"Free" CAD Software to first 100,000 registrants.


CAG Veteran

5000 dollar modeling software for free if 100,000 people sign up. NOT A JOKE. please don't delete until you've seen with your own eyes this offer.

here's a quote from the page

X-CAD: FREE Mechanical Design Software
Thank you for registering for the X-CAD 100,000 Seat Giveaway.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail message shortly. Please verify your registration by clicking the link in the confirmation message.

It is very important that all registrations are verified. Unverified registrations will not count towards the 100,000 needed to release the free X-CAD software.

It's the best deal on 3D CAD software for mechanical design, period. Own one of the most powerful parametric solid modelers on the market FREE when 100,000 people register by August 1, 2005.

Everyone who registers will get the X-CAD product for FREE — but only if 100,000 people participate. So, spread the word and get your free 3D CAD software faster — tell all your colleagues and friends to register too!
Free Offer of X-CAD Parametric 3D CAD Software Garners Huge Response
Over 50,000 people have already registered at www.x-cad.net
June 30, 2005—While manufacturing industry experts, analysts and CAD industry veterans continue to guess who is behind the X-CAD giveaway, people have visited www.x-cad.net in droves to check out the offer for free parametric 3D MCAD software. In fact, of the several hundred thousand visitors to the site, over 50,000 have already signed up, leaving fewer than 50,000 necessary to register by August 1, 2005 in order for the offer to take effect. Any visitor to www.x-cad.net can monitor the progress of the program by checking the counter on the website, or make inquiries at [email protected].

X-CAD, along with the mystery surrounding the identity of who is behind the offer, has been the subject of various reports in the press and discussions at popular user forums such as www.fatwallet.com and www.slickdeals.net, as well as at CAD forums like the www.sketchup.com forum. These reports, along with links to the user forums, can be viewed at the www.x-cad.net website. While some of the discussions question the legitimacy of the offer, the FAQ firmly states that X-CAD is a feature-rich parametric solid modeler that provides the same level of precise 3D mechanical design capabilities as highly regarded mid-range solid modeling brands.

To make sure that unverified registrations do not count toward the 100,000 needed to release the free X-CAD software, all registrants receive a confirmation email that requires a confirmation link to be clicked. One such registrant commented, "Thanks for processing my registration. I am looking forward to trying out your software, as I am in the market to replace and upgrade what I have now (Cadkey 99 design suite). I have been looking at SolidWorks, Solid Edge, UG, etc."

A spokesperson for X-CAD said, "X-CAD is going to radically change the market for 3D software, prompting a mass adoption of 3D by 2D users who will learn and use it at their own pace and when appropriate rather than as an immediate replacement for 2D. It doesn't matter if you're a hobbyist, inventor, consultant, student or a design engineer at a Fortune 500 company, X-CAD will provide state-of-the-art 3D technology."

The spokesperson continues, "X-CAD will especially appeal to the millions of users doing 2D drafting who won't consider 3D as long as it costs $4,000 to $5,000 and remains difficult to learn and use. X-CAD provides a golden opportunity for these people because it is free, but only to the first 100,000 lucky people who register by August 1. They really can't afford to miss this offer."

While admitting that they are trying to bring a "bit of fun" to the CAD market, the spokesperson says that they intend to reveal who they are in the days to come, and want to emphasize that X-CAD is not a demo or a limited-time, trial-only product. Users are assured they will enjoy a depth and breadth of rich features, including "on-the-fly" automatic constraint capture, auto-dimensioning, assembly modeling and more.

For more details and to register for a free copy of X-CAD, go to www.x-cad.net, or contact [email protected].
Not a video game deal, so into the Other Deals forum it goes.

And no, it's not spam, since this has been spotted on other sites, such as FW.
I signed up from the link from FatWallet. Meh as long as I'm not hassled by them why not sign up eh? I assume they are doing this promotion to get a chunk of the market share so it's probably on the up and up. Who knows though.
I have no clue what this is, but I am going to give it a try. It's almost at 84000 people. I figure if its fake, i'll never sign-up for anything again, but if it's real, than cool.
94,300 so far! It definitely looks real considering there have been articles about this in alot of engineering/technology sites. Its worth the shot for software that is worth about $5000. Thanks for the info OP!
bread's done