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CAG Veteran
please use my link. only 4 more referalls needed. its easy to do.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much does this cost to sign up?
Signing up for the website is completely free. They don’t spam your email either. If you are signing up to the site, I recommend using someone’s referral link (to be discussed below).

I signed up. How do I get a game?
There are two account options on their website: The Points Account and Referral Account.

Points Account: My personal favorite, as you don’t have to pester other people. With a points account, you must try and complete TWO offers.

Referral Account: With a referral account, you are given a special web address. You give this link out to friends and others online (NOT in this thread). If they click it and complete an offer of their own, you get one referral credit. Collect TWO of these credits (two people must complete one offer each with your link) and complete ONE offer of your own to get your game.

Can I switch between a Points account and a Referral account?

What if I have received a referral credit from somebody? Can I switch to a Points Account? Will I lose the referral credit?
You can freely switch between the two account types without losing credits. I have done this in the past and never lost any credits.

Can I use prepaid/gift credit cards to complete trials?
This gets asked often. It will vary on an offer-to-offer basis. I asked Trainn specifically, and the rep told me they don’t mind if you are using them. However, they did mention some companies will not recognize prepaid cards. I myself don’t use them, so I can’t tell you which allow them and which don’t. Try it at your own risk.

What about Paypal one-time use cards?
You can indeed use these. Log in to Paypal, and click the "Paypal Plug-In" on the left side. Install the plug-in, and you can then use one-time use Mastercard credit cards.

Could I just close the one-time use card out, and not cancel the trial?
You could, but it really annoys me (and others). For a while, many trials took down the option of using Mastercard credit cards on their sites. And you know why? Because too many people were simply closing cards, rather than cancelling the trials. Don't do this! Eventually, they may take down Mastercard use permanently, and this affects many of us. Take the five minutes to cancel your trials!

What offers do you recommend?
We cannot specifically tell you which offers to do here in the thread. Read the comments in here and check the offer descriptions. You should be doing offers you are interested in. To help out, I have compiled a list of offers that I have personally completed. Their details are located in the second post of this thread.

I signed up for an offer. How do I cancel it?
This comes up more often than it should. Almost every offer must be canceled with a phone call. Some offers can be canceled online, but I still recommend using their customer service number. Why? Because you get a cancellation number on the spot.

Please do not specifically ask how to cancel an offer. We are not allowed to discuss those matters on CAG.

Can I just cancel the trial as soon as I sign up for it?
Technically, you could…but I wouldn’t recommend it. Trainn will most likely close your account, and ban you from using their site.
I use my own system for cancelling:

If the trial is 7 days long, cancel on the fourth day.
If the trial is 14 days long, cancel on the seventh day.
30 day trial? Cancel on the twentieth day.

Those are just the numbers I use, and I have never had any problems. The only reason why they would close your account is if you are cancelling practically right after you sign up. Don’t do that, and you will be fine!

Can I repeat offers? I mean, couldn’t I just sign up again for the same offer?
Nope. Once you complete an offer, it will not allow you access to it again.

What if I make another account?
They will probably find out (overlapping IP addresses) and close both of your accounts. I wouldn’t recommend trying it.

I signed up for an offer but I have not received credit for it. What happened?
Every offer will not go through 100% of the time. Many users recommend clearing your browser cookies before signing up for an offer. I myself don’t usually do this, and have only had problems with a few offers. Trainn (the company running has an option on their website to get credit. It is the Missing Credit Request (MCR).

Under the Support tab, choose View your click history. If it has been seven days since you signed up for the offer, a Request Credit link will be next to the offer. Follow the directions on their site to get your credit.

But it hasn’t been seven days since I did the trial. Can I fill out an MCR?
Nope. The option won’t be available. Just wait it out. It will appear after seven days.

It says I need full headers with my MCR email. What are these?
Full headers show IP addresses, as well as many other options. You must enable them before sending Trainn your email. Go to Google if you need to find out how to turn headers on with the email provider you are using (Hotmail, Gmail, etc.).
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