Free $50 Gift Card w/PS3 80 GB at Amazon

[quote name='blk00civicsi']Nice. Thanks Cheapy. I like how Amazon has limited this promotion to 600 units. At least they're being honest.[/quote]

I think that's just a way to play with people's emotions. It just makes you want to get it since it's limited. It's a sales gimmick.

Or I could be wrong, lol.
[quote name='chelosera91']this is a sign of a $50 price cut :D[/quote]

I really hope so. Because I'm going to jump on the Dell deal as soon as it happens. Assuming Dell still allows the that coupon after a price drop is announced.
[quote name='EmilyBabe']Will do. :bouncy:[/quote]

well it it JUST a rumor as of now... one which sony denied... so its up in the air.. there was just a discussion about this previously between me and cheapy d


i am an idiot... today is the 22nd and no pricecuts are happening other than this..
[quote name='WuGgaRoO']well it it JUST a rumor as of now... one which sony denied... so its up in the air.. there was just a discussion about this previously between me and cheapy d


i am an idiot... today is the 22nd and no pricecuts are happening other than this..[/quote]

lmfao, I would say wait until GDC week is over ;)
[quote name='WuGgaRoO']good call[/quote]

This deal is good if you have Amazon gift card to burn(but then you get another gift card). :lol: I Think Sony is testsing the waters to see how long they can hold off without a price drop. Many stores have given away free $50.00 gift cards with purchase of a new PS3 Target, Best Buy, Game Stop now Sony is running these promotions with these stores to test the waters and see how many units these stores can move at this price (in my opnion not for a price drop) but to add vaule to the ps3. Even though you get a $50 gift card I'm positive Sony isn't giving that retailer the entire $50 back. Target has an exclusive bundle pack with two free games which I think is also testing the waters to see if adding vaule = no price drop. I would love to use this deal but I have a P3 already.
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