my gamer tag is Sixty oz, yeah, i know i already got gold, its for my buddy, he's really poor, doesn't have gold anymore and I told him i'd try to get him some codes so we could play some games on the weekends. thanks in advance.
I would also appreciate a 48 hour code. I'm trying to finish an achievement in GTA IV. Will only take a couple more hours. I'll admit, I do have a 12 month, but there are no multiplayer games that I want to play afterword for a while so I don't want to waste it. Thank you! Just pm me or send a message to my gamertag.
I would very much appreciate a code for a 48 hour live membership for the original xbox live, I have an original xbox, and the service is going offline soon so I need to update my downloadable content, but I am so broke right now. My email is [email protected] , Thanks so much to anyone that replies. THANK YOU
Hi I was recently bumped down to silver and I won't have money to renew until tuesday could someone please help me make it til then it would be much appreciated.
if any of you guys got any extras, i need one, im goin to my friends house for the weekend and im out of gold, id really apreciate it. just pm me if u got a code to donate! thnx guys.