Free 48 Hour Xbox Live Codes - ALL GONE

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[quote name='kchton']dude. everyone hates newbies that just make an account for the moment. some of them didnt even know this web page they just googled xbox live for free.[/QUOTE]
Okay that's true, some do just Google xbox for free, but everyone is not like that, if you didn't have newbies, how will the site grow?
i agree with you but everyone hates them lol. but its not a problem a have with them its the majority of the people.
As a "Veteran" I am incredibly thankful for the "newbies" as I have been the recipient of tons of deal information from them. Sure they may not have discovered this site until recently but as legendkiller014 said, "Remember, at one time you were a newbie".

Check your PMs legendkiller014 - I sent you a code. I got this one with Gears of War II so I hope it still works because it is pretty old but I know it has never been used.


Besides, the elitism over "veteran" versus "newbie" status is just plain stupid. Get over yourself; you found a website before someone else...not that big a deal.
and i really dont have a problem with newbies i said it before. but i do really hate lurkers
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hey guys, i'd really appreciate a code. I'm out of XBL and out of money and want to play COD6 MW2! haha. If you could PM me it so someone else won't steal it that would be amazing. Thanks CAG's.
If anyone has a spare code that'd be willing to share, could you please PM me the code? After going crazy with it over the free weekend, I'm dying to play some more L4D2 online. Thanks much in advance :)
I just bought my XBox from Ebay and would like to try out XBox Live just to make sure the system is not banned so I can do a return within 7 days. Does anyone have a 48 hr code so I can test this out? Thanks for your help!
[quote name='sharpeone']I just bought my XBox from Ebay and would like to try out XBox Live just to make sure the system is not banned so I can do a return within 7 days. Does anyone have a 48 hr code so I can test this out? Thanks for your help![/QUOTE]
All you have to do is try and connect to LIVE
[quote name='Devil666555']All you have to do is try and connect to LIVE[/QUOTE]

Didn't realize that. I'll have to try when I get home. Appreciate the reply.
[quote name='jr233270']As a "Veteran" I am incredibly thankful for the "newbies" as I have been the recipient of tons of deal information from them. Sure they may not have discovered this site until recently but as legendkiller014 said, "Remember, at one time you were a newbie".

Check your PMs legendkiller014 - I sent you a code. I got this one with Gears of War II so I hope it still works because it is pretty old but I know it has never been used.



The only problem I have with the Newbies is that fact the only reason they come to this website is to get these 48hr codes. They only post here to get codes or lurk and get codes.

I always check profiles before I pm a code out and make sure all they do is not beg for codes here.
I'd like to request one, but not for me, for my girlfriend. She has a 360 and let her subscription lapse. It'd just be a nice surprise for her if I gave her one. PM me with a code if you have one to spare, thanks. It's not imperative, but I'd be eternally grateful to my fellow CAG's.
Thanksgiving weekend friday-sunday freee xbox live for everyone microsoft is making it free just for this weekend cuz of thanksgivign
Could someone send me a 48-hour trial? Having a friend over, and want to play L4D2 online with my brother (my account has live, but his doesn't). Would be appreciated (and I'm aware of being a guest, but that doesn't work for parties as far as I know, and he also wants GamerScore on his tag).
Wtf cant you guys just stop begging go buy your own bloody xbox live you poor bastards. every day i go onto this site i see begger beggers beggers but you wont get a code that way its first in first serve you noobs get it through your thick head.:bomb:
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']I have a 48hr trial, if you have been a member from 2008 and before, pm me if you want it.

If you are new/a begger you will not.[/QUOTE]

I tried to PM but your inbox is full, If this is still available I'd like to have it, thanks
[quote name='kchton']why dont u stop beggin and go and buy a 3 month subscription like i did. its only $15 at any walmart[/QUOTE]


christ its just a 48 hour code

and im not gonna use live at all after this week so why waste
[quote name='Axis:BAL']fuck

christ its just a 48 hour code

and im not gonna use live at all after this week so why waste[/QUOTE]

1 month subscription is at $1 this week i think. i saw it at my xbox dashboard.

This code is for xboxlover360, please don't take his code. Thanks.:whee:
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