free digital copy of Terminator Salvation (yes the awful one)

and it looks dead, code has exceeded it's usage.

thats ok, didnt get it to work before divx crashed on me and i got some authorization error.

down with DRM!
I didn't think Salvation was the greatest movie ever but IMO it's far from awful, T3 was worse :speaktothehand: (but that too was a lot better than other films I've seen)!
[quote name='exRounder'](yes the awful one)[/QUOTE]
I believe you mean, "Yes, the one that redeemed the franchise after the travesty that was T3." At any rate, thanks for the tip, OP.
[quote name='knotfan123']dont even want it[/QUOTE]

So why read and post in the thread? Why waste your time and our time? -_-

EDIT: Officially dead. "The coupon you entered has exceeded its usage limit."
Last edited by a moderator:
It's dead. The promotion has been removed... That's two free movies I've missed in one month...
The movie does not suck. You only think that because of all the unpleasable fanboys and the trailers that basically give away everything.
[quote name='Flak']The movie does not suck. You only think that because of all the unpleasable fanboys and the trailers that basically give away everything.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I actually enjoyed the movie a lot. I try to forget T3 and basically think that the movies go:
T2>The Terminator>T:Salvation
I don't get where all the hate for Salvation comes in. Is it T2? Of course not. T2 is one of the best science fiction movies ever. But it's a decent summer blockbuster flick, and it sure as hell is ten times better than T3.
I cannot believe the people that adamantly defend this film. I have incredibly low standards for action films, and I came away from this one thinking "WTF?!"

The plot is not only contrived, but gimmicky. Tons of holes exist - not that T1/T2 were realistic, but every five minutes during Salvation, I felt like some part of the story didn't make sense logically. Also, Christian Bale really sucked, and I'm super gay for him too.
Congratulations. You have an opinion. Just like everyone else.

I thought it was a good film, far better than most make it out to be. Sure, it wasn't T1 or T2, but it was a LOT better than some of the utter crap that came out (and WILL come out).
[quote name='dualedge2']Congratulations. You have an opinion. Just like everyone else.

I thought it was a good film, far better than most make it out to be. Sure, it wasn't T1 or T2, but it was a LOT better than some of the utter crap that came out (and WILL come out).[/QUOTE]

Terminator: Salvation was almost as bad as the Holocaust, and if you believe otherwise, you are wrong.
Not the best movie I've ever seen, but far far better than T3. Bale was rather pointless for most of the film, T-800? was lame, and just had to laugh at the random partial nudity. I almost expected her to jump in the water naked, just for the hell of it. Michael Ironside makes anything cool, so I can forgive McG somewhat. I would have rather seen T4 as the bridge between T3 and T1, but whatever.
bread's done