a little late. What exactly are these edit packs, and are they game breakers since we cannot use them?
[quote name='Halo05']I've seen that but I'm still dreading some last minute cuts. I trust the guys doing the translation but I don't trust WWE/TNA to not come rushing in with all sorts of legal bullshit and screw things up.[/quote]

It's too close to the release. At this point, the game has to be finished, or near finished. If any legal troubles come, it'll be after the game's release. I don't think this game will be easy to find.
[quote name='tmaynard']I'm sorry I got on to the bandwagon a little late. What exactly are these edit packs, and are they game breakers since we cannot use them?[/quote]

Edit packs are different game saves that can be downloaded to your PS2 memory card. Each save contains WWE, TNA, ECW, ROH, and WWF wrestlers for example. The edit packs that are already out only works with the Japanese version of the game. Don't worry though because people will be making new edit packs that will work with the English version.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Grrr I wish I could pre-order this using google checkout.[/quote]

Actually there is a way around that. You just do like if you are going to check out (even if the google checkout button is grey). You will be directed to the page where you can choose to check out through or google. Create a new google account and check out with it. You should get the $10 rebate.

Also as for this game... I have never played any of the previous ones and pretty much pre-ordered it out of blind faith. I figure I would do the "Fire Pro Wager".

Would I want to spend $50-$60 on a new, "up-to-date" wrestling title only to find out that it is limited, dissapointing, and utter crap?

Or would I rather spend $7-$15 on a budget game that i've never played, that is fully customizable, and might actually be fun to play?

I mean... even if Fire Pro doesn't give me the good gaming experience that everyone else is experiencing with it... I would rather know that I threw away $7-$15 on a crappy game than $50-$60. At least that's how I see it. I've been very dissapointed with the latest installments of wrestling games and trying this new one out can't possibly hurt me in anyway... the worst that can happen is that I'll be $7.39 short out of money.
[quote name='Spangank']Actually there is a way around that. You just do like if you are going to check out (even if the google checkout button is grey). You will be directed to the page where you can choose to check out through or google. Create a new google account and check out with it. You should get the $10 rebate.

Also as for this game... I have never played any of the previous ones and pretty much pre-ordered it out of blind faith. I figure I would do the "Fire Pro Wager".

Would I want to spend $50-$60 on a new, "up-to-date" wrestling title only to find out that it is limited, dissapointing, and utter crap?

Or would I rather spend $7-$15 on a budget game that i've never played, that is fully customizable, and might actually be fun to play?

I mean... even if Fire Pro doesn't give me the good gaming experience that everyone else is experiencing with it... I would rather know that I threw away $7-$15 on a crappy game than $50-$60. At least that's how I see it. I've been very dissapointed with the latest installments of wrestling games and trying this new one out can't possibly hurt me in anyway... the worst that can happen is that I'll be $7.39 short out of money.[/quote]

Hell yeah, I feel the exact same way.
I'm doing what your doing bro.
Ordered one.

I hope the sales are good, that way we see more in the future.
[quote name='Spangank']Actually there is a way around that. You just do like if you are going to check out (even if the google checkout button is grey). You will be directed to the page where you can choose to check out through or google. Create a new google account and check out with it. You should get the $10 rebate.

Also as for this game... I have never played any of the previous ones and pretty much pre-ordered it out of blind faith. I figure I would do the "Fire Pro Wager".

Would I want to spend $50-$60 on a new, "up-to-date" wrestling title only to find out that it is limited, dissapointing, and utter crap?

Or would I rather spend $7-$15 on a budget game that i've never played, that is fully customizable, and might actually be fun to play?

I mean... even if Fire Pro doesn't give me the good gaming experience that everyone else is experiencing with it... I would rather know that I threw away $7-$15 on a crappy game than $50-$60. At least that's how I see it. I've been very dissapointed with the latest installments of wrestling games and trying this new one out can't possibly hurt me in anyway... the worst that can happen is that I'll be $7.39 short out of money.[/QUOTE]

I finally got Google Checkout to work. Thank you so much. I cancelled my preorder on :)
[quote name='thegame310']Has anyone purchased from this website before?[/quote]

[quote name='RawisJericho']Which one?[/quote]

I think he's talking about gogamer (as its mentioned in the forum title)

but yea, if thats what you're talking about, they are reliable in getting your game within the time frame that you want (dirt cheap shipping is ~2 weeks, correct?)

the only thing is I was shocked when I found out my copy of the Movies that I got form them was European...
[quote name='Foo228']I think he's talking about gogamer (as its mentioned in the forum title)

but yea, if thats what you're talking about, they are reliable in getting your game within the time frame that you want (dirt cheap shipping is ~2 weeks, correct?)

the only thing is I was shocked when I found out my copy of the Movies that I got form them was European...[/quote]

I had my Halo 3 pre ordered from there until I found a cheaper price on it. I'd say go for it.
Im watching the 2 hour TNA show for the first time in ages, its inspired me to give my import FPR a spin in the playstation. Samoa Joe vs Christian Cage FTW!
Just so you know one of the producers just announced the release date and that date is November 13th. He announced it over in the forums (And yes that guy is legit he announced fire pro there before ign or 1up even found out about it).
I'm looking forward to this game more than anything that's come out in the past couple of years. Seriously, I cannot wait until I get that e-mail saying my preorder has been shipped. Of course, at that point I'm going to be going nuts until it shows up on my doorstep. :p
I didnt get the whole google checkout thing to work but 17.39 for a Fire Pro game is amazing.

I still play Fire Pro Wrestling D on my dreamcast!
I wish I would have heard about this sooner. Apparently must've fixed it so you can't use Google checkout anymore. It won't work for me either, and won't let me select Google when I'm checking out like it did for others here. Blast.

15 is still good, but 8 bucks would have been killer!
Surprisingly, the devil of all game stores(Gamestop) doesn't even have this on their system, otherwise I may have put down a $5 PO if they did and were giving something decent out with it.

I guess I'll have to hope that CC gets in a copy and I can snag it with the $20 gc I have from them, since I'm still not willing to part with anything over $2-3 for any game. The Kmart clearances have ruined me as a regular consumer of games.
Gamestop very rarely has budget titles open for preorders. If it comes out at under $30, you're probably not going to be able to get it preordered in store.
See, that's what I laugh at though, they harass the crap out of you for all these other titles, but yet when you have one you may WANT to PO, they don't even have a listing for it.

Hell, I'm shocked they even have copies of Chulip and Adventures Of Darwin in stock, though I kinda wish that AOD was $15 or less.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Surprisingly, the devil of all game stores(Gamestop) doesn't even have this on their system, otherwise I may have put down a $5 PO if they did and were giving something decent out with it.

I guess I'll have to hope that CC gets in a copy and I can snag it with the $20 gc I have from them, since I'm still not willing to part with anything over $2-3 for any game. The Kmart clearances have ruined me as a regular consumer of games.[/quote]
The Devil is charging $19.99 for it on it's website.

Gotta charge that extra $5 just to stick it to us gamers.

CAG should just boycott all things gamestop/ebgames, like you get a temp ban if you post any deals for them or mention them for anything. It's as bad as helping Hitler's
So then, by that logic, you should get a temp ban for posting that listing for FPWR, right? j/k

And, as you said, leave it up to them to charge over what seems to be the accepted MSRP of between $14-15. I'm still hoping one of the other devil companies(CC) actually carries a couple copies of this also, so I can snag one with my free gc and not pay a cent.

But, knowing my luck, GS will be the only place to carry it locally, I'm sure.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']So then, by that logic, you should get a temp ban for posting that listing for FPWR, right? j/k

And, as you said, leave it up to them to charge over what seems to be the accepted MSRP of between $14-15. I'm still hoping one of the other devil companies(CC) actually carries a couple copies of this also, so I can snag one with my free gc and not pay a cent.

But, knowing my luck, GS will be the only place to carry it locally, I'm sure.[/QUOTE]

Well, at least one big box store will be carrying it:

Look for it at other other big box stores, too:

"Right now the Sales Reps are is working with our distributor to gather PO's from the buyers. I'll be able to let you know in a few days." (localization producer who worked on the game for Agetec)

I guess if a store carried a game such as Raw Danger from Agetec, you could expect Fire Pro there as well (just a guess).
[quote name='slimymeteor']I wish I would have heard about this sooner. Apparently must've fixed it so you can't use Google checkout anymore. It won't work for me either, and won't let me select Google when I'm checking out like it did for others here. Blast.

15 is still good, but 8 bucks would have been killer![/quote]

I'm pretty sure that Google Checkout doesn't apply to pre-orders. When it's released it will probably work.
bread's done