free browser based games

Do people on this site play a lot of the browser based games? I've played quite a few of them in the last few years, even that addictive but possibly spyware from china Evony which I really don;t recommend as while they say it's free you can't compete with the paying players if you play for free.

This post is basically about that. Most free to play games aren't actually free to play because the pay option players have such an advantage there's no balance. I played a galactic space battle game a few years ago that was free to play with a pay option and the free players were slightly weaker because not every technology could be learned as free player. The game was close to balanced because there were other equally powerful technologies that the free players could learn but there were a couple things that made paying players more viable.

Recently I started playing a F2P game called League of Legends and this is by far the best free to play game I've ever played. Paying players get more options faster but everything meaningful that can be used in game is available to be purchased with IP points (points you earn playing) so a free player might only have 5-6 completed champs when a paying player might have 25 but you only use 1 per game and you can choose to get any one you want with your IP so the paying player has zero advantage he just has more choices. It's a great way to do things and the game play is very fun as well if you like RTS games.
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I've been playing LoL since beta and it is definitely a game worth checking out if you haven't already. I enjoyed DoTA and HoN but since I haven't had much time to play in the last few months I have found LoL much easier to pick up and play a game or two when I can.

My favorite browser game this past week SMASHING is even easier to play :D
Free browser based games? Or free client based games? Well almost all browser games are free to play, but you have the option of buying points or stuff from their item mall though. Actually I think this model is the best. Check out my blog on cag to find out hy hehe
I don't play much in the way of browser games anymore, partially because of my disc based backlog, but when I did, I used to hang out around Kongregate (which has a lot of flash type games on it).

I do play card games online however from time to time, mainly Cardmaster Conflict. Sort of similar to MtG a bit (or so I'm told, never played MtG myself).
I'm playing two new ones now:

spybattles and starpirates both by the same company, they have a microtransaction model but you can play and have fun and do pretty much everything available without paying a cent. ultimately paying lets you do more, faster but the majority of players are free players.
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