FREE 52-page hardcover artbook w/ pre-order of AR Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (GS/EB)



"BONUS! Order Ar Tonelico and receive the Official Full-Color Art Book FREE! The 52-page hardcover book is packaged with the game and available while supplies last! See stores for details."

Release Date: 2/6/2007

Ar tonelico takes place in the world of Sol Shell, a small world consisting of nothing more than a single floating tower set between a sea of clouds above and plasma below. The story centers on Laina Barselt, an eighteen-year-old whose father governs Platina, a town located in the top floors of the tower. Laina is uninterested in politics, and instead seeks adventure in the army. The game has multiple heroines of a species known as Ravateel, who use magic to sing songs about the world. However, these performances cause pain for the performer, so they only perform for loved ones.

Ar Tonelico mixes gameplay styles, with RPG exploration and turn-based battles. The key to winning is to make use of the singing ability of the heroines. Another gameplay system allows you to dive into the minds of the girls and learn about what she is thinking -- you can also change her costume and customize her skills.


I don't think the art book is a pre-order bonus, I got a feeling GS/EB is bullshiting here. Looking at the NIS site, the game comes with the art book, it's not obvious that this game has a version that doesnt come with the art book.

Anyway, if you haven't already pre-ordered this from NIS then you might very well have already missed out on the "actual" bonus - the sound track.
[quote name='Asgardian']I don't think the art book is a pre-order bonus, I got a feeling GS/EB is bullshiting here. Looking at the NIS site, the game comes with the art book, it's not obvious that this game has a version that doesnt come with the art book.

Anyway, if you haven't already pre-ordered this from NIS then you might very well have already missed out on the "actual" bonus - the sound track.[/QUOTE]
Ouch, wish I knew about this preorder thing sooner. I'm a sucker for soundtrack promos.
It doesn't look like you can order the game from NIS at all right now. I wonder if EBGS will come through with the soundtrack? Probably not.

Woo, a sale or markdown on the Makai Kingdom guide and freebies with Disgaea 2? I might have to order those whenever I finally order Disgaea.
I got to preorder at NIS so I get the soundtrack too.

They have a new system to preorders, i guess to meet demand.

1. You have to get reservation and receive a registration code in a certain period of time. ( I think this one was between the last week of December and the first week in January.)

2. Then you have to use the registration code to get a preorder. (3 week period).

3. They ship it on release day and that's it.

When you reserve it, it asks you how many copies you want. So I guess that is how they know how many games to make to be qualified for the bonus.
They just say while supplies last. It's just a play on words to make you think it's exclusive, though it's not at all. Still, if I didn't know this, I'd fall for it. They're bastards ...
Wish I saw this sooner...too late now. Oh well, even if I miss out on the Soundtrack I'll be satisfied to have this game in the collection.
yeah I ordered from NIS...well I have to pay them by the 29th...anyways I read on gfaqs that the soundtrack would be well worth it from what they played in the japanese version
[quote name='RolePlayer']I got to preorder at NIS so I get the soundtrack too.

They have a new system to preorders, i guess to meet demand.

1. You have to get reservation and receive a registration code in a certain period of time. ( I think this one was between the last week of December and the first week in January.)

2. Then you have to use the registration code to get a preorder. (3 week period).[/quote]
Still pissed about that...they sent the e-mails out telling people about this when everyone's out of town for the holidays. I didn't have any e-mail access the whole time I was out of town so I missed out. Instead I got to play the whole "fix my computer" game with the relatives.

[quote name='RolePlayer']3. They ship it on release day and that's it.

When you reserve it, it asks you how many copies you want. So I guess that is how they know how many games to make to be qualified for the bonus.[/quote]
If there's any way a fellow CAG could get 2 copies w/soundtrack I'd gladly reimburse them for the cost+shipping of one .
I read the review is below 7/10. It's great graphic & nice sound track but still now worth $50 in my list unless you are ATLUS collection fan. I t hink getting it whenever it drop down $30, but it'll getting RARE after 6 months.
[quote name='Asgardian']I don't think the art book is a pre-order bonus, I got a feeling GS/EB is bullshiting here. Looking at the NIS site, the game comes with the art book, it's not obvious that this game has a version that doesnt come with the art book.

Anyway, if you haven't already pre-ordered this from NIS then you might very well have already missed out on the "actual" bonus - the sound track.[/quote]

Good catch. GS has been lying to me too as of late and i fell for it. When my girl bought a wii they told us to buy some wii game coming out in april (something like wii sports 2 or like it) and if you "PRE-ORDER" it you get a free wiimote. I find out later that the wiimotes come with the game for free anyways.

bunch of liars.
I don't think you'll have trouble finding this game in the future since NISA is releasing it, not Atlus, as for the Sound track, Im pretty sure NISA will list the Soundtrack on their site for like ~$10 if you really want it
Actually if you look at the bundles still available for the other games it makes me think that there will probably still be a soundtrack bundled in on a 'while supplies last' basis. Meh, I'll check the site on the release date.
I've never been big on NIS RPG's; mostly 'cause of the time and devotion they require (not saying the games are bad...I just don't have time for long RPG's nowadays, unfortunately). But I just might bite on this game. It looks beautiful!
[quote name='y2kenjination']I've never been big on NIS RPG's; mostly 'cause of the time and devotion they require (not saying the games are bad...I just don't have time for long RPG's nowadays, unfortunately). But I just might bite on this game. It looks beautiful![/QUOTE]

I must agree: this game DOES look good :D
[quote name='fairtrade']Actually if you look at the bundles still available for the other games it makes me think that there will probably still be a soundtrack bundled in on a 'while supplies last' basis. Meh, I'll check the site on the release date.[/QUOTE]
except this time they makes it harder to get the bonus by having a limited time to preorder. The disagea 2 soundtrack is also gone too.
[quote name='fairtrade']Actually if you look at the bundles still available for the other games it makes me think that there will probably still be a soundtrack bundled in on a 'while supplies last' basis. Meh, I'll check the site on the release date.[/QUOTE]

Um, you know Gamestop lies and keeps those bundles there for months to con buyers, right? I can say that from personal experience. They didn't mind a return, but even after complaining that they were lying to their customers, they still left the bundle up for another few months.
I didn't mean I meant the NIS site. For instance Disgaea 2 ships with several bonus items (no soundtrack anymore as someone indicated earlier), and there is another game that still includes the soundtrack preview while supplies last (I forget what that one was offhand).

But I know what you mean. They left the Castlevania PoR bundle up on the site for a while even after the point that there was no way you would get the bonus.

[quote name='Ganelon']Um, you know Gamestop lies and keeps those bundles there for months to con buyers, right? I can say that from personal experience. They didn't mind a return, but even after complaining that they were lying to their customers, they still left the bundle up for another few months.[/quote]
Not trying to be mean to the people who did not pre-order, but personally I'd be pissed if people ended up being able to just buy that soundtrack separtely or otherwise not having to have done that 1-2-3 step pre-order hoop jumping BS. The NIS site clearly stated that this soundtrack is only available from NIS pre-orders.

I fork out $60 for this pre-order (with shipping and CA tax), even though it's competely against my CAG principles, but that pretty art book and the soundtrack got me.

If it turns out that NIS decides to sell the soundtrack separetly, I'd definietly demand a full refund of my pre-order...
well, i hope the art book comes standard, since this is definetly a game that may not end up being very good and i'll like make my decision after i see some reviews, so it would be cool to still get the art book since it seems a bit beefy and the art actually looks rather good.

i dunno about the nis website though, it looks like that is the main version but they wont even let you order it anymore, maybe once it's out they'll have a regular version, but i hope they dont and the art book still comes with it.
I don't know about the actual game; it requires a lot of "wooing" computer-generated chicks in order to progress. They're sprites instead of fully-3D hot babes and the writing makes it feel like a teen comedy.
Don't think the game is going have the ArtBook on every game like Phantom Brave where the cd was in the case. I think it going to be like every Artbook were its an add on when you pick up the game as in you have to ask the GS worker to find it and end up having to come back to get a 10% - 20% coupon because they give them all out. (this happen to me for the AI 1 soundtrack)
I have a pre-order down for this at EB, but I'm on the fence about whether or not to keep it. The last book "bonus" that got me was Enchanted Arms, and that book ended up being standard with the game. I'm not sure how good this game is going to turn out being, and that $50 might could be better used on something else - Crackdown, for example. Especially if this is going to see a major price drop before the end of the year, like Atelier Iris 2 did last year.

I have a reservation code but im deciding wether i should even buy a copy. im sure they wont produce alot of these which would be my reason to get one now since i do like to colelct rpgs.

Also the newest game informer also had a review they gave it like a 6.25. i might grab one or two if someone is up for trades or something compareable.
[quote name='62t']the lone ebay auction for the soundtrack + artbook is going for $72 shipped with more than a day to go.[/quote]

This one ended at $93. Another one is at $88 now. I couldn't imagine people would bid so much on it :roll:

Anyway, today is the LAST day to place your stage 2 order (if you already have a code from stage 1).
[quote name='hero101']Crappy, I wish someone told me about the preorder bonus @ NIS website.:cry: I keep missing out these pre-order stuff.[/quote]

Same here....
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