Free Audiobooks from


I just bought a new iSkin for my iPod (cobalt blue, in case you're curious) and it came with a free audiobooks promotion with I already subscribe to, mostly for the free This American Life, but I also like listening to SF audiobooks (may I recommend Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age?). If you'd like to try out some free audiobooks, check this out.

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Yeah, I got the same thing when I bought my AirPlay, maybe it's all products by xtrememac. Also: Diamond Age is definitely not one of Stephenson's better books. Try Snow Crash or Cryptonomicon.
You're right, it isn't one of his better books, but it is a fantastic audiobook. It's done with mutliple voices, which tends to add a lot.

Cryptonomicon isn't available as a full audiobook, just a truncated mess. And the audiobook for Snowcrash kind of sucks too, as the guy who is reading it is way, way, way too gruff. Like he's doing an impression of Wolverine or something.

Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy are also fantastically well-produced audiobooks, using a cast of like 40 people.
[quote name='poormojo']Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy are also fantastically well-produced audiobooks, using a cast of like 40 people.[/QUOTE]

That is a great audiobook, I bought the trilogy for my wife last Xmas. I haven't listened to it all, but I've read the books.

I recommend any Chuck Palahniuk audiobook that he reads himself. My wife and I listened to Choke on a road trip, while not one of his strongest books (I think it may be the only novel he reads), was excellent because you heard it the way he intended it. Now I find myself reading all of his books with the same cadence and rhythm of how he read Choke. I have Snow Crash on my bookshelf, maybe I'll read it after I finish what I have left of the Discworld books.

Oh, Kerouac's "On The Road" read by Matt Dillon is also pretty good, he's got the perfect voice for it.
Free "This American Life"? How so? I'm a member of Audible - I had a gift subscription, but it has since expired ... can I still get on there and download the show? That was probably the best part of that gift... it's always a great listen.
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