FREE R-RATED MOVIE TICKET (must be over 21 years of age)

In Canada, you'll only need to be 19.

I tried it that was still nothing so I lied.....

[quote name='Friend of Sonic']I lied about my age.
So what! I feel 21, Mom.....[/quote]

HAHHAHAHA yeah me too man
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']I lied about my age.
So what! I feel 21, Mom.....[/quote]

Yeah, and I wonder what she'll say when you try to redeem a free movie ticket (assuming you are under 18 trying to get into an R movie) when it has an alcohol brand on it...;)
Apparently I did this promo some time ago, said my email addy was in use. I can't remember EVER getting a code from them so I wouldn't hold my breath this time around.
[quote name='gundamxzero']Since when do you have to be 21 to goto an R rated movie?[/QUOTE]

Probably have to be 21 to get the junk mail they are going to send you?
I never got a ticket for the past two times I've entered this promotion. I question the existence of such tickets.

I get their junk-mail seasonally though, both e-mail and paper. And they even sent me a Christmas card this year too!
I got this when I signed up. Didn't use the code though. There were not any R-rated movies that I wanted to see at the time, even for free.
Hmm. They said my email address was already in use. I think I went in for some other offer, I don't remember what it was, but I know it didn't come in the mail.

I expect this won't either.
The 21 age restriction is because it's coming from a whisky company. The code only works for Fandango so you're SOL if your theater doesn't do their online ticketing with them.
I got a code from it in the fall. It works, it took them like 2 weeks to process it and it's only valid for maybe a month or so, so if you use it, make sure something is coming out to watch. As poster above said, works with fandango.
[quote name='Zombieslayer240']Yeah, and I wonder what she'll say when you try to redeem a free movie ticket (assuming you are under 18 trying to get into an R movie) when it has an alcohol brand on it...;)[/QUOTE]
I'm 19. Old enough to go see a R-Rated movie, but not old enough to receive free tickets from a whisky company. =p
in case no one noticed from the confirmation emails...

Thank you for registering for The Striding Man Society(tm).

The password you've chosen is: *

Since only those of legal drinking age are eligible for membership, we
must verify your age. Once it is verified, we will send you an e-mail
officially welcoming you as a Member and detailing your benefits. "
Please expect this email within 2 to 3 weeks."
So expect them to be searching public records or whatever to verify your age. I made up a name/address since i don't want junk mail, so i guess i wont be getting in on this.
Thanx for the Op, I hope they deliver. Maybe I can squeeze a couple of movies out of it by sneaking into another movie right after. :)
bread's done