Free Xbox 360 Games (from Trainn...who is updating slowly)

[quote name='Rocko']UPS truck passed by my house. Didn't stop. I wouldn't hold your breath for release date shipping.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, UPS stopped across the street about 11am this morning, but nothing for me. (I was hoping he'd swing back around, but since it's 5:30pm, looks like that isn't going to happen...)
Yeah, same here. UPS just came by my apartment complex now, and no Beatles. All TRAINN had to do was place the fucking orders when we submitted them. It better be here tomorrow or I'll be even more pissed off.
Hopefully it really did ship yesterday and they shipped 2 day like they usually do.

If not I fear that our shipping confirmations are like the "shipping confirmations" of old, where that email just means they're going to order the game sometime soon.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Still waiting for their update, I want MUA:2. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

i hear ya...ive been sitting on 12 (count em...TWELVE) credits for months now and all the good games are coming out this fall...cant wait. i wish theyd update already...i need to order up halo 3 odst and nba 2k10. :bouncy:
[quote name='41down']i hear ya...ive been sitting on 12 (count em...TWELVE) credits for months now and all the good games are coming out this fall...cant wait. i wish theyd update already...i need to order up halo 3 odst and nba 2k10. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Damn, I thought I was bad for sitting on win.
Still waiting on Beatles. Haven't seen UPS go by yet today though.

And...:drool: at that update. I really want NHL 10, but I need it day one, and given the way Beatles was handled, I don't know if I trust it. Might be safer just to get it from Gamestop.

But more importantly, THEY ADDED THE SAW GAME!!! I know it's the kind of crap that drops to $20 within 3 weeks of launch, but I'm having a hard time not wanting it. I love the series, and the trailer on Gamestop's website actually makes it look good (but don't they all). The concept of solving little torture device puzzles against a clock, while some sadistic, evil genius watches, trying to "teach" you life's greatest lesson is a gaming gold mine. How bad they fuck it up remains to be seen.
motherfucker!!! See, this is another reason I hate all these "unique" store branded versions of games. I can't even go buy this at Gamestop and then return my copy when it comes in from Amazon. That's not even return fraud and they're cracking down on it. This sucks :cry:
[quote name='Rocko']What's different about them?[/QUOTE]

I don't know. I assumed with all the pre-order bonuses, they'd have some kind of specially packaged game with a GS sticker on the front. I thought that was becoming trendy since they did it with Riddick, Ghostbusters, UFC, etc.
[quote name='Rocko']Buy it at Target.[/QUOTE]

Closest Target is an hour away. But good suggestion. I'll probably just run out to Wal-Mart in a bit and buy it. Wal-Mart shouldn't have any special edition that I'm aware of.
I ended up just picking up a copy of Beatles at Target today and will just return the free copy once it gets here. For those of you waiting, it is well worth it. I just played through the entire thing and it was fantastic.
Hey guys, havent been to this thread in months. Any good offers that have came out within the past 6 months or so that are really easy credits? :D
[quote name='Rocko']Just got The Beatles! :D[/QUOTE]

Nice, I ended up running out and grabbing it last night. Hopefully my Amazon copy will get here today so I can put that back on my card. The game is awesome though! It's incredible how difficult a lot of Paul's bass parts were.
Ok, so there's a ton of book offers right now. Does anyone do these, and if so, how much do you usually end up spending? I need some credits, and I'm pretty sure I've done everything else that's at least halfway decent.
[quote name='jfuze']Hey guys, havent been to this thread in months. Any good offers that have came out within the past 6 months or so that are really easy credits? :D[/QUOTE]

DealMax, Privacy Matters and Home Savings Mall are cake. There's info in the OP.
[quote name='JohnnyOnTheSpot']DealMax, Privacy Matters and Home Savings Mall are cake. There's info in the OP.[/QUOTE]

Tyvm Any opinion on the book offers? Theres a crapload of those.
I've done the Book of the Month Club. All told I think it was around $10 for the initial order and return shipping. I've since learned that Media Mail doesn't have a weight limit so it can probably be done cheaper.
[quote name='FluxDF']I've done the Book of the Month Club. All told I think it was around $10 for the initial order and return shipping. I've since learned that Media Mail doesn't have a weight limit so it can probably be done cheaper.[/QUOTE]

I can do $10; $20 for a new game is still a bargain, just not as good as free. I'll have to look more into this, but thanks for the help!

Oh, new offers up. I'm curious about this SmugMug, you get a free 15 day membership but I'm not sure how long you have to stay with them. After the 15 days it's either $60 or like $100, because you have to get one of the higher up plans. I might give it a shot later on.
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It's good to see some easy (and cheap) new offers up. I haven't used this site in nearly a year and thought I would check the forum for any info on the new offers. :)

Looks like I'll just have to complete DealMax and the other two easy ones for a total of 2.5 games nearly-free games! :)

Hopefully they'll get another good free, or nearly-free, offer up before MW2 comes out because as it stands now I'm going to spend my credits on L4D 2 and Assassin's Creed 2 for ~$5 worth of offers while only needing one more credit to get myself MW2 when it's also added.

However, November is a ways away so hopefully they'll get a couple other offers up that I can do before then as well! :bouncy:
[quote name='SylvianLight']video professor is up and some people said they got that one for free since it doesn't charge your vcc immediately

i'm gonna try it[/QUOTE]

I may base my attempt on your success so keep us posted please!

Ugh, I've been reading up on SmugMug, and I'm not sure if the trial counts for credit. YF360G says you must "purchase" an account, and I'm not sure if a trial constitutes that. I may just hold off on this one for a little bit...any ideas?

Well, I signed up for a trial which DOESN'T require a credit card, so let's see if it goes through without that, I still got to pick the account type. I'll keep everyone posted.
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[quote name='JohnnyOnTheSpot']I may base my attempt on your success so keep us posted please!

Ugh, I've been reading up on SmugMug, and I'm not sure if the trial counts for credit. YF360G says you must "purchase" an account, and I'm not sure if a trial constitutes that. I may just hold off on this one for a little bit...any ideas?

Well, I signed up for a trial which DOESN'T require a credit card, so let's see if it goes through without that, I still got to pick the account type. I'll keep everyone posted.[/QUOTE]

i signed up as well since it says it credits same day. i'll just have to do another offfer and use the credit before it gets revoked i think
[quote name='macjz212']Has anyone ordered Guitar Hero 5 since the update? I'm still wondering if I can get Van Halen for free[/QUOTE]

I have but it hasn't come in yet. However, I know that the code is in the back of the book, regardless of where it is from. I'm basing my ordering of it on getting VH for free.
[quote name='JohnnyOnTheSpot']I have but it hasn't come in yet. However, I know that the code is in the back of the book, regardless of where it is from. I'm basing my ordering of it on getting VH for free.[/QUOTE]

as long as you get the game in september you get vh free. you have to go to a website and enter the code by the end of september and then it lets you print out a voucher that you have to send in with the red sticker on the cover of the game and a copy of your invoice/receipt. tracking slip should work fine
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Well my MUA: 2 is still processing, looks like they aren't doing Release Date delivery for it which is pretty stupid.[/QUOTE]

Isn't there still time? It comes out Tuesday.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Usually they would have changed it to "Shipping Soon" by now. :whistle2:\[/QUOTE]

Ah...gotcha. I never had a game do release day shipping, so I wasn't sure. Yea, that is stupid then.
Yeah, sorry for you MUA 2 guys, but they couldn't even manage to get the orders for Beatles: Rock Band in in time for release day delivery, so there's no way MUA 2 is going to have it. I know because I posted on TRAINN's twitter asking if we'd get release day delivery. They never responded, but within 24 hours, my order status changed to "shipped". I figured that meant Amazon had finally notified them that the orders had been sent out. But considering when it finally arrived (3-4 days after release), I think all I did was remind them to place the orders. For whatever reason, I get the feeling that TRAINN is really behind right now. It's for this reason that I just decided to go to GS and pre-order NHL 10. That's a game I've gotta have day one, and I don't have time for TRAINN to dick around with orders that should have been placed a week ago.
bread's done