Free beatles rock band avatar tshirts. male shirts are dead.


6 (100%)
I received a bunch of codes at pax east a while back and i have no use for them so:

5-7 working ladies tshirt codes.

write a joke here and if it makes me laugh ill send you one of these codes of your choice until i run out.
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You didn't say how many jokes we could post so I searched the internet and found this gem.

Why was Michael Jackson seen at Wal-Mart last weekend? He heard little boys' pants were half-off...

Forgive me if I post an old joke (I am not much of a comedian).
what did 1 tampon say to the other tampon?

NOTHING!! their both stuck up C**TS (c u next tuesday)

poor taste??? male
At night court, a man was brought in and set before the judge.
The judge said, "State your name, occupation, and the charge."
The defendant said, "I'm Sparks, I'm an electrician, charged with battery."
The judge winced and said, "Bailiff! Put this man in a dry cell!"

Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was
really pissed.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the
driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!"

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke
up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box
gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought
the box back in the house.

She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Bob has been missing since Friday.

Male shirt please....IF it made you laugh!! :D :D
I was in the restaurant yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately
needed to pass gas. The music was really, really loud, so I timed my
gas with the beat of the music.

After a couple of songs, I started to feel better. I finished my coffee,
and noticed that everybody was staring at me....

Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPod.

Male if left please :D
In honor of Seis de Mayo:
Mexican/Spanglish word of the day BUDWEISER !

Mexican gets pulled over.cop- have u been drinkin today ?
Mexican- me drink? tas loco !
Cop- im takin u to jailMexican- BUDWEISER ?!?!?!?
My Joke of the day:

There was an Scotsman, an Englishman and Claudia Schiffer sitting together in a carriage in a train going through Wales. Suddenly the train went through a tunnel and as it was an old style train,there were no lights in the carriages and it went completely dark. Then there was this kissing noise and the sound of a really loud slap. When the train came out of the tunnel, Claudia Schiffer and the Scotsman were sitting as if nothing had happened and the Englishman had his hand against his face as he had been slapped. The Englishman was thinking: 'The Scottish fella must have kissed Claudia Schiffer and she missed him and slapped me instead.' Claudia Schiffer was thinking: 'The English fella must have tried to kiss me and actually kissed the Scotsman and got slapped for it.' And the Scotsman was thinking: 'This is great. The next time the train goes through a tunnel I'll make that kissing noise and slap that English b**tard again .

If you pick me you'd make me very happy and I'd need a code for a male shirt please.
OBAMA: Thank you so much, Ed. And to all the other board members; to honored guests; and to the lovely First Lady. Good evening.

Ed is right, I work a lot. And so I wasn’t sure that I should actually come tonight. Biden talked me into it. He leaned over and he said, “Mr. President — this is no ordinary dinner. This is a big fucking meal.”

male code.
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A seven-year-old tells his four-year-old brother that they should start swearing. "When we go downstairs for breakfast, I'll say 'hell' and you say 'ass.'" The four-year-old happily agrees.

At breakfast, the seven-year-old says, "Aw hell, Mom, I'll just have some toast."

The surprised mother quickly smacks him. The boy runs upstairs crying. The mother turns to the younger boy, "And what would YOU like for breakfast?"

"I don't know," the four-year-old blubbers, "but you can bet your ass it's not gonna be toast!"

female t-shirt (for the wife) would be great
[quote name='MachineElf'](cleaned version)

What's the worst thing about performing oral sex on a hairless vagina?

Putting the diaper back on.[/QUOTE]

Question: What is the best thing about twenty-eight year olds?

Answer: There are 20 of them.

I'll take male code now plz k thx.
and another....

You know why you dont' take your pokemon into the bathroom? he might peek-at-chu

female code plz
This is one of my favorite blonde jokes :p

A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.

After becoming very frustrated with the “no haggle” attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, “Maybe I’ll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!”

The shopkeeper said, “By all means, be my guest. Maybe you’ll luck out and catch yourself a big one!” Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator.

Later in the day, the shopkeeper was driving home, when he spotted the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he saw a huge 9-foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. She took aim, killed the creature, and with a great deal of effort hauled it on to the swamp bank. Lying nearby were several more of the dead creatures. The shopkeeper watched in amazement. Just then the blonde flipped the alligator on its back, and frustrated, shouts out, “Damn it, this one isn’t wearing any shoes either!”
There was a blonde, brunette, and redhead, all being chased by a cop (on foot). They come across a dark alley with 3 large potatoe sacks, they get inside quickly to hide. The cop comes around the corner up to the big potato sacks and kicks the first one "bark bark" says the brunette, "Oh it's just a dog" says the cop, so he kicks the second one "meow meow" says the redhead, "Oh it's just a big cat" says the cop, so he kicks the third one and it makes no noise, so he kicks it a little harder and still no noise, he kicks it really hard and the blonde says "Potatoes DUH!"
[FONT=times new roman,helvetica]An elephant was drinking out of a river one day, when he spotted a turtle asleep on a log. So, he ambled on over and kicked it clear across the river.

"What did you do that for?" Asked a passing giraffe.

"Because I recognized it as the same turtle that took a nip out of my trunk 53 years ago."

"Wow, what a memory" commented the giraffe.

"Yes," said the elephant, "turtle recall".

hope u enjoyed the joke. Looking for a female t-shirt code. thx :)
A white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here."
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
"Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK "
"When I grew up I was BLACK, "
"When I'm sick I'm BLACK, "
"When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, "
"When I'm cold I'm BLACK, "
"When I die I'll be BLACK."
"But you sir."
"When you are born you're PINK".
"When you grow up you're WHITE, "
"When you're sick, you're GREEN, "
"When you go in the sun you turn RED, "
"When you're cold you turn BLUE, "
"And when you die you turn PURPLE.
"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away..
If I win, I'll give the code to my mom for Mother's Day. Anyway... here is my joke:

I halve a spelling checker, It came with my pea see. It plainly marks four my revue Mistakes I dew knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait aweigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the era rite Its rarely ever wrong.

I've scent this massage threw it, And I'm shore your pleased too no Its letter prefect in every weigh; My checker tolled me sew.
bread's done