Flip Successes and Flip Flops

With or without this thread or group, people will still post flips elsewhere and everything will still be hoarded and sold. Alienating the others is unfair whether they contribute or not. I'm sure many of you hold back the special flips so you can find them yourself, we all do it, hell I do it.

Like I said, we'll all find out anyways so why bother.
[quote name='Pr0JectNymPh0!']Selfishness is considered a bad form in CAG.

Thanks for alienating your fellow comrades in cheap. Some people here still contribute in one form or another.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='reicaden']sooo, i read the first page... came to post my flip story, and see that this thread has turned into some sort of elitist garbage or something? i dunno, not gonna read 26 pages to find out for sure, but thats just sad, imo. Been a member for 2 years and this is the first real elitist group crap i've seen here on the boards, cant say im not disappointed considering I did my fair share of update posting during my flipping days with locations and numbers without being elitist or trying to hide my locations. Pfft, guess I should keep my flipping info to myself from now on... no longer an even sharing environment, its a one sided thing.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='NismoZZzz']With or without this thread or group, people will still post flips elsewhere and everything will still be hoarded and sold. Alienating the others is unfair whether they contribute or not. I'm sure many of you hold back the special flips so you can find them yourself, we all do it, hell I do it.

Like I said, we'll all find out anyways so why bother.[/QUOTE]
One example:
NOV/DEC/JAN - PS2 Network adapters regularly sold on ebay for 55-65

After it was found out by this thread and the 17k+ viewers (mostly leachers i suppose)
Now days? 40-45 if lucky.

Theres a reason why this group exists.

Plus theres a difference between posting flips to gamestop and ebaying. Theres also a difference in posting good deals that one can buy, and one can profit off of. i dont think its necessarily elitist, its just we want to maximize our profits as many of us in the group are in it to make money. I am sure you guys can understand, especially since you are on this site trying to save a buck or two.
well it is sort of elitest.....

if someone else post a deal... you should not be able to use it.. just what is within your small group.. not exactly fair for me to post a deal.. you gain from it.. then you not willing to post a deal for me.......

poor CAG..... :(
I shouldn't say anymore, but here's the final word about it (no one else from the group will be posting about it):

It was open. Pretty wide open for a day or so. But mostly regulars joined, with a handful of randoms who said they would contribute. Now there are 2 criteria...meet one and you can get in. If not, it's nothing personal. The people who were sharing a lot in this thread didn't want 10,000 people viewing it. it's different than sharing deals. It's not a deal sharing group at all. There's nothing interesting that wouldn't get laughed out of the normal deal forum (or is already there.)

And considering most of the people complaining are people who tried to join but didn't make it for whatever reason, no one should be talking about "sharing is caring" and crap like that. You guys are newcomers to this thread-- start posting and sharing with each other, then start your own group...with blackjack....and hookers.
the group should be called "the no ninja dogs club" and since there is already one ninja dog, no others can get in.

did I ever tell you about the time i wore an onion on my belt? it was the fashion at the time.

when wii's first came out, i flipped one (with a nunchuk) for $600. it was some good profit that paid for my own wii.
Well I'm not totally sure whats going on in this thread either, but I do notice one messed up thing. The folks defending this offshoot "club" or whatever...the ones talking about "You gotta contribute or you aren't worthy" all seem to be folks that just found our friendly little site within the last year. You wanna be the pot or the kettle?

Anyways. Picked up Tales of Vesperia Strat. Guide for $0.01 and in the end I made a total profit of $5.83.

Not bad for an initial investment, but I was walking out of BB with intentions of making $15 on it >_
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So question, I've done some flipping in the past, but usually only new games. I've been thinking about getting into the used game flipping as most of my new games are out the door now and the best deals have dried up. If I were to start buying a bunch of used games from Gamestop(s), is there ever a problem with using your Edge Card, or should I avoid it?

I've just seen from reading some earlier posts that GS does not appear to fond of flippers, so I don't wanna cause any unnecessary problems for myself.

I'm assuming I should do smart'ish things like not buying all 10 copies of a used game they may have, but as a 2nd question have you all had issues with buying lets say 6 or 7 used games (all or mostly different games) at one store?

[quote name='GibbGA']So question, I've done some flipping in the past, but usually only new games. I've been thinking about getting into the used game flipping as most of my new games are out the door now and the best deals have dried up. If I were to start buying a bunch of used games from Gamestop(s), is there ever a problem with using your Edge Card, or should I avoid it?

I've just seen from reading some earlier posts that GS does not appear to fond of flippers, so I don't wanna cause any unnecessary problems for myself.

I'm assuming I should do smart'ish things like not buying all 10 copies of a used game they may have, but as a 2nd question have you all had issues with buying lets say 6 or 7 used games (all or mostly different games) at one store?


I'll buy what I want when I want. Employees usually don't care and neither do managers. Their job is to sell shit and me going there and doing the job of 10 different consumers should make them happy and in most cases does.

Anyways. Picked up Tales of Vesperia Strat. Guide for $0.01 and in the end I made a total profit of $5.83.

Not bad for an initial investment, but I was walking out of BB with intentions of making $15 on it >_
Yeah, the people who got called out for reselling by EB/GS just had bad luck, I think. There's definitely no chain-wide policy. Some district managers/regular managers can be dicks.

There's definitely no problem with buying multiple games...they are a business after all. You'd get very lucky to find 5 copies of a flippable game that's worth flipping, but you can always say "it's such a good deal, I decided to get it for friends too" or something like that.

The one thing you don't want to do is bring in multiple copies of a game to trade. or sealed games. They won't take them and if they're anything like the employees I've seen at a variety of stores when someone has brought in multiples or sealed games, they'll make a mild scene out of it by insinuating that you could've stolen the games.
There really are two sides to a private group vs. an open thread.

There's no sort of "special deals" that should be part of, or can't already be found, on the deals page with respect to price. It's not as if Gamedealer X has a super secret sale that only Group members from group Y can take part in. The primary focus of the group is flipping (money -> item -> money) with the primary beneficiaries being individuals... with very little "mass group benefit."

As we all know, CAG has loads of healthy contributors, but it's not without its excessive share of leechers. How many times have we seen CAG lists pop up on SD or FW, completely destroying opportunities (not just at making money, but even for collection purposes)? It's in part why the main forum is locked to members of CAG, as far as I know. The group, just like the main forums, are not "elitist," but the group format does permit a more controlled environment to make sure there's no reposting of lists on other sites or people who have absolutely no intention of ever posting something beneficial (or at this point, even a "hi"). There is also nothing a SDer and FWer loves more than a clear, concise list with exactly what they need to look and ask to purchase to ruin it for all. Great contemporary example: Best Buy guide drops... but I can think of plenty more (500 guides, 200 guides, I know it's cheaper than toilet paper... but that ruins it for everybody).

There's also nothing that exists stating that the group is for the exclusion of contributing members of flip opportunities for the sake of merely excluding them. In fact, I bet ND would be hard pressed to deny a contributing member... but there must be some type of limits, just like in any other type of private social group on cag (whether it be for game sharing, 18+, gifting etc).

On the other hand, it is frustrating to be outside looking in and for people to post in this thread about money making opportunities with minimal receipt of a mutual benefit... but as with any "next big cash flip" the person that discovers it has the choice to either post it or keep it to themselves for as long as possible... which will always happen. It is infinitely difficult to strike a delicate balance to be inclusive of all and exclusive of the many lurkers. (heck, 550 posts -> 18,000 views in this thread alone is a huge discrepency.

The point of this thread, however, is not only to post specific flips... but for the stories as well... and honestly... I enjoy reading people's flipping flops (in part because it makes me feel better about some of my absolutely poor flipping choices). I don't entirely see a problem with people wanting to remove themselves from a very open... and vulnerable thread to compile a list. I do, however, see a difference between a "deal" and a small scale "cash flip." So few can take advantage of things like network adapters, while so many can take advantage of a major store/website running a special price.

Edit: Yeah, I posted this before I saw ninja dog's post.

Unless you sold it to help a fellow CAG, I think that was a bad call to sell it that quickly. For an investment of $0.01, you can easily afford to wait on that one. The Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss guides go for nearly $30 now, and I'm guessing this guide will fetch similar prices in a few years.

This is very true. Tales games actually have quite the number of fans, despite their low showings in the sales charts... these fans are typically devout RPG fans who have played the entire series. Therefore, the guides... which are always printed on a scale of less than 1 guide / 10+ games tend to gain in value over time.

Personally, Im a huge Tales fan myself and, even though I doubt I would/could ever spend $30.00 on a guide, I think the artwork alone in many of the Tales guides are quite nice and it will, one day, be up there with the other Tales games. If it happened to be to a CAG or, quite possibly, a store employee who enabled you to purchase many guides without problem... then it is okay (as karma will generally pay you back in kind), but if the intention was the flip itself... sitting on it for a while would have netted a bit more. :( By the way, for those of you who are fans of guides for artwork (like myself)... the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn has some great artwork in it.
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Wii Sports
Ultimate Duck Hunting
PS2 Network Adapters
American Idol Encore wii
RE: Code Veronica (Gamecube)
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Fable 2 LE - spilt up game + code
FFVI Advance
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
MGS: Digital Graphic Novel
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction - PS2 +Xbox
DMC4 Special Edition PS3
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Xbox - New
Xenosaga 3 - New
Wild Arms - Alter Code F
Rugby 08
Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron
Karaoke Rev. Country - PS2 - HTF
World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars - PS2
Monopoly/Boggle/Yahtzee/Battleship - DS
NHL 07 - PSP
Dead Rising - Strat Guide
Formula F1 Championship Edition - PS3 -Sears clearance
Gamecube Component Cables - EB/GS - $4.99
Fallout 3 preorder bonuses - free at EB/GS?
DS Browser
Mirror’s Edge preorder bags

Here is the mystery list that was on FLip or flop cool kids club
now its gone :(

most of this was from this forum.... but.. so u dont have to search... 28 pages of drama :O
but it is kinda funny how everyone in the "club" just joined rather recently

[quote name='bug_nuts']Flips:
Wii Sports
Ultimate Duck Hunting
PS2 Network Adapters
American Idol Encore wii
RE: Code Veronica (Gamecube)
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Fable 2 LE - spilt up game + code
FFVI Advance
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
MGS: Digital Graphic Novel
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction - PS2 +Xbox
DMC4 Special Edition PS3
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Xbox - New
Xenosaga 3 - New
Wild Arms - Alter Code F
Rugby 08
Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron
Karaoke Rev. Country - PS2 - HTF
World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars - PS2
Monopoly/Boggle/Yahtzee/Battleship - DS
NHL 07 - PSP
Dead Rising - Strat Guide
Formula F1 Championship Edition - PS3 -Sears clearance
Gamecube Component Cables - EB/GS - $4.99
Fallout 3 preorder bonuses - free at EB/GS?
DS Browser
Mirror’s Edge preorder bags

Here is the mystery list that was on FLip or flop cool kids club
now its gone :(

most of this was from this forum.... but.. so u dont have to search... 28 pages of drama :O
but it is kinda funny how everyone in the "club" just joined rather recently


Wow... Knew almost all that stuff. Good luck finding any of this in the first place. Or for cheap. Thanks, bug_nuts.
I don't think it was a rat, Randy. All that stuff is from the list that ninja dog had up in the group description, which was visible to non-group members.
did he really put it in the descriptions? well i know 4-5 people i can trust. so im just going to pm them my list. but most of the stuff on the list should be obvious.
[quote name='jousley']Well I'm not totally sure whats going on in this thread either, but I do notice one messed up thing. The folks defending this offshoot "club" or whatever...the ones talking about "You gotta contribute or you aren't worthy" all seem to be folks that just found our friendly little site within the last year. You wanna be the pot or the kettle?[/QUOTE]

Pot meet kettle? Where did you learn that? High school?

Geeze, some people are really pissed off about a "club."
Remember that the original point of this thread was to post epic flips and epic flops of the PAST... It has sort of gotten off topic on discussing current flipping opportunities.

To get back on topic I'll reiterate my biggest flop.

Buy.com had the original Shadow Hearts for $17.99 or so. This was back around when the second game was out I believe. I bought 6 or 7 with the intent of keeping one (which I still have) and selling the others. I must have just picked the absolute worst time because I think I actually lost money on one sale. So I sent the rest back, at my expense, to buy.com. I ended up losing about $10 or so on the shipping.

Not too much later they went back up again and I don't even want to know what they get now - it is hard to find listings, even, but I see one up there offered for $75... Ouch...
Sounds like when i got a few DDS 1's from TRU for $10 and flipped for $70. Obviously thats nothing to sneeze at, but they sure went up more.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Sounds like when i got a few DDS 1's from TRU for $10 and flipped for $70. Obviously thats nothing to sneeze at, but they sure went up more.[/quote]

I sold mine last year on Amazon for $225. I actually wanted to play it, but my car broke down, I needed cash. So...
That's not bad, Pooky. I remember getting a Nocturne from TRU for $15 or so and selling it for all of $35 on eBay at the time. Now, sure, it is down again due to the reprint, but this was way back before all of that - must have been the absolute lowest sale ever on that one till recently.

I was mad at myself later, too, because I ended up getting a PS2 and really wanting to collect RPGs and I had sold that for so little. Fortunately with the reprint I was finally able to get one.

I did manage to snag (and keep) DDS 1 and DDS 2 later, though. Got a mint DDS 1 with the bigger case from GS and got a new DDS 2 from Gamecrazy for $18 or so.
F1: Formula One Championship for PS3 = $4.97 @ Sears. Flipped 4 copies for $40 each @ Ebay
Final Fantasy VI GBA = $9.97 @ Sears. Flipped 2 copies for $35 each @ Ebay
I guess I've been pretty fortunate, because I've always ended up making at least a little whenever I've tried to profit from flipping. My favorites, however, have been the ones where I've spent very little initially in order to make a nice return. Picked up 2 copies of Marvel vs Capcom 2 for the PS2 from a pawn shop in Key West, FL, last spring for $7 apiece. Talked the guy down :shock: on them from $15 each, reasoning that the system was dead!

Sold each for $140!!!:bouncy:
I sold like 2 DDS from TRU for like $50, then a third one later on for $150. Later on got another used from game crazy and sold it for decent money too
i remember seeing those nocturne and dds's at tru before. i never knew them so i ignored it. i ended up finding one years later (sealed nocturne) for $30 and i wish i should have listed it before the reprint. i could have easily gotten $185 for it. you live and learn i guess.

one thing i learned though, even if you think your purchases are a flop, in the long run it will be worth it (unless its a game that will remain in print for several years like halo).
Anyone know any stores that will accept sealed game without a receipt for store credit?
I know Wal-Mart no longer does that.
[quote name='WTFer']Anyone know any stores that will accept sealed game without a receipt for store credit?
I know Wal-Mart no longer does that.[/quote]

Yes, Gamestop will. Just take off the plastic, and take it in the store. They will give you store credit for it.
[quote name='WTFer']Anyone know any stores that will accept sealed game without a receipt for store credit?
I know Wal-Mart no longer does that.[/quote]

Please don't ask this on CAG. It's been asked, and the consensus is if you're going to this, don't talk about it. Most people here frown upon it, and believe stores like Wal-Mart finally realized people aren't returning their products. But to answer your question, personally, I have no clue if any stores do this anymore. Can you blame them?
Most stores implemented a policy against it to prevent questionable behavior (and in light of the recent economic downturn). Best Buy, Target, Burlington and about a dozen other stores drafted new return policies within the last 6-24 months to force production of receipts.

The only company that allows it is Wal-Mart. My friend is a store manager... and I listen to her tirades about some of her trouble customers who try to return more than 3 no-receipt items within the 6 month period.
[quote name='dyeknom']Most stores implemented a policy against it to prevent questionable behavior (and in light of the recent economic downturn). Best Buy, Target, Burlington and about a dozen other stores drafted new return policies within the last 6-24 months to force production of receipts.

The only company that allows it is Wal-Mart. My friend is a store manager... and I listen to her tirades about some of her trouble customers who try to return more than 3 no-receipt items within the 6 month period.[/quote]

Walmart does not allow it, if the game is sealed may allow you to swap it for another game in that gaming system with the same price but not for store credit. All walmarts are different...
I still think my biggest flip (%age) was during the 3.99 HWV sale... managing to get a gutted Marvel v. Capcom 2 for 3.99 amd then immediately selling it for 90$ (less with fees).

My absolute biggest gaming flip (as in the most money, but with significant more time requirement) would have to be my star wars galaxies collectors edition + account... though I think they bought the account for the jedi and not the collectors edition :) Played it until the jedi patch, the day after I unlocked my jedi (which means the developers were lying sacks of shit about it being unlockable before, because i did absolutely nothing between the patch and being force sensitive), stripped the credits and sold them in 1, 5 and 10 million lots (199 million, 87 million and 41 million across three characters), gave my items and houses/guild hall to a friend, sold the account for $2500 and the credit lots totalling $3000+. Best investment I made (I think it was 6 or 7 months, minus about 2 months of not even a log-on torwards the end).
My best flip is from a garage sale last year. Been going to them looking for games to collect/trade/flip. Came across a sealed copy of Windows 2000 for $3. Sold it on the bay for $120.
[quote name='*Deathblade2']Thanks dude!

I found one at an outta the way gamestop...I swore it would just be a generic case, but it was complete and pristine![/QUOTE]

I also found one for $4.49 this weekend. The difference is, this one's going in my collection as I have been searching for it for years ;)
[quote name='dyeknom']I still think my biggest flip (%age) was during the 3.99 HWV sale... managing to get a gutted Marvel v. Capcom 2 for 3.99 amd then immediately selling it for 90$ (less with fees).[/QUOTE]

By gutted do you mean disc-only? I found 2 disc-only ones and sold them for $75 or so on eBay (before fees obviously). I just went with BIN auctions and it was a bit hard to price them because there really wasn't much history for them (this was in Dec). Did you sell yours on eBay or Amazon? Anyway, yeah, I agree that was probably my best percentage by far, regardless - especially considering I was able to use Gamecrazy credit to buy them (and most of that came from getting GC to price match Blockbuster trade-in prices on games I bought from Gamestop with credit ;)).
it took me a while to read the entire thing, but i wanna say that this is an awesome thread. i especially want to thank those who provided flipping strategy tips.

i'm gonna try this out... hopefully hitting the next jackpot before any of you do! hehehe but i'll do my best to help you guys out too
[quote name='io']By gutted do you mean disc-only?[/quote]

Gutted usually refers to new, but opened copies. Gamestop's in particular are notorious for it (or were, anyways) in that they would sell "new" copies of RPGs or MVC2, but unsealed. You could ask for a copy that wasn't gutted, but often, that's what you'd find.
If any of you have big lots near you, check out the PC games section mixed in with the DVD's. The one near me had a bunch of RPG games and Windows Vista games all sealed for under $6. I passed on a few of the RPG's because i was strapped on cash.

They had Gothic II, thief, and a few more

Not sure how much they're worth on ebay
[quote name='aniousjoe']Gutted usually refers to new, but opened copies. Gamestop's in particular are notorious for it (or were, anyways) in that they would sell "new" copies of RPGs or MVC2, but unsealed. You could ask for a copy that wasn't gutted, but often, that's what you'd find.[/QUOTE]

Um, yeah, I'm aware of that which is why it didn't make any sense in connection with the $3.99 Hollywood video game sale as that was all used ex-rental stock for last-gen games. "Gutted" would go without saying (usually gutted, trashed and sandpapered ;)). I'm thinking based on the sale price he actually meant disc-only. A true "gutted" Marvel vs Capcom 2 for PS2 would sell for more than that (as it would still be mint and complete, presumably).
Tetris DS might be part of the $9.99 AR on any DS game $29.99 and under at FYE. good luck finding it and if your FYE carries it. It boggles me as to why Nintendo hasn't reprinted this yet. *shrug* I'll keep my copy, I like the different modes. :)
[quote name='hopeunknown']Tetris DS might be part of the $9.99 AR on any DS game $29.99 and under at FYE. good luck finding it and if your FYE carries it. It boggles me as to why Nintendo hasn't reprinted this yet. *shrug* I'll keep my copy, I like the different modes. :)[/QUOTE]

They don't have the license for it anymore. So it's oop for good.
bread's done