free games (not sure where this would go)

Well...I signed up...How come I only have 150 even though I recomended 6 people? anyone else get that?

P.S. I hope I dont get Fu(l
[quote name='karmapolice620']Well...I signed up...How come I only have 150 even though I recomended 6 people? anyone else get that?

P.S. I hope I dont get Fu(l
good call...and does everyone realize no games will ship (if at all) untill june...I signed up twice...One with my real name and then another with my *fake* name that I always give these kinda sites...I hope they pull through
So, Mr. Boogymen...............

Who is this 'guy' that happened to tell you about this 'site' ??? MMMM??

Is this the SAME 'guy' who RUNS the site?? MMM????

Somehow I don't think you are being completely honest with us because if you 'found' the site then this 'guy' didn't need to tell you about it, did he?
And since nothing is shipping until June, then how does he get all these free games and demos already unless he is the one running the site.

You have some splainin' to do Lucy!!!
[quote name='karmapolice620']Well...I signed up...How come I only have 150 even though I recomended 6 people? anyone else get that?

P.S. I hope I dont get Fu(l
I joined, and all they sent me was this lousy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tiger LED handheld game.. with acid damage from a bad battery. Oh well, it'll make a good paperweight at the office :)

It's a joke, laugh at it
[quote name='bmulligan']So, Mr. Boogymen...............

Who is this 'guy' that happened to tell you about this 'site' ??? MMMM??

Is this the SAME 'guy' who RUNS the site?? MMM????

Somehow I don't think you are being completely honest with us because if you 'found' the site then this 'guy' didn't need to tell you about it, did he?
And since nothing is shipping until June, then how does he get all these free games and demos already unless he is the one running the site.

You have some splainin' to do Lucy!!![/quote]

lmao, i don't know, he got my email addy through ebay. here is the email:

"Dear the_boogieman666,

I recently got new info on how to get free games with no catches. Feel free to list this info on ebay. DO NOT Charge for it. Trust Me! I will give you more details later. We can both benefit from this info! Here is the Link: DO NOT CHARGE FOR IT. Make it free to whomever wants it. I'd list it myself but I'm having CC problems. Make the Title "Free Video Games Xbox GameCube PS2 PC - Free Auction - Don't Need To Pay!" Trust Me on this! I know almost all the info on the net, this one works! List multiple times."

i got an email later that said he has done it a few times. after i had told him i am not going to list it on ebay due to seller fee's.

i dont know this guy, nor do i have anything to do with this site, i figure hell if it works i get free stuff, if it don't what they gonna do? i have a spam blocker and i dont care if they mail me a ton of bull****. it will make me look important:)
AND its boogIEman not boogYman,thanks[:p]
[quote name='karmapolice620']Well...I signed up...How come I only have 150 even though I recomended 6 people? anyone else get that?

P.S. I hope I dont get Fu(l
[quote name='BigNick']
Use mine, I will paypal you a penny if you use mine![/quote]

screw you! lol i have 1200 points, come on people help me win that xbox....its the least you could do since i gave you the info!!!!!i only need 76 more people and i will have the highest points:)
Thats really sad that your getting all into it and EXPECTING a xbox...I dont care if they ever do give me free stuff...It'd be nice but im not gunna get my hypothetical panties in a bunch because of em...I believe BigNick was kidding...Shame shame on you for being selfish...Share the wealth boogie
[quote name='karmapolice620']Thats really sad that your getting all into it and EXPECTING a xbox...I dont care if they ever do give me free stuff...It'd be nice but im not gunna get my hypothetical panties in a bunch because of em...I believe BigNick was kidding...Shame shame on you for being selfish...Share the wealth boogie[/quote]

i was jokeing,lol, gawd people dont take stuff so personal. i dont really care if this is all fake and i dont get anything, the way i see it, if it is real...i get a nice new xbox. so i might as well try![:D]
[quote name='karmapolice620']i was being sarcastic[/quote]

i know the 'shame shame ' thing was sarcastic, i aint THAT stupid.
[quote name='karmapolice620']It'd be nice but im not gunna get my hypothetical panties in a bunch because of em[/quote]

What color is hypothetical? :p
[quote name='theboogieman'][quote name='BigNick']
Use mine, I will paypal you a penny if you use mine![/quote]

screw you! lol i have 1200 points, come on people help me win that xbox....its the least you could do since i gave you the info!!!!!i only need 76 more people and i will have the highest points:)[/quote]
Of course by the time you get 76 more people to sign up the current highest person will have more points than they have now... so your attempts are futile.
Why don't you just share the love and sign up with my link:
*only 1/2 joking, but use my link if you feel like it*
[quote name='Romeo']Don't click his link guys. Notice the "refID=xxx" in his link? He wants you to click it so he gets some perk.[/quote]

I think everybody knows that....if you would have read through the posts its clear that i am gettin points for referels BUT this is also a way to get games free (if this site is true) and i am refering anybody who reads this and signs up so i should get the points....why do some people miss the concept? and anyways to whoever said that i will just get outdone by the highest dude, hell, i can try can't i? it doesnt hurt to try. if people were to give up everytime they didnt think they were going to win then there would be no contests.
[quote name='Cracka']*cough*PYRAMID-SCHEME*cough*

excuse me[/quote]

unfortunetly you are wrong. because a pyrimd scheme requires that one person (the person that starts it) benifiets and the last person loses. that is diffrent for this because: if the site is legit and is going to do what they say, then everyone wins and gets free shit. if the site is a hoax and all you get is spam (which by the way i have not gotten one email from them after my conformation email) then everyone 'loses'. i say loses for lack of better words. nobody really loses, you are not investing anything in this. you are simply opening up for spam, thats why u make a new email just for that site...they wonts spam your home because that would take too much effort.
Has there been discussion of here at cheapass?

It is a legit site . . . I got an Xbox through them . . . but it was a total pain in the ass . . . but my out of pocket was about $10 (plus a few clubs that I don't mind being in . . . Columbia House, BMG . . .)

I had enough points left over to pick up Armed and Dangerous.
Yea, there's a thread somewhere on this forum about getting free stuff by signing up for services and then canceling right after. Just do a search for more information.
bread's done