FPSs on the PS3


10 (100%)
Are there any out there that are better than Halo 3? I love Halo 3 and in my opinion it's probably the best console fps made, if not the best console game ever, but for the time being I'm going 360-less. So I'm looking for a comparable experience on the PS3. I've tried the obvious choices like Resistance and UT3 but they don't come close at all. Any recommendations?
Resistance 1 isn't as good, but it's still a decent shooter on its own. However Resistance 2, due later this year, looks to be the equal of the Halo series. Not to mention that you'll actually get proper fights to save mankind on earth amongst major landmarks.
OMG HALO ROXX!! It is so good because this is the only FPS I have ever played!111!1!! HALO is da best game evar!
I actually didn't like Halo. Except for maybe some multiplayer matches on it I thought the game was generally quite bad.

I am used to computer FPSs though.

Even though it got average ratings I liked The Darkness, but if you are looking for Halo like games, it's definitely not what you are looking for.
Unreal Tournament 3. Just prepare for some of the most brutal ass kickings you will ever receive.
[quote name='joe2187']Keep your eye on Killzone 2, It'll be released around the same time as Dukem Nukem forever.[/QUOTE]

As much of a joke you're making there, it really could end up happening...
i though Halo 3 was complete garbage, you need to play more FPSs. Killzone 2 (feb 09) and Resistance 2 (nov) are your best bets

fyi, KillZone 2 is done already. They are just polishing the game now
So the general consensus seems to be Resistance 2 and Killzone 2. Does it matter I haven't beaten the first game in either of those series?
[quote name='dcfox']So the general consensus seems to be Resistance 2 and Killzone 2. Does it matter I haven't beaten the first game in either of those series?[/QUOTE]

R2 - no, but for references in the game yes
KZ2 - no
R1 didn't have much of a story besides major plot points related to the action. All you need to know is a soldier named Hale is sent to alien occupied Britain and infected with the Chimera virus, the same ones some strange aliens have been using to convert all of Europe and Asia into mutant foot soldiers. But Hale, seemingly immune, gains powers like regeneration, extra strength and stamina from the virus and goes on to kick alien ass out of Britain. R2 picks up literally right at the end of R1.

KZ2 is only loosely tied to KZ1. All you need to know is that evil Human subspecies called Helghans invaded a planet called Vekta. Helghans are angry because centuries ago they started a war and lost and were forced to flee onto a hazardous planet named Helghan, which had radiation and toxins that mutated them a bit. Well, they started a second war on Vekta and were booted off again, and now the ISA, the "good guys" are invading Helghan to end the war. KZ2 picks up with you on a ship orbiting Helghan doing training (the training level) before the big invasion.
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Halo 3 was not that great... I want to see where the next Halo goes, and how it stacks up to next gen shooters like Killzone and Resistance 2. Resistance was great for what it was, but the team didn't even know the PS3 specs when they were creating it.... they were ad a disadvantage, a disadvantage that's been nullified.
[quote name='dcfox']Are there any out there that are better than Halo 3? I love Halo 3 and in my opinion it's probably the best console fps made, if not the best console game ever, but for the time being I'm going 360-less. So I'm looking for a comparable experience on the PS3. I've tried the obvious choices like Resistance and UT3 but they don't come close at all. Any recommendations?[/QUOTE]

what is it about Halo 3 do you love so much?
[quote name='Thomas96']what is it about Halo 3 do you love so much?[/quote]

mass appeal. The halo series is essentially the NOOB of FPS games.
[quote name='refusedchaos']i though Halo 3 was complete garbage[/quote]

Go say this in the 360 forum and prepare to get shot
I think that the Halo series past the first one is complete garbage. Why am I going to play Halo when at that time period the PC had far superior shooters?
[quote name='joe2187']Keep your eye on Killzone 2, It'll be released around the same time as Dukem Nukem forever.[/quote]

Wait, Duke Nukem Forever got a date in Feb 2009?

Seriously though, go look up what Guerrilla has planned for KZ2 multiplayer. I sounds amazing.
[quote name='chodax']Go say this in the 360 forum and prepare to get shot[/quote]

Not really, the general Consensus in the 360 forums is that for all it's worth, Halo 3 is the one of the most mediocre games on the 360 lineup. Mass Effect, and Multiplatform Orange Box, Burnout Paradise and COD4 are whats mostly played on Live.

Halo 3 is still a widely played game on Live, but man...It sucks like, major floppy donkey dick.
Call of Duty 4 is awesome, it's better than Halo 2.5 in my opinion. ;-)

However, that is not the topic on hand,

COD 4 is a MUST if you don't already own it.

And Orange box is great too, I think it runs fine now with the patch Valve released, It's a great value and Half-Life 2 is one of the best FPS (games) ever, however, it's a lot different than Halo so be-warned.

Super Stardust HD. Not a FPS, but it's still awesome! :)
People are always quick to slam R1's story. While the story may not have been very deep, it had a few saving graces.

1) I loved the delivery of the story. How it was told from the perspective of British Intelligence, about the American Nathan Hale. I liked the fact that the British had holes in the time line of the story where they aren't sure what happened, but you do know (because you are playing Hale). I forget the name of this literary mechanic. There is also the mystery of whether Hale is infected or not.

2) The WW2-free alternate reality plot was fresh to mee.

3) Playing through actual landmarks.

I enjoyed R1 more that H2 and 3. Can't really compare to Halo 1, as that was my first console shooter experience, and it will always have a special place :). Sorry FPS 1337's

I would atleast go rent this game. If you do a lot of online gaming, the R1 community is still going strong, so at $30 (finally) just buy it, as you will get your money's worth online, after you get the story.

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[quote name='snowsquirrel']People are always quick to slam R1's story. While the story may not have been very deep, it had a few saving graces.

1) I loved the delivery of the story. How it was told from the perspective of British Intelligence, about the American Nathan Hale. I liked the fact that the British had holes in the time line of the story where they aren't sure what happened, but you do know (because you are playing Hale). I forget the name of this literary mechanic. There is also the mystery of whether Hale is infected or not.

2) The WW2-free alternate reality plot was fresh to mee.

3) Playing through actual landmarks.

I enjoyed R1 more that H2 and 3. Can't really compare to Halo 1, as that was my first console shooter experience, and it will always have a special place :). Sorry FPS 1337's

I would atleast go rent this game. If you do a lot of online gaming, the R1 community is still going strong, so at $30 (finally) just buy it, as you will get your money's worth online, after you get the story.


Wow, I'm not that far off from being convinced to get R1 whenever it gets really cheap (sub $20). How are the controls? I always found the appealing aspect of halo to be the controls (also the grunts, once they added flood and brutes the whole thing went downhill).
Half-Life 1 is my favorite fps, but for PS3(or 360) I'd say Orange Box is the best, due to Half-Life 2.

I got Halo 3 based on hype for cheap and didn't really care for it at all. Didn't like Resistance much either.
I need to get a shooter for the PS3 as well. I think Resistance sounds the best so far at least until Killzone 2 drops especially as it will be in the Greatest Hits series announced at E3. I would have picked up Unreal Tournament 3 for the PS3, but I got it for 360 instead.
I actually really liked Resistance. The motion controls were well implemented and added a cool feel. And it is on sale this week for $29.99
I was going to say the Orange Box but others beat me to it. I'm playing through HL2 for the 3rd time now (after regular Xbox and Xbox 360 versions) and having a blast. Unfortunately I doubt that any Targets still have it on clearance.
[quote name='Maklershed']Yeah dcfox! Do you have bad taste?[/quote]
:roll: Yeah, Mak. I have horrible taste :lol:

[quote name='Halo05']I was going to say the Orange Box but others beat me to it. I'm playing through HL2 for the 3rd time now (after regular Xbox and Xbox 360 versions) and having a blast. Unfortunately I doubt that any Targets still have it on clearance.[/quote]
A big no to Orange Box. I already played through HL2 on the pc and didn't like it. I don't know if the episodes are any better but I'm in no hurry to find out.
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[quote name='VipFREAK']Hello people... Rainbow six vegas 2. Dur.[/quote]

LOL yeah right. Crap story and enemy respawn points from hell. Let's not forgot the crappy online part of the game either. I still can't believe I wasn't able to play this game for over 2 weeks when it came out because the online was so broken. I would just avoid RSV2. You're going to be disappointed.

UT3 is fun and all if you're just picking up the game now, but I was so disappointed with that game. I bought it when it came out, and man...it was a total let down. Story mode (if you can even call it that) was garbage. The community dwindled after a month. Voice chat wasn't too great. Also when the game came out in Europe, it messed up the game for American players. You couldn't get into official servers because they were for Europe or something. It was so frustrating. It took Epic FOREVER to patch that. I always felt like they never fully got behind Mods for PS3 either. There was so much potential wasted. Lack of XMB also hurt this game really bad.
I love Resistance because of its cool weapons and great online (zero lag, 40 player deathmatches with one shot kills). Then again, I'm a BIG fan of Insomniac's work (I was a big fan of Disruptor back in the day).
[quote name='refusedchaos']i though Halo 3 was complete garbage, you need to play more FPSs. Killzone 2 (feb 09) and Resistance 2 (nov) are your best bets

fyi, KillZone 2 is done already. They are just polishing the game now[/quote]
I enjoyed Resistance 1's Single Player way over Halo 3's.

OP didn't even beat the game.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I enjoyed Resistance 1's Single Player way over Halo 3's.

OP didn't even beat the game.[/quote]

Lies... Halo 3 is da best game!111!
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I love Resistance because of its cool weapons and great online (zero lag, 40 player deathmatches with one shot kills). Then again, I'm a BIG fan of Insomniac's work (I was a big fan of Disruptor back in the day).[/QUOTE]

I still got my Disruptor game, I really loved that game, on PSX
OP, I'd still like to know what is it that you enjoy about Halo 3. [at least this way we can compare and contrast to the things that Resistance and other PS3 FPS games have done and will be doing in the future]
[quote name='refusedchaos']i though Halo 3 was complete garbage, you need to play more FPSs. Killzone 2 (feb 09) and Resistance 2 (nov) are your best bets

fyi, KillZone 2 is done already. They are just polishing the game now[/quote]

4-7 month wait? I think the OP was asking for NOW. And Halo 3 isn't garbage, it's not my thing but Bungie did a real good number on it. Might not be the eye candy everyone hoped for but it looks good and plays great. Again, I couldn't get into it like many I know. Forge mode allows you to customize maps (only Unreal does that on PS3), has a great match making setup and some cool maps/guns. Really depends on what the OP wants.

Plus you said KZ2 is done but they are polishing it up, so in other words they aren't done with KZ2 yet ;)

To be on topic, RFOM might now be the Halo equivalent you are looking for but exclusively it's probably the closest that's any good (alien space shooting FPS type). I'ld say COD4, Vegas 1/2, or BF:BC though but all of these are more realistic, no aliens taking over the world, and a tad more tactical than the Halo universe. :cool:
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Halo 3 is generally terrible, but I do have a lot of fun playing some of the modes you can download like sharks, pirates, and grifball (with friends, not random XBL players). Regular death matches and capture the flag on Halo 2/3 are so bad I would rather go sit in a corner.
I agree with most the people above. If you think that Halo is the best FPS ever made then you definitely need to play more of the genre. Of course everything is personal opinion; however to me, I enjoyed Resistance far more than I enjoyed anything of the Halo series.

I am really looking forward to Resistance 2. I will check out Killzone 2 as well but I did not like the first one at all.

For games out now, if you can find a good group to play with, UT3 is great with the number of mods available for the PS3 version.
[quote name='Thomas96']OP, I'd still like to know what is it that you enjoy about Halo 3. [at least this way we can compare and contrast to the things that Resistance and other PS3 FPS games have done and will be doing in the future][/quote]
Probably not most people's first answer but I really like the campaign, especially in co-op. I also like the variety of multiplayer options. It's not just death match or capture the flag.
I thought the Halo series' gameplay was excellent, however the story was a complete waste all the way through the series.

I'm fine with the first one being skinny on story, much like R1 was, but they had plenty of opportunity to fix that. Instead in Halo 2 what was presented as an Earth apocalyptic scenario is pushed aside, while we do get a great glimpse into Covenent life as the Arbiter, we barely get to play the MC, then let's not forget that lack of an ending. Further in Halo 3 they hide the deeper story elements in hard to find terminals? What the hell? And let's not forget the gaping plot holes, like how destroying the overmind somehow kills off all the flood through the entire galaxy.

And don't even mention the books. If a game has to resort to external books to tell its story then the game itself still has a poor story, period.

However, Resistance 2 can still fall into the same trap, but it does seem like Hale has a lot more character this time around, heck, he even speaks.

Then, Killzone 1 had a very good story with somewhat deep character relationships that arced through the main campaign. Not only did you get a military campaign story, you got some personal relationships not unlike good war movies.
If you liked Halo...

I liked CoD4, and am 20 hours into Orange Box, and loving it. But if you liked Halo, R1 is the closest thing to it. CoD is a modern realistic shooter. Halo is not. Half Life has a dark post-nuclear feel to it. Halo and R1 don't have that dark feel to them, but that is just my opinion.

R1 and Halo both involve a new species, which we don't know much about. R1 and Halo have less political commentary that HL and CoD4. Main character in R1 and Halo is vague.

With regard to the controls, R1 is faster than Halo, though not UT or Quake fast. Probably similar to Half-Life for speed. Driving vehicles is similar to Halo, but not quite as good. You don't do it very much anyway. It is certainly light-years better than driving a vehicle in HL.

[quote name='dcfox']Probably not most people's first answer but I really like the campaign, especially in co-op. I also like the variety of multiplayer options. It's not just death match or capture the flag.[/QUOTE]

You know Resistance is good, but if I were you.. get your PS3, rent Resistance.. you'll enjoy the campaign. The game is pretty much obsolete now, and everyone's anticipating R2. Purchase R2 when it comes out, because R2 will have online co-op, and more of a variety of multiplayer options. At least this way you save 30 dollars (25- minus rental fee) and you can buy the game that has more of the options of what you want. [or purchase Resistance if you can get it cheaper than 30... Its bound to be used for cheap by now] Honestly, Sony should give Resistance away for free with the new 80gb model.

Now if you're just a connoisseur of the FPS genere and want a taste of something different, then purchase Resistance. But imo, rent Resistance and wait for R2. Put the bulk of your money towards the game that's going to be more satisfying to you.
I'm going to recommend simply waiting. If you really want a good FPS for the PS3 your choices are slim and potentially mediocre. You might as well wait and see if anything coming out soon turns out to be good.

Myself? Despite its flaws I enjoyed Killzone on the PS2 (probably helped that I knew nothing about it and missed the hype machine that came before its release), so I am looking forward to seeing if Killzone 2 turns out to be good.
bread's done