Free Overnight Shipping on all DS and PC games at

[quote name='AzN_BaLLeR']They charge "handling", damnit.

EDIT: Nevermind, it just doesn't work for Starcraft BattleChest because of discount.[/quote]

$%#&@#%% :bomb:
[quote name='AzN_BaLLeR']They charge "handling", damnit.

EDIT: Nevermind, it just doesn't work for Starcraft BattleChest because of discount.[/QUOTE]

You just have to check the overnight option for handling, the shipping and handling will still be free on the next page.
its not working for me either :(
the overnight option for handling is checkd but still not free.
Comes up to 21.42 for me :(
I ordered Sim City, LifeSigns: Surgical Unit and Picross for the nintendo DS and the code worked. I tried the code with several PC games and the only time that it did not work was when I placed Starcraft BattleChest in my cart. Order Confirmation E-mail

Date: 6/23/2007
Order #
Amount: $32.91

Order Contents:

Description Qty Amount
----------------------------------------------------- --- ----------
Sim City DS 1 $29.99

Subtotal : $29.99
Tax : $2.92
Handling : $0.00
Grand Total : $32.91

Shipping Method : USA Overnight
bread's done