Free COD World At War Beta CODES! Xbox 360

maybe to be released later with upgrades as the xbox...

i just get fucked by someone who tried to change a cod5 beta code for a xbox live 1 month ... :(:(:(
To make the Dreamcast a success in the US you say?

For starters, not take so many risks, hardcore fans hate when you go with what works best. But casual players want something they can jump into.

They needed to rework the controllers, same thing happened with the first XBOX, huge controllers = poor sales for some reason.

I know it was new and amazing at the time, but it would of been bigger if they worked harder on their internet feature. It was clumsy and horribly done.

And last but not least, they NEEDED, NEEEEEEDED to fire bomb Sony. It would have been a sure victory if they did that.
The legacy of the Dreamcast is that it was Sega’s last hurrah And they did it really well, If it wasn’t Sega, it would have been considered one of the greatest game consoles of all timek.
If we learned anything from the Wii it's that to really be successful in gaming you’ve got to have that mass market appeal. The Dreamcast didn’t really have that
And while the Dreamcast system was hailed as innovative, it quickly became obsolete when Sony released Playstation 2, which included a then cutting-edge DVD player.
If Dreamcast had had DVD it would have been a huge success. Dreamcast bet on the Internet while Sony bet on DVD media.
Not made Shenmue. As cool of a game as it was, it was an incredible money sink, where Sega wasted millions of dollars that could have gone to marketing their other more marketable games. Like Jet Set Radio.
The Dreamcast failed because of three main flaws that, in the aggregate, simply overcame Sega. First, Sega should have gone with some type of proprietary format or DVDs, rather than their standard CD based system--piracy was so rampant that it made publishers very reluctant to support the system, especially given the more secure options presented by Nintendo and Sony at the time. Second, Sega focused too much on original IPs and not enough on cultivating previously popular franchises... I loved Samba de Amigo as much as the next guy, but it was no Madden. And finally, Sega was simply too proud: time and time again, with every company from Atari to Nintendo to Sony, we gamers have seen that pride truly comes before the fall.
I would have made it more accessible to a different variety of gamers. The success of the PS2 was that it catered to a huge base, hardcore and "average" alike. Another great thing would have been a DVD drive since many families would have reconsidered it if it could play DVDs so they could use it in the entertainment systems and to throw down the piracy issue a bit.

Another great impact would have been a better marketing campaign, people needed to be assure that SEGA will be releasing a console they can depend to have good games and very little people were shown this since they didn't hype it as much as the playstation 2.
If it were up to me, I would have acknowledge the failures they made with Saturn. No matter how much people love that console, it was a problem for Sega and I would have had some sort of rebate program for people to upgrade from their Saturns to a Dreamcast. Also spending more money on the marketing campaign would have been a priority. Also including DVD would have been a must.
I remember having a Dreamcast when I was young, and loved it, and never understood why people stopped making games for it.
But I remember it was a really great console. If it failed, it must have been either it's marketing or little things in it's system. It's really sad when a console maker can make a top of the line, very innovative feature filled console, but can't do simple things.
Get support from EA, specifically madden, add dvd playback, include community software that had been created such as turning the dreamcast into a divx player, think about it dreamcast capable of dvd and divx playback. Lower the price a little and you would have had a beast of a system.

side note, I had just moved and found my old dreamcast up in the attic, its amazing how well the system held up. It truly is an amazing system.
A wireless controller would have put the Dreamcast over the top and it would have stayed there. Just think, a SEGA Dreamcast 2 or 3 and no Xbox or Xbox 360.
Well, I'd give away a free hooker with every purchase. Plus, there would be forwards compatibility.....but, you wouldn't give a crap about that, cause you are banging said hooker. So, I'd make $$$, and you payed $$$ for a hooker. We all win.
I would have made a more ergonomic design for the controllers. Try to market exclusive games to gain a more wide fan base. Last, i would have definitely have announced the console's ability to do online before just releasing it into the market.
[quote name='popemogoth']The Dreamcast would still be around if they were showing out the net capabilities at the time. It was a breakthrough.[/QUOTE]
Many people didn't have broadband speeds at the time. It wasn't very important to many since not many could use it. AOL was sadly "in" at the time
I would have given full support on the dreamcast, cheaper broadband adapter too. I would also have released more updates, chat support, and to be the first before xbox live. It just needed more time and support from the companies.
in my opinian there was not that many great games for the dreamcast. The one that i found to be the best by far was that one golfing game. It had tons of potential but it didnt live up to that potential.
advertise all of the good games, hype it up A LOT(like gta4, halo 3)!!!\
make a decent looking controller without the little screen
woo for Nazi mods thanks for deleting my post for no apparent reason i guess i wont be in this then

lol stupid nazi mods please tell me a good reason
I would have marketed the hell out of the original soul calibur game, my favorite dreamcast game for sure! The controller even had little pictures of each fighter
I would've advertised it's games more, because it had alot of decent games. I would also have made it more difficult to prevent pirating as that was one of the things that killed the system.
What are you talking about? The Sega Dreamcast rocked! lol I still have mine :O

It could of been better if they put a DVD Drive in hurr to compete with the PS2? Yup
I would have changed their marketing strategy...instead of emphasizing on Sonic making love to the Dreamcast...i would have made it an orgy with the Dreamcast surrounded by all the characters from MvC2 and PowerStone and Virtua Tennis...booyea
Dreamcast struggled in japan!! That means dreamcast couldnt do anything to make it better! no japan fans .. no body else fans
[quote name='rabes26']Dreamcast struggled in japan!! That means dreamcast couldnt do anything to make it better! no japan fans .. no body else fans[/quote]

You're stupid. Look at the xbox -> no fans in Japan yet it is the #1 next-gen console in the world...?

Before you say it, the Wii isnt next-gen as it's just a gamecube with a DVD player and a fancy remote.
The Dreamcast's appearance was untimely. It was an intermediate step between generations, not quite advanced enough to be grouped with the PS2, XBox, and Gamecube crowd (who all waited until their console at the time was exhausted) but more powerful (and more expensive) than the generation at the time: N64 and PSone.

So, not only did it seem to be in its own generation at the time, the fact that it came out after the other two made it struggle in terms of game selection, similar to the experience the original XBox had against the PS2 and arguably the PS3 has against the XBox360. Unfortunately, there was no killer app that pulled the Dreamcast out of the fire.

Securing a killer app, releasing the system earlier, and designing a controller that is not atrocious are all things I would have done.
The Dreamcast did nothing wrong with it's system. The system was miles ahead of everything that was currently on the market. They should have, however, kept with only the system itself being revolutionary . The controllers and the online was too far out of the box that it led some players feeling alienated. Add in DVD viewing capabilities, and the system and games would have ruled over the PS1.
Heres what I would have done.

Advertise more than the Dreamcast itself. Such as online play and the memory card.

I would have made more use out of the memory card and advertised around the ways it could be used. Maybe not though TV ads but maybe magazine ads. Like with Sonic Adventure you could transfer in game pets to the memory card where they became a virtual pet you could look after. Remember the tomagotchi's? They could have taking advantage of the Tamagatchi fad and capitalized with it.
i will rather make it better is to make the graphics better, make better games, tried to corrupt Sony, and take there ideas, even make the Sega console lighter and the out side will be waterproof and you can listen to your music and the games will be virtual.
bread's done