Follow-up to closed mod topic


288 (100%)
Man, that thread blew up all sorts of directions. Dunno what caused it to get closed a second time, but I wanted to respond to a few things that I saw running around in it. I'm actually quite surprised that it lasted as long as it did, and then when it did, was just as surprised when it suddenly got closed again.

First, to the members of this board, thanks for the votes of support. I appreciate that and I'm sure lilboo does as well.

Linkin, directed at you: I didn't really mind the FAQ consolidation you did. Gothic Walrus pointed out some of the issues with it (which seemed pretty valid), but I never thought about decreased traffic or anything like that as a precipitating problem. But hey, if some users point out worthwhile problems with that, then they are entitled to it. I guess this might get mitigated/handled better with the fabled CAG 2.0, so there's really nothing more that needs to be said about it.

Also, as for closing topics, I made it very clear what you should do. Or, at the least, what I'd like you to do, which would be to provide a link or something that pointed the OP in the right direction. I like what you are doing, I just felt the execution could have been better.

You're so bent on thinking your heavy-handed moderatting was completely without flaw, and that's clearly not the case. I'm not the only critic. However, that doesn't mean you have to take your ball and run home with it either. I primarily wanted to give out some suggestions. I fail to see the problem doing that.

Bmulligan: You know, you've thrown out a lot of really negative comments my way lately. There's no need for that and you're not helping the board. If you don't like it here, well, the door is ....somewhere. It's probably big too and might even have windows.

UltimoRey: You're completely right about the Wii Code thread being inactive due to the fact that Nintendo made it essentially useless. When the thread was made, we all thought that it would serve as a universal code system for multiplayer. That wasn't the case, and instead is now relegated to - generally - lame usages. I mean I guess it works fine for Metroid Prime 3, but overall, the code is so under-supported by Nintendo that it's fallen out of grace.

As a suggestion for codes, we might want to consider an all-inclusive thread, but that doesn't work well since people like to have a "XXXXGame FC List" thread specific to each game. An all-inclusive thread is really just a centralized step above telling everyone to put all of their codes in their sig/profile. So I guess that wouldn't work well enough, hence the need for game specific threads. Maybe this will be better handled with CAG 2.0 as well. It would be great if there was a way to let users have some level of access to modify a topic, so that anyone could come in and update as needed. But eh. We'll cross that bridge later.

To the mods in general: The message here isn't that we hate everything you do. Rather, it is that ...well, none of you really follow this board much. That's fine and all, but if that is the case, then your interaction seems a little out of place. Io is the current FG here, but I'm not sure just how much he does. Regardless, I found it strange that things like this are left open, but valid threads have been closed. You can't tell me that's nothing more or less than dropping the ball and/or miscommunication.

This points to you guys...not really handling certain things well. There's no real nice way to say it other than to be direct. Because of this, we'd either appreciate someone knowledgeable here being given some kind of authority. Whether or not that happens is up to .... well Cheapy I suppose, and whoever else gets a vote on the matter.

All of these things said, do not start to think we take our board for granted. It's quiet at the moment, but we still like it here. That's all.
Have there been any rumors of CAG getting WikiPost like SlickDeals has? That would be so useful, especially in the Deals forum.
I am tired about how linkin closed my brawl online chat thread, even though it was one of the most discussed. Now we have to search through general questions just so we can talk about our online brawls. My original fc thread was flawed because i didn't have enough time to search through every comment about their online brawls just to find a fc, and now the regular "discussion" one is being poisoned by online chatting, making general comments(if any) hard to find. If anything, the general discussion thread should have been closed. With 501 pages and growing, why don't we give it a quick death and just restart the Online discussion thread, because that's what everyone is talking about in there anyway.

Edit, i also don't understand why he gave me a intraction for a "big signature" even though his own is basically the same size as my No more heroes one. Now i have to resort to some dumb comments by Trenchalicious to fill up my space.
[quote name='blackbird3216']I am tired about how linkin closed my brawl online chat thread, even though it was one of the most discussed. Now we have to search through general questions just so we can talk about our online brawls. My original fc thread was flawed because i didn't have enough time to search through every comment about their online brawls just to find a fc, and now the regular "discussion" one is being poisoned by online chatting, making general comments(if any) hard to find. If anything, the general discussion thread should have been closed. With 501 pages and growing, why don't we give it a quick death and just restart the Online discussion thread, because that's what everyone is talking about in there anyway.[/QUOTE]

I'm all for having a new SSBB Friend Code thread. It's a lot easier to find them if they're concentrated in one place, and it also makes it a lot easier to know who has the game.

I'd also be up for the all-inclusive Friend Code thread, but that would be a huge pain to try and maintain unless it was strictly moderated. What might work there would be to limit it to one post per person with zero discussion - just come up with a standardized way to list codes for the games (alphabetical?) and have that be the only content of your post there.
Bmulligan: You know, you've thrown out a lot of really negative comments my way lately. There's no need for that and you're not helping the board. If you don't like it here, well, the door is ....somewhere. It's probably big too and might even have windows.

This is exactly why you should not be a mod, particularly in this forum. You are many things, Strell, but you are so far from "moderate" that giving you that position would require the job title to be changed to Nintendo Nazi, or something at least as strong and offensive.

I know where the door is, and I'm guessing the implied threat is that if you were to become a mod, you would kick me out if I don't leave. Think carefully about your responses before advertising yourself for nintendo-land editor-in-chief. Many, if not most of my comments not related to the Vs. forums are tongue-in-cheek, and shouldn't be taken personally. If you're primarily referring to the last thread, I did indeed misread the comment before mine as :

[quote name='bmulligan']
At first glance, I read this as: ...Can't see anyone better to ruin this area...

I was confused when it first started happening, but frankly, I think Linkin's doing a fine job. It's comforting not to see multiple redundant threads and the ubiquitous, "recomendz me sum gamez / Just got me a wii..." threads appearing every few hours.[/QUOTE]

It was a joke, and an amusing one at that, which, obviously, you mistook as a personal affront. It had nothing to do with you specifically, I just read the comment wrong and didn't even realize it was about YOU until after I quoted it.

I'll end with one of my favorite colloquialisms: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Somehow I thought you were made of stronger stuff.
You don't get it. You're just insulting for no reason. That is a poor way to conduct yourself and you're doing it a lot. It's not a question of whether or not I'm handling it from someone who is obviously bent on trying to put me on tilt - it's a question of whether or not it's required. You're doing it for no reason and you know it.

You're confusing this as some kind of subvert campaign to get myself into an authoritative position, and that's just ridiculous. I haven't charged myself as being competent as a Forum Guide - I never have and most likely never will. Yes, when Cheapy asked about it....geez, sometime last year, I put myself up. But since then, things have changed and I spend much less time here than I used to (my job at the time allowed me to effectively be on CAG pretty much all day).

I made the last topic because I saw problems with the way this board was handled by the mods. What was said in it regarding electing FGs and mods is a matter brought up by others entirely. Stop assuming I'm trying to get into authority, and stop assuming I'd abuse it. After all, there's no way to know until I'm there, right? But since I've been told in the past by people I will not name that I've already been voted off the island (as it were re: Forum Guides), you and your annoying attitude have nothing to worry about from me.

I don't call myself moderate, I don't call myself anything. I won't hide my preferential attitude toward Nintendo. But at the same time I can't help it if no one chooses to see the things I've done, such as having a 360 and being extremely vocal about certain shortcomings on Nintendo's part.

Your attitude is poor in this regard and you know it. Making several attempts to attack me without reason is trolling. Be happy that every mod would disregard any complaints I had on the matter.
Hey, the whole LB & STRELL for forum guides thing was something I said in that topic, partially joking, and a lot of people agreed. (I'm surprised). It was never a campaign, it was never even planned. It was a joke that people took serious.

[quote name='Gothic Walrus']I'm all for having a new SSBB Friend Code thread. It's a lot easier to find them if they're concentrated in one place, and it also makes it a lot easier to know who has the game.

I'd also be up for the all-inclusive Friend Code thread, but that would be a huge pain to try and maintain unless it was strictly moderated. What might work there would be to limit it to one post per person with zero discussion - just come up with a standardized way to list codes for the games (alphabetical?) and have that be the only content of your post there.[/QUOTE]

That right there is what a Forum Guide SHOULD do. See, a mod is like a police officer. They have more power. A FG is like.. Mall Security. They can only do so much. Keeping things like that updated WOULD be ideally the FG's job, IMO.

This is why I don't understand why we don't have many guides here. It's not about moderating, as I don't think FG's can give infractions..but they can just clean up certain messes and help keep things organized in their respective forum.
Yes, right now I am campaigning :lol: So I'll stop.

But Strell's overall point is that we get mods that aren't really into the Wii/Nintendo so they don't frequent this section enough to truly understand what goes on here. This is why I said "Strell & LB forum guides", because we DO frequent here a lot and knows what is going on.
[quote name='bmulligan']This is exactly why you should not be a mod, particularly in this forum. You are many things, Strell, but you are so far from "moderate" that giving you that position would require the job title to be changed to Nintendo Nazi, or something at least as strong and offensive.[/QUOTE]
I don't normally pay much attention to board mgmt brouhaha, but I'd like to step in here and note that Strell is consistently one of the most informed posters around the Nintendo boards when it comes to Nintendo consoles. I would think that's exactly what you'd want in a moderator: someone who's aware of what's relevant and/or fresh and what's been rehashed to death elsewhere.

Granted, he is a lesser fanboy, but not to the extent that it impairs his judgment. I'm always happy to chime in with a counterpoint (if I have one) to a pro-Nintendo point, and in my experience Strell has always countered it respectfully or conceded points when legitimate.

[quote name='bmulligan']
I'll end with one of my favorite colloquialisms: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Somehow I thought you were made of stronger stuff.[/QUOTE]
You're kind of a big deal, huh? Thanks for cluing us in to your Top 50 Favorite Colloquialisms. I shall watch for future updates with great interest.
[quote name='Strell']You don't get it. You're just insulting for no reason. That is a poor way to conduct yourself and you're doing it a lot. It's not a question of whether or not I'm handling it from someone who is obviously bent on trying to put me on tilt - it's a question of whether or not it's required. You're doing it for no reason and you know it.[/quote]

Um, can I get an example? I don't seem to remember singling you out for abuse, ever. Unless you want to count daring to retort to your self-admitted fanboyism. The last time we got into it was your assault on my opinion about Mario Galaxy. Apparently, you decided I was not entitled to my opinion and began a Nintendo truth march. I countered. Sorry I wouldn't capitulate.

You seem to have this hair trigger when it comes to Nintendo and anyone who disagrees with you gets the strong-arm treatment. God forbid anyone would dare to counter your assaults, because their in for another barrage of strellness greater than the first. Don't get me wrong - It's what I like about you. But, apparently, you only like it when people just give up and let you speak. Hence this thread.

However, when you "showed me the door," it didn't sound like a veiled suggestion, It sounded more like a threat. I didn't whine about it, I countered. If anyone should be offended, it's me, not you. Especially since you can't seem to explain how I'm picking on you. You just throw it out there like it's a fact, but it's without substance. I'm sorry you feel threatened or abused because I choose to disagree with you on certain things. I seriously had no idea there was any animosity between us. I enjoy your conversations, and even enjoy disagreements every now and then. I mean, if we all agreed on everything it would be a much more boring forum with everybody playing nice-nice, wouldn't it ?

Your attitude is poor in this regard and you know it. Making several attempts to attack me without reason is trolling. Be happy that every mod would disregard any complaints I had on the matter.

I still don't see how I attacked you, especially the "several attempts" charge. An "attack" is a pretty strong accusation as well. I still don't see how you have ever been "attacked" by me. By disagreeing with you in the past? Surely you can't be serious.

You deserved every word of my last post after "showing me the door". It was unwarranted to paint me in that light and call me out for no good reason. If you would like to make truce and make mutual apologies, I'm open to negotiations.
I agree with Liboo and strell 100%. We need new mods. I cannot understand the dumb decisions made by our mods. When naes asks a question about component cables, after the thread dies, some mod moves it into the Wii faq thread. ??? Even though the online brawl discussion thread was prospering, and the general discussion one was basically dead, linkin decides to continue the 501pg thread by giving it the function of the new one. Wow, how smart, mods.
To the point... I think that the mods for the Wii section should, uh, actually participate in the Wii section maybe?
I just had to add my two cents here. I like Strell, and lilboo, and Linkin, and most people on CAG... but I have to say the modding does bother me a bit. When I was reading these threads before and saw someone post about modding causing less posting in here, I disagreed.

BUT... just now I was over in the 360 forum and wanted to ask a question, but I didn't, because I didn't know what thread it was supposed to go in and was afraid of getting chastised for starting a new thread...

So maybe it could be causing decreased traffic...

And Strell and lilboo, you have my vote for guides, or supreme high commanders of the universe, whichever comes first. lilboo because he's funny as hell, and Strell because SOMEONE has to save us from the Nazombies... right?
Anyone with Purple Tentacle somewhere on their person is glorious.

Something good will happen in your day tomorrow.
[quote name='Strell'] Anyone with Purple Tentacle somewhere on their person is glorious.[/quote]

Why thank you... but I must be honest - I prefer Green Tentacle. Though, I still maintain he had a color identity problem, as he was really more aquamarine. Green Tentacle gets no Goozex love, though...

[quote name='Strell']Something good will happen in your day tomorrow.[/quote]

My official Strell-o-scope! I've been waiting all day for someone to show up at my door with money and/or completed school papers, yet no one is here. What gives? ;)
I've got to agree, the same shit happened over on the PS3 forum and it's a clusterfuck to find anything anymore. It seems like 8 threads got pulled into one FAQ thread that contained other FAQ threads. I understand that things get lost and people are asking questions that have been answered before, but it's an internet forum, there's going to be new people coming in and asking questions.

If threads need to be centralized, why not sticky them to the top of the page or at least just sticky a FAQ post at the top of the page with links to the other threads. It gets confusing when there are 4 different conversations going on in one thread, that's when a new thread gets created only to get combined into this "black hole" thread that the mods put together.
bread's done