Frequent game update/patch's this week?


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Has anyone noticed the amount of updates there have been this past weekend and 2 weeks ago? I noticed every game I played the weekend and a few I played last weekend had a game update.
What gives? Anyone know?
I played Halo and GTA and they both had multiple updates over the last few weeks. Yet Halo, for example, still says it on version 1.1.
good to know someone else is having the same experience im having. Anyone else at all having this problem?
I noticed that too, but i think one of the updates undoes the others. Every time i play the orange box i have to reupdate every other game. do you have the OB chase?
I've had to update a couple games this week but it seems like it forces me to update DOA4 every other day anyways
Yes, games aern't updated that often. I haven't gotten one in over a month for any of my games. Clear you cache, just google it.
If you rotate playing a lot of different games, your 360 will clear previous updates. It only stores about 3-4 game updates at the same time.

  • Say in a single day you play GTA4, Halo 3, PGR4, and Assassins Creed and you've recently cleared the cache on your HDD. You will recieve a request to update for each game, thus you accept them all.
  • The next day, you decide to become more random and play Gears of War, GH3, and RSV2. Seeing as you have not played these games either since you cleared your cache, you recieve a request to update all 3, and again accept them all.
  • After playing all those games, you decide to go back and get an achievement you missed in Halo 3. You notice that since you've played this game, they have updated it?
Chances are, no, they didn't update the game. While it's fully possible, the better answer is that you've played a lot of different games recently and your Xbox is going through its normal cycle of clearing updates.

Hopefully this will give some of you a clearer answer as to why all the games you've played recently suddenly have updates.
bread's done