First Build help


4 (100%)
Sup guys. I have been interested in building a gaming PC for a while, but I am not very computer savvy and was scared about possibly breaking something while building it. However my urge to join the master race has gotten the better of me so I've decided to just jump in and go for it. I want something that will last me a while and won't cost much. Would like to run recent games on max settings and be able to run future releases at least decently as well. This is what I came up with.

Are these parts compatible with each other? Any thing helpful to make it cheaper? How long until my build becomes obsolete? Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

P.S: The price shown does not take into account an extra $60 something dollars in tax that would be charged.

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Looks great, this graphics card is a little more powerful and much cheaper, but prices change often, so if you aren't buying now, I'm sure there will be something else later:

I think you'll end up upgrading your graphics card in a couple years, but the rest of it will be fine for 5+ years. Graphics cards in the $150 price range run most games maxed out at 1080p, but I'm guessing there will be more games like Crysis 3, Metro: Last Light and FarCry 3 in a year or two, and these cards aren't quite capable of running these games maxed out at 40+ fps, but they are still playable with lower settings.

I just built my first rig using, It helped me out seeing which parts were compatible with what. They also link to several different online stores for each part and usually let know which store has the lowest. I'm running my rig now without any issues. Hope the site helps.

I would wait a few days and try to wait for a sale on the HD 7950 or 7970

The gpu you have is not really that bad but the other GPUs I listed are more powerful and better for "future proofing".

Didn't realized that ram increased in price. I remembered buying an 8GB corsair for $40 and now they are at $78.

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