free coffee pods


I was just about to post a request for the best single cup coffee maker out there. I heard the senseo was the best, does anyone know for sure?
not sure.. i was turned off by senseo because of their whole "frothy" advertisement. I don't want a layer of foam on top of mine.. blech..

I got the black and decker because

1) Wal-Mart had it and someone got it for my birthday.
2) K-Mart had it on sale and I bought a second with more birthday money :)

The B&D isn't the highest quality in the world, but both of mine work ok so far..
not necessarily.. I'd say it is about even with the canned coffee I make in my percolator pot. It's definitely better than regular canned coffee in a drip coffee maker.

What's nice is that I can switch from one kind to another without making a pot of coffee and it is very simple to clean up. It's also pretty quick so I can grab a cup when I want. When I percolate, I'm looking at around 20min to get a decent cup of coffee..

I'm sure there are better methods and better machines, but I'm happy with mine until something better (and cheapass) comes along.. I have to balance price, quality, and speed and come up with something that I'll actually drink ;)

I'm having a cup of Millstone Hazelnut cream right now.. yummy :)
[quote name='studio (Wombat5277)']do they all take the same size pods? I really appreciate the help on this btw[/quote]

Apparently not, according to today's Penny Arcade news rant on them.
All of the Home Cafe ones and Senseo take the same size. I'm not sure on the rest, but sizes can vary. Coffee pods have been around in Europe for a while.. here's a place that sells multiple size pods:

and here is their description of pod sizes, etc. (they say 62mm for senseo and home cafe):

To make a 14oz cup, you have to use 2 pods.. I believe I ran across someone on the net that makes a "double" pod that you can use in place of 2 pods, but I don't remember where..

Here's a place that tells how to make your own pods if you want to take a chance at making a mess :)

I figure it won't be long and you'll be able to buy "kits" to make your own favorites.. we'll see
If anyone comes across good deals on coffee pods, even if in bulk or coupons or even free samples like these, please post them.. I've emailed my parents asking them to send off for these samples :)
I just got the melitta one-one as a gift (happy chanukah), so far I've made two cups of coffee and a cup of tea and I have no complaints.
I just bought a melitta one-one a few hours ago. Linens and Things has a deal on them this week. If you buy a huge box of assorted coffee and tea for $40 (9 boxes, 18 pods a box), you get the $50 coffeemaker for free! Plus, they honored the 20% off coupon on the huge box o' coffee, so the whole deal came out to be about $32 for $90 worth of stuff. The coffeemaker comes with a sample of each of the available melitta coffee and tea flavors, so 9 more pods. You can use this machine to make coffee, hot tea, and iced tea.

I used it to make one cup of coffee sofar. It is a little noiser than my regular cheap cup at a time coffee maker, but the cleanup is much much easier. You don't have coffee grinds everywhere.

I tried to get the op's deal, however neither the yukon or maxwell house still had the pods available. The maxwell house site claimed that they were not compatible with my machine. I guess that I will have to be careful to buy the right thing if I decide to try another brand when I finally run out of the mountain of coffee.

Studio, have you tried any other brands of coffee or tea besides what came with the machine? (Happy Chanukah.)
I don't know if K-Mart still has the deal or not, but I got my second B&D from them for $50, and then if you bought 2 bags of the folgers coffee pods at the same time you got a rebate form at the checkout counter that you send off for a $20 K-Mart gift card. The rebate I sent off said something about purchasing between ? and the end of December, so this deal may still be good..

too bad the original deal is off.. I sent email to my parents and sister to get me samples :)
[quote name='daria19']I just bought a melitta one-one a few hours ago. Linens and Things has a deal on them this week. If you buy a huge box of assorted coffee and tea for $40 (9 boxes, 18 pods a box), you get the $50 coffeemaker for free! Plus, they honored the 20% off coupon on the huge box o' coffee, so the whole deal came out to be about $32 for $90 worth of stuff. The coffeemaker comes with a sample of each of the available melitta coffee and tea flavors, so 9 more pods. You can use this machine to make coffee, hot tea, and iced tea.

I used it to make one cup of coffee sofar. It is a little noiser than my regular cheap cup at a time coffee maker, but the cleanup is much much easier. You don't have coffee grinds everywhere.

I tried to get the op's deal, however neither the yukon or maxwell house still had the pods available. The maxwell house site claimed that they were not compatible with my machine. I guess that I will have to be careful to buy the right thing if I decide to try another brand when I finally run out of the mountain of coffee.

Studio, have you tried any other brands of coffee or tea besides what came with the machine? (Happy Chanukah.)[/quote]

so far only mellita brand pods, I also got a ton of boxes with my machine.
I'll try the free sample when they arrive in the mail(thanks op.)
I'm having a cup of hazelnut cream now :)

hazelnut cream and columbian are my 2 favorites.. I hope they start offering other flavors/varieties down the road..
I'm considering trying it.. maybe I will over the holiday.. I'll post here if I try the directions I posted and they work out..
well, i got some 4-5 cup coffee filters (wal-mart, $.97) and tried the directions on that website. It worked pretty good. I have made 2 cups already and it tastes fine. I'm still experimenting to get the optimal amount of coffee, but a regular coffee scoop is pretty good as a start. I'm also using a fairly course grind of coffee because I use it in a perculator. I am going to try and grind a fine grind, because I think that will work better..

The hard part was finding a bottle that fit fairly well in my measuring cup. :)

Overall, I'd say this was a success and is pretty easy to do. I won't stop buying the store pods entirely, but I will be making more of my own..
[quote name='"studio (Wombat5277)"']do they all take the same size pods? I really appreciate the help on this btw[/quote]

I saw on amazon that some people had successfully used senseo/folgers/millstone sized pods (62 mm) in their 50 mm melitta one:eek:ne. I bought a bag of the larger pods and tried this, and it works fine. You will have to squash the pod into the holder, though, but I do this even with the melitta coffee pods. I am looking forward to kits to make your own pod or a reusable pod being developed for the melitta. You can buy a reusable plastic pod for the senseo from a German guy on ebay.

I bought dunkin donuts french vanilla coffee for my drip coffee maker before. Since only folgers offers the vanilla flavored coffee (and unfortunately not millstone), I bought some of that and was not very impressed with the coffee flavor. Melitta coffee is a bit too bitter for me, although is drinkable if I add cream and sugar. Folgers was the opposite...kind of watered down tasting to begin with. Does anyone know of decent vanilla flavored pod coffee?
starbucks is selling there version of this and it is very hard to pass up: if you buy a lb of their coffee they'll pod it for free!

all you have to do is sign your life away and provide them with your credit-card number and/or bank routing number with your billing address.

j/k i'm still max headroomed out :puke: from last night as it was my b-day celebration. better late than never!
[quote name='"minos1067"']starbucks is selling there version of this and it is very hard to pass up: if you buy a lb of their coffee they'll pod it for free!

all you have to do is sign your life away and provide them with your credit-card number and/or bank routing number with your billing address.

j/k i'm still max headroomed out :puke: from last night as it was my b-day celebration. better late than never![/quote]

I am not a big fan of starbucks (tastes burnt), so I think that I would pass anyway. Happy birthday.
bread's done