For those that have played Uncharted 2....


CAG Veteran
Do you feel that it's the best action-adventure game ever? I know that's saying a lot, but I just beat the game in one day because I couldn't put the controller down. The game just had me hooked from morning to night. The game improved on everything from the first Uncharted and that game was a blast as well.
Tough question since so many games might fit under that category. I mean, what other games are really similar to Uncharted's formula? Tomb Raider? Gears of War? I agree it's probably on top in terms of a 3rd person shooter/adventure experience when compared to games like those -- but in terms of action/adventure in general, you're looking at a lot more intimidating candidates.
Its a great game. A really great game. Honestly, thats all I think is important. GOAT doesn't really mean anything in video games, as they're always evolving and getting better.
It was definitely my favorite game of last year. But best ever? Ehh.. maybe!

I almost never buy games on day 1 for full price, but I know I'll pick up Uncharted 3 on day one. So I guess that says something.
Although the visuals were jaw-dropping in Uncharted 2, I have to admit that I enjoyed both Infamous and the two PS3 Ratchet and Clank games more.
The closest game to actually make me care about the characters and almost get teary eyed at the ending.

It's up there, but the best? Well, I it's still too early and I haven't had enough coffee to start this debate. :lol:
[quote name='coolz481']Although the visuals were jaw-dropping in Uncharted 2, I have to admit that I enjoyed both Infamous and the two PS3 Ratchet and Clank games more.[/QUOTE]

While I played inFAMLUS, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time... and loved them all (Both Ratchet's are above inFAMOUS).... Uncharted 1 and 2 are superior in every regard. Visuals, story, sound, fun factor, wow factor, new IP, etc. For the record, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction was my first PS3 game.

Uncharted 3 is definitely a day 1 purchase (which is usually exclusive for my first party Nintendo franchises).

I am not bashing on your opinion, I just wanted to give perspective from someone who has played all of the same games.
It's probably fair to say that Uncharted 2 is the best action/adventure games up until this point. It's probably most accurate to say that it's the best action/adventure game on the PS3 or maybe even this generation..

Still, Uncharted 1 & 2 remain two of my most favorite games. I can't wait for Uncharted 3.
Uncharted 2 fixed most of what I felt hindered Uncharted 1:
-Using the analog stick to control the arc of the grenade throw instead of six axis
-Getting rid of brutal combos
-Enemy diversity
-Location diversity
[quote name='RC-101']Uncharted 2 fixed most of what I felt hindered Uncharted 1:
-Using the analog stick to control the arc of the grenade throw instead of six axis
-Getting rid of brutal combos
-Enemy diversity
-Location diversity[/QUOTE]

It also looked better, sounded better, played better AND even had a better story (everything to help the immersion).

I also liked how they got rid of the gun fight to gun fight motion of the game and diversified it.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']It also looked better, sounded better, played better AND even had a better story (everything to help the immersion).

I also liked how they got rid of the gun fight to gun fight motion of the game and diversified it.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't really have a story. Story sucks but the characters are AMAZING. I couldn't put down the SP... so I would say it ranks up at the top of the best adventure games.

[quote name='flameofdoom666']While I played inFAMLUS, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time... and loved them all (Both Ratchet's are above inFAMOUS).... Uncharted 1 and 2 are superior in every regard. Visuals, story, sound, fun factor, wow factor, new IP, etc. For the record, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction was my first PS3 game.

Uncharted 3 is definitely a day 1 purchase (which is usually exclusive for my first party Nintendo franchises).

I am not bashing on your opinion, I just wanted to give perspective from someone who has played all of the same games.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. Infamous < Ratchet < Uncharted. And I'm a big Ratchet fan (have every PS2/PS3 game).
the mp in u2 is what makes it an amazing game theres alot of replay to be had with it and the sp story is amazing but i have to give the nod to AC2. i didnt expect alot and was more than surprised by it especially the story. Deadspace was awesome too for a game that borrowed heavily from even horizon it made re5 look like a fucking turd. it was scary and intense on your first playthrough espcially since ammo was limited.

AC2, U2, Deadspace are some of the few games ive played that really felt next gen. whoever owns the rights to tenchu needs to use ac2 as a guidline for how to do their next game.
[quote name='RC-101']Uncharted 2 fixed most of what I felt hindered Uncharted 1:
-Using the analog stick to control the arc of the grenade throw instead of six axis[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure you could turn the sixaxis off on the first game, and use the analog stick.
Best action game ever? Yes without a doubt. It just kicks ass. The controls are so tight and responsive. Seriously the only time the game gets frustrating is in small areas like the train cars. Other than that it's perfect.
[quote name='pram12']It doesn't really have a story. Story sucks but the characters are AMAZING. I couldn't put down the SP... so I would say it ranks up at the top of the best adventure games.

It Uncharted 2 didn't have a story, I wonder what the hell I was watching for the 12+ hours I played it, and then the 10+ hours I played it through again. :roll:

Uncharted 1 and 2 are easily two of the greatest games ever made, even in terms of story. I can't wait for the 3rd, and I can guarantee I will be getting little to no sleep for a few days when the third game hits.
Ive been playing a lot of games that I've missed out on before I became a hardcore gamer.

The only game I have played in the last year that is on par with uncharted 2 is final fantasy XIII. everything else has been....meh. And the games I'm playing noe are the ones everybody says are MUAT plays.

I started and finished uncharted 2 in one day. I had the day off and I could not put the controller down. It was an incredible experience and easily one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had gaming. And that says a lot.
^ You should try God of War series, that was a blast for me. Start with the God of War collection and then play God of War 3. Also, Yakuza 3 is really great (if you like that kind of stuff).
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