Five Below $5 games


85 (100%)
So I went to last week, the new Five Below store in the Winston Plaza at Melrose Park, IL. Among the games there are Bakugan for NDS, Naruto Shippuden Clash of the Ninja 3 for Wii and Every Extend Extra for PSP. There are other games but those 3 are the better games in my opinion. So all games are $5.00, which are a huge steal, especially when you are looking how great the store is like. There are other stuff there but that's your decision.
Still haven't found the guides locally. They did have 4 skylander wiiu sets. I bought 3 of them. I to keep, 1 to gift, and 1 to sell (hopefully for $15 to pay for all 3).

Bit on the Wii U Skylanders Giant and they also had a boat load of Skylanders Giant Figures for $5 each Here in Newnan, GA. Are the figures worth picking up?

The new location in Jacksonville, FL at the Town Center has a few games. Killzone 3, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (PS3), Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know How (3DS), Regular Show: Mordecai and Rigby in 8-bit Land (3DS), Cabellas Dangerous Hunts (Wii), Bakugan (Wii), and some other Wii/DS shovelware. They also had Starcraft: Heart of the Swarm strategy guide and some Skylanders Giants figures. I purchased BlazBlue. 

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im tempted to do  a  5 below promo with my company  but be my luck i could not find  enough  cheap 5 buck games to fill the orders

Bit on the Wii U Skylanders Giant and they also had a boat load of Skylanders Giant Figures for $5 each Here in Newnan, GA. Are the figures worth picking up?
Depends on what game you are playing. If I remember right you only need one giant to get all the giant challenges in giants. Core figures and giants can unlock almost everything in swap force except the swap challenges (you will need 2 players to open the multi-element gates though). Core figures, giants and swappers are basically worthless in trap team as everything is geared toward the trap masters and the traps.
Depends on what game you are playing. If I remember right you only need one giant to get all the giant challenges in giants. Core figures and giants can unlock almost everything in swap force except the swap challenges (you will need 2 players to open the multi-element gates though). Core figures, giants and swappers are basically worthless in trap team as everything is geared toward the trap masters and the traps.
That's not true. You could also use one swap character with each of the correct elements to open it with one player.

That's not true. You could also use one swap character with each of the correct elements to open it with one player.
Hey chief, look at the post I was replying to. It was asked if giant characters were worth picking up at five below. Giants are not swappable so I was trying to answer thier worth in the current line up of games and answered accordingly. Of course, one multi-elemented swap figure could open a multi-element gate but swappers were not asked about.
Hey chief, look at the post I was replying to. It was asked if giant characters were worth picking up at five below. Giants are not swappable so I was trying to answer thier worth in the current line up of games and answered accordingly. Of course, one multi-elemented swap figure could open a multi-element gate but swappers were not asked about.
Chief? No need to be a condescending prick. YOU are the one who brought up Swap Force, and for someone unfamiliar with the games, your post would be misleading.

"swappers were not asked about"

So what? They didn't ask about Swap Force or Trap Team, and YOU mentioned both in YOUR reply. If we're bringing up the later games, it's useful to be accurate in describing the features of those games.

Chief? No need to be a condescending prick. YOU are the one who brought up Swap Force, and for someone unfamiliar with the games, your post would be misleading.

"swappers were not asked about"

So what? They didn't ask about Swap Force or Trap Team, and YOU mentioned both in YOUR reply. If we're bringing up the later games, it's useful to be accurate in describing the features of those games.
Ummm...ok... I am not sure where you got I was being condescending so I can't really help you on that. This was the question I was noting I responded to

"they also had a boat load of Skylanders Giant Figures for $5 each Here in Newnan, GA. Are the figures worth picking up?"

Hence, why I started my comment with "Depends on what game you are playing." and then finished my comment talking about the various games. The person I quoted said "giant figures" and that is why I mentioned only the giants and the core figures. Either way, I think I am about done on this subject so you have yourself a good night, sir.
No more overnight posts for either of you for a while. :)

My friendly neighborhood 5B had a large stack of the SC2:HotS guides, but I noticed that the paper inserts on the back were upside down compared to the front of the guide.  I'm sure this is just a simple whoopsy on the part of whoever packed it all together, but I think the reason that 5B is selling things this cheap is because they were labeled defects by the manufacturer and were dumped off to discount retailers.  Although I don't see anything wrong with the GTA V guide, does anyone see anything out of the ordinary for any of the other guides they've found?

Is BlazBlue a good game on PS3? I saw a ton of these at a Five Below store just last week.
I was wondering the same thing. Checked some reviews and it seems to be your typical fighting game with some humor.

I decided against it when i heard you have to listen to about 2 hours of dialouge before you even get to throw a punch. Ahahah
I was wondering the same thing. Checked some reviews and it seems to be your typical fighting game with some humor.

I decided against it when i heard you have to listen to about 2 hours of dialouge before you even get to throw a punch. Ahahah
That only happens in story mode. Just jump into arcade mode and your set.

I've been playing the BlazBlue series since the original and have enjoyed every one since. Fun fighting mechanics with a low entry difficulty level.
Chicago area seems to be a little behind the curve on getting guides.  The Plainfield/Joliet store has a stack of 10+ SC2:HotS guides in now though.  Wrapped hardback editions.

I haven't seen any of the last few guides that people have been reporting at any of the stores near me.  I really hope I can find a Diablo 3 guide, but I'm not holding out much hope.

The Five Below store in Kennesaw, Ga., last week had Gears of War: Judgment collector's edition strategy guides. It comes with a code for a weapon skin, and the guide itself has good reviews on Amazon (4.6 stars with 32 reviews).

Ummm...ok... I am not sure where you got I was being condescending so I can't really help you on that. This was the question I was noting I responded to
I had to bust out my dictionary. Definition number 4.

Honestly, unless you're Native American or from India. I think it is kind of a stretch/reach to find it condescending/insulting in my opinion.

Anyway, I hope to find a Starcraft II Heart of the Swarm guide during my next visit to my local $5 Below.

As a person who has no interest in the outcome of the argument, I would say Chief can be insulting if used correctly.

"Listen here pal"

"Listen here chief"

"Listen here douche"

Are all substitutes.

I've never heard anyone being offended by chief lol.
And starting a sentence with "listen here" can make anything sound offensive with the right tone of voice.

Listen here CAG ! Back to the 5 below finds.
bread's done