friend wants to sell me final fantasy 7

[quote name='mrmafia33']My friend offered me $25 for his greatest hits ff 7. Is this a good deal? how much is the greatest hits worth?[/QUOTE]

Are you interested in playing it or just flipping it? If it's the latter then check Ebay for prices....
Decent price for it. Tell him to be a real friend and come down in price! 25.00 is about half what you would run into on ebay (varies)
I think giving it to him for roughly half price IS being a friend. I don't often offer my stuff to people for half their worth.
FF7 is a Great, (albeit incomplete...), game.

Considering the game went for $20 new and is moderatly rare these days, $25 sounds perfectly fair.
hmm they don't sell FF7 in stores anymore? Not even Greatest Hits? I remember a few years ago they sold for $15 and there were a good number of them at Circuit City and whatnot...
bread's done