Free WiFi in all McDonalds locations!


216 (100%)
It already begun since yesterday. Previously the WiFi service charged $3 for 2 hours, so now its FREE for the rest of the year. Enjoy!
I remember when they first promoted it free with the DS Wifi back in 2005. Wonder how long this will last.
only 11 and a half months left this year. Damn, wish I knew about it sooner to get as much out of it as possible...
My McDonalds has been free WiFi for like the last 2 years or something I think. I don't know of anyone that actually uses it though...
[quote name='ndesent']who sits in mcdonalds wit their computer anywayz[/QUOTE]

People who travel, study, don't have internet access at home, want to get out of the house, tons of reasons. I'm glad more and more places are switching over to free wifi :)
It's good to see that public places such as McDonalds are turning to free wi-fi. However, I agree that very few people use actually use it. It's a place to eat at , not to chat with friends or check your e-mail.
bread's done