Free copy of An Inconvenient Truth DVD...maybe not

Politics aside, this movie is boring as hell. The Futurama clip is entertaining, but then theres another 90 minute flashback of your 10th grade science teacher droning on with powerpoint slides.

Ah, powerpoint....the pinnicle of mind-dulling knowledge distribution.:drool:
In spite of the very real danger of global warming, it just fucking snowed here in Los Angeles. :lol: Okay, no more jokes about a serious matter, I promise.
[quote name='rapsodist']In spite of the very real danger of global warming, it just fucking snowed here in Los Angeles. :lol: Okay, no more jokes about a serious matter, I promise.[/QUOTE]

Yeah.. I saw that. For the past couple weeks, until recently.. it had been around 70 degrees in Alabama. Being a former resident of California, I can't help but to think how fucked up that difference in temp. is. I mean.. c'mon.. it fucking snowed in LA. That's huge if you ask me. Regardless of what old windbag of an ego of whichever political party affiliation it would be, you can't help but to say "it's really fucked up that it snowed in Southern Cal."
Scientists believe that weather cycles, and while I don't think we're helping, I think changes in weather patterns are inevitable.
[quote name='Skylander7']Yeah.. I saw that. For the past couple weeks, until recently.. it had been around 70 degrees in Alabama. Being a former resident of California, I can't help but to think how fucked up that difference in temp. is. I mean.. c'mon.. it fucking snowed in LA. That's huge if you ask me. Regardless of what old windbag of an ego of whichever political party affiliation it would be, you can't help but to say "it's really fucked up that it snowed in Southern Cal."[/quote] Pshh, just because it snowed once doesn't mean that it's global warming. It might just be.... oh hell I give up trying to explain these strange phenomenons. Lol when will we all learn. :cry:
[quote name='Lou-Dawg']It snowed in Tucson Arizona today. Global Warming???[/QUOTE]

I love how any abnormal weather is automatically blamed on global warming. It was warmer than usual early in the winter and now its colder than usual, are both because of global warming or what?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I love how any abnormal weather is automatically blamed on global warming. It was warmer than usual early in the winter and now its colder than usual, are both because of global warming or what?[/QUOTE]

all I know is that it only has snowed once really here, which for eastern PA is not normal
It's mainly El Nino, and then just the fact the weather is never always the same, the third factor is Global Warming. If you don't believe in Global warming that you are a dumbass. The real debate should be how much of the global warming is caused by humans because the planet is supposed to warm.
[quote name='David85']It's mainly El Nino, and then just the fact the weather is never always the same, the third factor is Global Warming. If you don't believe in Global warming that you are a dumbass. The real debate should be how much of the global warming is caused by humans because the planet is supposed to warm.[/QUOTE]

Bingo, he nailed it completely.
[quote name='glennzilla']I'll bet the envelope the movie comes in isn't even made from recycled materials.... Oh, and a correction. Global Warming is so 20th century. The new buzzword is 'Climate Change'. That way, even if the looney left-wing "scientific facts" don't pan out one way, they're still covered....[/QUOTE]

You know what happens when you assume. The packaging is made out of recycled materials. Do your homework before you "bet"
[quote name='Lou-Dawg']It snowed in Tucson Arizona today. Global Warming???[/QUOTE]

Believe what you may but it seems that most of the record temperatures have occured since the 1990's...
[quote name='BABETOOTH']You know what happens when you assume. The packaging is made out of recycled materials. Do your homework before you "bet"[/QUOTE]

Assume makes an Ass out of U and Me :whistle2:D

I haven't actually received anything yet and have wondered if it's legit. If you click on the "Privacy Statement" it says free movie tickets, and not the DVD so I dunno.
[quote name='David85']It's mainly El Nino, and then just the fact the weather is never always the same, the third factor is Global Warming. If you don't believe in Global warming that you are a dumbass. The real debate should be how much of the global warming is caused by humans because the planet is supposed to warm.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. One test I found to be fascinating took place right after 9/11/2001. All planes were stopped for three days during that time and it was found that the temperature suddenly went up over those three days across America. When planes started flying again, the temperature went back to normal. I will try to find a link to the study.
[quote name='thehoo']Why not?[/quote]

Let's see... numerous signs point to this. First of all, no one has reported getting an e-mail, and that basically elimates the need for me to list the other reasons.
[quote name='Rozz']Dont count on actually receiving a copy of this.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='the site']Over the last hour, sharethetruth received 450 DVD requests, on average one every 8 seconds. As of this writing, there are 3,213 unfulfilled orders for free copies. At $20, the DVD's current going rate, this operation would require $64,320 in donations – without tallying packaging and shipping costs – just to catch up.

Over the last week, eight very nice donors have stepped forward, contributing a total of $90.

Though the numbers are, to put it mildly, somewhat mismatched, I believe this isn't a funding problem as much as it's an awareness problem.

Oh, The Good Old Days

Looking back through the mists of time to July 2006, we see a somewhat balanced ledger. Before the DVD release of An Inconvenient Truth was ever on the horizon, sharethetruth sent people directly to the movie theater, paid tickets in hand. It worked just about right. This effort directly introduced the wonderful world of global warming to nearly a thousand people (indirectly, many more). We constantly ran out of funding, but enough generous souls continued to show up at the door to make up the difference.

How do we keep the books balanced, perpetuating past success? The answer is, I believe, improved communication on several points:

1. Hey you! Sharethetruth is powered by real people, not fake ones!

Since today's massive influx of visitors have come from,,, and the like, many recent requests are generally being made in a different context than expected. Here's a sample of what people are saying:

Signed up. 1 less movie in my Netflix queue...
shieryda, CAG thread

I'm down for one. I saw this before. It was good. Maybe not exactly super exciting. But worth watching again... one day.
jdamirez, SlickDeals thread

Awesome! I can't wait to ebay my free copy.
breakfast-pants, thread

If it does come, I'm just going to turn around and sell it on or something.
GTZ_NSR, same CAG thread

While there's nothing wrong at all with scoring free or discounted stuff (I quite like it myself), I don't think most of the people requesting the DVD just to have a copy – or, $10 extra dollars – truly understand what this cause is about.

First, this site is not Al Gore's, nor is it affiliated with the Paramount or Participant Productions. Many visitors are leaving comments thanking Gore, or otherwise responding to the effort as if the movie studio is funding a giveaway effort.

Second, not only does all money come from individual donors, but an individual runs the website. The collaboration of these individuals has yielded a pool of cash none-too-easily collected. When was the last time you saw in-demand gifts publicly distributed by a non-profit organization, let alone individual people? Sharethetruth is simply not a company with profit margins or, for that matter, any funding that might allow for irresponsible spending. Even in our free movie ticket days, we declined requests that failed to convey sufficient trustworthiness. We'd lose the trust of donors if we squandered their gifted money.

Third, people mustn't misunderstand why the movie is being offered free. It's not because there's a surplus of movies, or that it's not worth the money. It's that viewers are so inspired by An Inconvenient Truth, they want to do what they can to help others see it, too. A perverse feature of the way we value goods in market societies is the confusion that can occur between two absolutely opposite ends of the worth spectrum.

2. Sharethetruth wants to "do good" and be sustainable, too.

The Inconvenient Truth DVD case is made of 100% post-consumer recycled material (a full step beyond "100% recycled") wrapped with EarthFirst PLA film made of corn and a 100% compostable label. Correspondingly, sharethetruth does not wish to condone excessive shipping, or excessive consumption. Someone who has seen the movie and wants a copy to sit on a bookshelf is, simply put, not a target beneficiary. I have no desire to be exclusionary, but given our limited resources, both for this cause and from this little blue dot that gives us life, it's the poor and the skeptical who get dibs on the free stuff.

3. Sharethetruth needs your help.

You may have noticed that the number of requests we are now getting far exceeds current capacity. Closing the request form is not an option, however, because everyone is still welcome and I hope to send out DVDs to as many as possible. So with this backlog of pending transfers at hand, I'm turning to you, if you've seen the movie, to either contribute some funds, or pledge a copy of the movie to sharethetruth, so we can connect you with a beneficiary in your area.

In the meantime, we're writing everyone we can for assistance, from Mr. Gore to companies involved in the film to unrelated but philanthropically inclined organizations, for any copies of the movie they'd be willing to offer up. This, like the global warning itself, is just part of the long beginning – and we really hope to do everything we can to help.[/QUOTE]

I wish they would have just told all of you jackasses to eat a cock though.
[quote name='Sporadic']I wish they would have just told all of you jackasses to eat a cock though.[/quote]

Thanks for posting that (not that bit, the long one from the company).

I really wanted this movie though to see it and tell others about it. Of course the jackasses always have to ruin it for the rest of us. :roll:
[quote name='Rozz']Thanks for posting that (not that bit, the long one from the company).

I really wanted this movie though to see it and tell others about it. Of course the jackasses always have to ruin it for the rest of us. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Sorry about that, it was anger due to the fact we were listed twice on the "all the wrong reasons" section.

That tell you something when we are quoted twice and lumped in with sites like fatwallet.
I really wanted to see this movie too, I wasnt going to go and flip it like most people.

Plus I wanted to eat the corn wrapper, hmmm, corn...........
[quote name='GTZ_NSR']Ha! My thoughts exactly. If it does come, I'm just going to turn around and sell it on or something. And the reason it's "liberal mumbo jumbo" as another user put it is because the "scientists" were hand selected by Gore and he, obviously, only chose those who believe in it. The overwhelming majority are against the idea.[/QUOTE]
you are a giant asshole.

not for your beliefs, but for being a griefing little jackass.
too bad for me but good for the guy running the site. Good for him that he actually took the time to read through and was able to put some words together that made sense instead of just ignoring the abuse. I really did intend to watch the movie and share it with other family and friends. I have it in my queue on BB online and almost rented it at a Blockbuster store within the past few weeks but still had hopes that this would come through but now I guess I'll just rent it.
[quote name='Sporadic']Sorry about that, it was anger due to the fact we were listed twice on the "all the wrong reasons" section.

That tell you something when we are quoted twice and lumped in with sites like fatwallet.[/QUOTE]

It's unfortunate but not too surprising that deal sites attract not only frugal people just looking for a good deal but immoral, greedy people. Just look at the Google checkout $10 off thread. The Google deal is one per person period but CAGs are bragging about how many times they've gotten the deal to work and how many orders they've gotten through before Google caught them and looking for new ways to get around the restriction.
I saw this movie on the xbox live market place last night and it was amazing. You guys really shouldnt joke about this kind of thing. THe flooding will happen, maybe not in 100 years but it will at the rate humans are destroying the planet. Thats the problem with humans they think they are invincable and dont need to worry about becoming extinct
The movie does have truth to it. It's not anything we human beings shouldn't be worried about already. The question is how to remedy this problem. Steven Hawkings said that the ONLY way for humanity to survive is interstellar colonization. As sci fi as that sounds, it is possible.
[quote name='CounterSeal']The movie does have truth to it. It's not anything we human beings shouldn't be worried about already. The question is how to remedy this problem. Steven Hawkings said that the ONLY way for humanity to survive is interstellar colonization. As sci fi as that sounds, it is possible.[/quote]
So we can go and destroy another planet. :)
I saw this movie today. Kinda scary. And the "overwhelming majority" of scientists BELIEVE in global warming. Maybe he is thinking of the ones working for the oil companies. :lol:

I don't see how (as a scientist) anyone could ignore years of data, and oh, I dunno- those pesky things called FACTS.

Did anyone actually get a free copy of this? I wouldn't mind owning it and loaning it out to friends/family.

[quote name='GuyWithGun']So we can go and destroy another planet. :)[/quote]

Earth first. Make Mars our bitch!
[quote name='Stormy151']
I don't see how (as a scientist) anyone could ignore years of data, and oh, I dunno- those pesky things called FACTS.

Not trying to be troll or anything but 100 years of data isn't a lot of data when we are talking about the earth. That is the thing that gets me, we don't have any long term data and it stacks the "FACTS". In the last 25 years the earths has became warmer then the 75 years before that. What does that tell us? Not much if you ask me and to come to the conclusion of the greenhouse effect...

I respect the earth/others and will never drive a wasteful gas guzzler but to make crazy assumptions about "scientific facts" with 100 years of data and only the last 50 years or so of that data has been with decent equipment to keep better records.

When it comes down to it we know nearly nothing about the earths climate changes and the many climate shifts it has had in the past.

Edit: I am using very general terms and dates, not to be taken literally.
[quote name='spoo']Not trying to be troll or anything but 100 years of data isn't a lot of data when we are talking about the earth. That is the thing that gets me, we don't have any long term data and it stacks the "FACTS". [/quote]

I suggest you do a little research because what you said is totally inaccurate...
[quote name='Jobb']I suggest you do a little research because what you said is totally inaccurate...[/QUOTE]
I'm intrigued go on. How old is this earth compared with our data samples (If you can even call our data samples)?
[quote name='benzene']Unfortunately, I don't have access to the actual scientific article, but this is the gist of it:[/QUOTE]

I won't argue the fact that Carbon dioxide levels are higher now then ever but it is hard to see what effect this is having. The problem is that we can't study climate trends with any good data. We can make hypothesis after hypothesis but that is just a fancy word for guessing.

When we have reports from scientist that the arctic circle is rising in temperatures and then we have different scientist reporting that it is decreasing in temperatures. Who should we believe and why are they getting different reports? With data of global temperatures one could show samples to prove both sides of the story and this is why it is hard to believe in "scientists". The biggest problem we have is that we don't have long term data on global temperatures. The "facts" in question here is that we don't have enough data and it will be a thousand+ years before we could even come close to having the data/records to even start seeing global tempature trends and the effects *1000 years is still not enough data. All the global warming theories and anti-global warming theories are inconclusive.

We just want to believe.

"There's nothing that suggests that the Earth will take care of the increase in carbon dioxide. The ice core suggests that the increase in carbon dioxide will definitely give us a climate change that will be dangerous,"

This sort of talk is why I have no respect for many scientists and their work. All they found is data to show an increase in carbon dioxide that we can use in the future to see what the effect will be.
Thanks for the post, this movie is highy worth seeing. The uneducated, fox-news-commentary-spewing views of a few people here amuse me. Reading others supposedly scientific based opinions on some blog or hearing them on some right wing news talk station does not make one educated in a matter such as global warming, stick to actual facts and check the objective views of top scientists yourself.
Because ship captains have been keeping temp records and what not for 100's of years plus if the CO2 levels are higher than ever than that means more of the suns rays get trapped and hit the earth...Your the kind of person that will ruin efforts to get anything done. Global Warming is real.
[quote name='spoo']I won't argue the fact that Carbon dioxide levels are higher now then ever but it is hard to see what effect this is having. The problem is that we can't study climate trends with any good data. We can make hypothesis after hypothesis but that is just a fancy word for guessing.

When we have reports from scientist that the arctic circle is rising in temperatures and then we have different scientist reporting that it is decreasing in temperatures. Who should we believe and why are they getting different reports? With data of global temperatures one could show samples to prove both sides of the story and this is why it is hard to believe in "scientists". The biggest problem we have is that we don't have long term data on global temperatures. The "facts" in question here is that we don't have enough data and it will be a thousand+ years before we could even come close to having the data/records to even start seeing global tempature trends and the effects *1000 years is still not enough data. All the global warming theories and anti-global warming theories are inconclusive.

We just want to believe.[/quote]

So what is your point? What is wrong with erring on the side of caution if there IS descrepancy? (Which, there doesn't seem to be as much as you indicate anyway) Or if some don't think we have enough data over thousands of years? What harm would we possibly do to the planet and ourselves if we cut back on CO2 emissions?
[quote name='spoo']I won't argue the fact that Carbon dioxide levels are higher now then ever but it is hard to see what effect this is having. The problem is that we can't study climate trends with any good data. We can make hypothesis after hypothesis but that is just a fancy word for guessing.

When we have reports from scientist that the arctic circle is rising in temperatures and then we have different scientist reporting that it is decreasing in temperatures. Who should we believe and why are they getting different reports? With data of global temperatures one could show samples to prove both sides of the story and this is why it is hard to believe in "scientists". The biggest problem we have is that we don't have long term data on global temperatures. The "facts" in question here is that we don't have enough data and it will be a thousand+ years before we could even come close to having the data/records to even start seeing global tempature trends and the effects *1000 years is still not enough data. All the global warming theories and anti-global warming theories are inconclusive.

We just want to believe.


This sort of talk is why I have no respect for many scientists and their work. All they found is data to show an increase in carbon dioxide that we can use in the future to see what the effect will be.[/QUOTE]

That's why they drill into the ice in Antartica. The ice samples contain information over the past 100,000+ years of our planet's climate. Here's just one link you can learn from:

By the way, Rush sLimebaugh isn't an authoritative figure on global warming. He's just an idiot with his head up his ass.
[quote name='slickkill77']Because ship captains have been keeping temp records [/QUOTE]
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Ship captain records are useless to us to be used as scientific data.

[quote name='lawdood']So what is your point? What is wrong with erring on the side of caution if there IS descrepancy? (Which, there doesn't seem to be as much as you indicate anyway) Or if some don't think we have enough data over thousands of years? What harm would we possibly do to the planet and ourselves if we cut back on CO2 emissions?[/QUOTE]
I thought I made myself clear on my point, sorry. My point is all about the"fact" of global warming. We know that the earth has went through many global temperature trends and we can't explain many of them, but this trend we can explain all on man?

We should cut back on CO2 emissions, and many other "may be harmful" usage and we need to find other energy alternatives but this is the same scare tactic as the "yellow terror alerts". We should attack this issue as it is a "theory" not "fact". I do part by doing what I can out side of buying an electrical car and not buying harmful products. OMG we had a warm December, and now a cold January this all must be true!! Calling this fact is asinine.

[quote name='lawdood']Thanks for the post, this movie is highy worth seeing. The uneducated, fox-news-commentary-spewing views of a few people here amuse me. Reading others supposedly scientific based opinions on some blog or hearing them on some right wing news talk station does not make one educated in a matter such as global warming, stick to actual facts and check the objective views of top scientists yourself.[/QUOTE]

Please not everyone with a different onion then you watches "Fox news" or listens to talk radio.

The facts are different scientist are coming up with different data. Also different things are coming up as why is the arctic ocean getting colder but the arctic is warming? I am not a scientist and will never be one but contradictions rise a red flag for me and it should for anyone.

[quote name='E-Z-B']That's why they drill into the ice in Antartica. The ice samples contain information over the past 100,000+ years of our planet's climate. Here's just one link you can learn from:

By the way, Rush sLimebaugh isn't an authoritative figure on global warming. He's just an idiot with his head up his ass.[/QUOTE]
I do know about ice tests and they have been testing many things from the ice caps. The data is still not as concrete as actual temperature readings. It is the best we have but not good enough.
[quote name='spoo']I do know about ice tests and they have been testing many things from the ice caps. The data is still not as concrete as actual temperature readings. It is the best we have but not good enough.[/QUOTE]

Why do you say science is not good enough?

Do you dispute scientific methods to determine the age of dinosaur bones?
Anyone thinking that they're going to receive a free copy of this movie anytime soon needs to banish that thought immediately. Share the Truth had only ever planned to supply a small number of people with real interest in the film. Unfortunately, bastards from FW, SD, and yes, even CAG ruined the whole deal. The requests now number in the thousands but there's only money enough for just over a hundred. I'll just try to locate a copy at my local library.
bread's done