FREE $10 Amazon gift certificate for each evaluation completed

You have to install some software on your computer.

Thanks for the post but no thanks. I don't trust anything like that.
[quote name='rabbitt']I'll sign up when I see more people saying that this site is legite. And do I get a giftcard for each evaluation?[/quote]

You'll typically have to devote only 15 to 30 minutes to an evaluation, and you'll receive a merchandise certificate (for example, a $10 gift certificate) for each one you successfully complete.
What I don't like about Vividence is that if you don't complete the suverys to "their satisfaction", you don't get rewarded. I have spent 30 minutes before taking a survey from them and they said my responeses weren't up to their standards and didn't get compensated.
yeah, if I have to install any software into my comp, I'll rather not try it, thx for the info anyway
I completed it back in June, it should still be available. Here's some tips I dug up from Slickdeals:

To qualify (pass the pre-survey to go onto the main survey) answer the maximums (ie. How many hotels have you stayed in? Answer: 5 or more. How many reservations had you made in the past? Answer: 5 or more.) Do the maximum and extreme cases.

For the fucking plugin after you're done with it:

in IE, Tools-->Internet Options, click on Settings.., View Objects and then u can right click on the vividence plugin and uninstall it
It's totally legit. The way it works is that from time to time they will ask you to evaluate a website, they give you tasks to do on it and then ask you questions about it. The software thing only runs while you are evaluating (at least as far as I know, I could easily be wrong though) and it monitors what you do on the website you are evaluating.

I've done this and gotten quite a few gift cerfiticates. Only problem is that evaluations are few and far between.
"Browser or Operating System Not Supported
In order to participate in Vividence studies we require that you use either Internet Explorer 5.01 or greater or Netscape Navigator 7 or greater, running on either Windows 98, NT, 2000, ME and XP, or Mac OS 9."

I've done Vividence surveys before using their browser and did get whatever they offered at the time (in terms of gift certificates), but I haven't received a survey offer in what seems like decades.
I've used this, I have gotten two $10 certificates for
I've also gotten the unsatisfactory survey too. I've also gotten ineligible for survey too. My co-worker recommended this to me and he's gotten a few certficates too. I don't get too many surveys though, three or so in two to three years.
bread's done