Free Ronald McDonald Mask

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I'm up in the air about this.

I hate Peta. I hate McDonald's.

Let me take that back. I HATE Peta, and all their douchebag members and douchebag philosophy. I dislike McDonald's, just because their food sucks. But I'd rather see Peta obliterated from existance than McD's.

The fact that Peta would have to spend their money to send me that mask is win. Peta knowing my address (plus I own four feline prisoners...err, excuse me, "housecats") is lose.
[quote name='Spacepest']I'm up in the air about this.

I hate Peta. I hate McDonald's.

Let me take that back. I HATE Peta, and all their douchebag members and douchebag philosophy. I dislike McDonald's, just because their food sucks. But I'd rather see Peta obliterated from existance than McD's.

The fact that Peta would have to spend their money to send me that mask is win. Peta knowing my address (plus I own four feline prisoners...err, excuse me, "housecats") is lose.[/QUOTE]

Peta is actually protecting wildlife.

I dont know why you guys are against Peta. you guys should be glad someone is taking a stand against animal torture and abuse.
I like animals as well but PETA are extremists. They use real life horrors like the Holocaust to compare the treatment of battery hens. Fund terrorist organizations and value all animals as much as humans. Many acts they have committed have been in bad taste and disrespectful of all others feelings except their own.

They are completely hypocritical in their methodology. It's not right to mistreat animals in any way, but it's just fine to dole out emotional abuse to children (mommy is going to hell for wearing fur!) or give them "medical advise" (ie, telling them to refuse medical treatment).

Manipulating children is far more evil than mistreatment of animals (not that I condone the mistreatment of animals). The fact that they value animals over the mental or physical health of humans is disturbing.
Exactly. PETA is a complete joke that does far more harm than good. Here's why. Almost NO ONE on this planet enjoys the torturing or abuse of animals. But most people also couldn't care less about it. It doesn't affect them. If you want people to care, though, you need to actually reach out to them. When someone sees a PETA nut attack a woman wearing fur or hears the idiotic dribble that comes out of their mouths, that completely turns them off to the cause.
[quote name='pimpster4183']i'm in, hopefully it's not some paper mask..[/QUOTE]


:applause: @ your avi. One of my fav WM matches.
I was going too, but I'm not giving PETA any information about me before they use my address to find me and insist I campaign with them.

Also, for every animal PETA saves I shall eat two.
[quote name='darth007']Cool, just in time for halloween. Sadly I am anti-PETA so I won't be signing up for this. They go too far with some of their campaigns.

Oh hell it's free. There better not be any PETA logos on the mask.[/QUOTE]

I hate PETA too. That's why I think its awesome that they'll waste their money giving me a free halloween mask.
Curious as to why there isn't a BK Evil Tyrant King Mask/Crown, an evil KFC mask, and many others? I'm all for preserving wildlife but, it's strange they are attacking McDonald's who actually have their own public charities.

However if Pamela Anderson physically asks me to join, I'll give them my contact info until then, I'll continue to support the WWF as I always have.
[quote name='100xp']Curious as to why there isn't a BK Evil Tyrant King Mask/Crown[/QUOTE]

The King doesn't need a creepy mask his regular face is freaky.
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