Frys Anniversary Sale $6.99 PS2 Games, $12.99 XBOX 360 Games


Frys Anniversary 1 Day Sale Video Games

$6.99 PS2 Games
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater
Front Mission 4
Head Hunter

$6.99 PS2 Games "Mondays AD"
NBA Street Vol.3
Full Spectrum Warrior
Choro Q
Fisherman Bass Club

$12.99 XBXO 360 Games
Full Auto
Ridge Racer 6

$9.99 Nintendo Ds
Prince of Persia
King Kong
Space invaders

$9.99 PSP Games
Untold Legends
Virtua Tennis
Go Sudoku
The Hustle: Detroit Streets

They also have 6Pack of Coke for $0.99
This is actually a 3-day sale (Sunday through Tuesday). For that price, those 360 games are worth picking up.
Mmm, if anyone picks up any of the 360 games and would sell for cost + shipping + a little extra, let me know!
I'd say the 360 version Gun is worth $12.99, although it's apparently not much better than the last-gen versions in terms of graphics.
[quote name='SNKMat']Is gun worth $12?[/QUOTE]
75% on GameRankings. I liked the Xbox version, and from what I recall, the 360 version is the same with upgraded (albeit slightly) graphics.
[quote name='Vertigo']is that in store only, or do they apply online?[/QUOTE]
That flyer only applies to a specific list of B&M stores, and not online at all. They may have that sale at other B&M stores as well, but you would have to ask someone in a different geographic area if it's in their flyer.
It's listed in the Sacramento area ad as well. Too bad I already have all those 360 games...those are excellent prices.
[quote name='playaemagdnim']is this every fry's or just san jose?[/QUOTE]

I was just about to throw a fit because I was in Fry's last night with the ad and these things weren't on sale. Then I realized the DS and PSP ones were in the normal 3-day ad, and I had already deemed them not purchase-worthy even at those prices. The PS2 and 360 games are NOT on sale like that at the OR Fry's. So, to answer - no, not all Fry's ;).

Plus, with the exception of Gun (which I got for $16) I got some of the rest of those 360 games for cheaper already (e.g., Full Auto for $1.99 from Best Buy ;)).
[quote name='io']I was just about to throw a fit because I was in Fry's last night with the ad and these things weren't on sale. Then I realized the DS and PSP ones were in the normal 3-day ad, and I had already deemed them not purchase-worthy even at those prices. The PS2 and 360 games are NOT on sale like that at the OR Fry's. So, to answer - no, not all Fry's ;).

Plus, with the exception of Gun (which I got for $16) I got some of the rest of those 360 games for cheaper already (e.g., Full Auto for $1.99 from Best Buy ;)).[/QUOTE]

These games were in my Sunday ad, so I don't think they were on sale yet as of Sat, atleast in Houston anyways.
[quote name='pinoy530']These games were in my Sunday ad, so I don't think they were on sale yet as of Sat, atleast in Houston anyways.[/QUOTE]

Well, it is possible I suppose - I haven't looked at the paper yet today. However, the DS and PSP games (and definitely not the PS2 and 360 games) were in the Friday ad that I had with me last night. The reason I went there, though, is that Etrian Odyssey was in the ad for $24.99. But apparently the game isn't out yet?? Gamecrazy (where I went to price match it) said it hasn't come in yet, then I couldn't find it at Fry's either.
re: Gun, I have both the Xbox and the Xbox 360 versions. They're basically identical, but the 360 version has a -slight- edge on graphics. It's definitely not worth a re-buy, but if you're gonna get one version, get the 360.

Oh, and the game itself is quite good, IMO. It's not the longest game I've ever played, but it's one of the most atmospheric. I think it got sold a bit short for having come out right when the 360 did as an iffy launch title. Even if I'd bought it for $60, I can't say as I'd be completely disappointed (though I'm obviously very happy I found it for $15).
I picked up Gun for 360, always wanted to play this, but held off because of how short it was, and didn't want to pay $29.99-$59.99 for it. $12.99 was the price I was looking for. I would've picked up Condemed, but I already picked it up at launch, and it was worth $59.99, and at $12.99 that is a steal.
I was going to make a half-witted comment about how I hope as part of the anniversary they'll also be opening up stores in Colorado but after looking at the list "I think I'm good"
I went to pick up a copy of Psi-Ops...



Okay, I really went to get the 99 cent 8-packs of Coke, but Psi-Ops was a nice addition to the cart!
Anyone know if these are on sale at the Fry's Electronics on W. Thunderbird?

I would love to pick up Condemned/Gun for that price.
Gun and Condemned are both worth the pick-up. I bought Gun for the 360 at 19.99 from BB and loved it.

The graphics are definitely marginal for this gen of systems but they aren't bad.

What really rocks is the voice acting, music and story line (You'll be stunned when you read the number and quality of actors in this game).

It's the most compelling game I have every played.

Condemned is graphically superior and what it lacks in story it makes up for in game-play innovation and scare factor.

Melee in the dark with serial killers and such is pretty damn scary. I have never fought so hard to conserve ammo in a game ever. The controls maybe wonky but once you get then hang of them it is really immersive.

Both are definitely worth the price of admission and under $15.

Also, if you want to play Condemned(2): Bloodshot then you should seriously play this first.

(PS easy 700 achievement points for gun and the same for Condemned)

Tip: Get a good gold map for GUN and save often in Condemned.
Here are the Monday Video Game Deals at Fry's

$6.99 PS2 Games "Mondays AD"
NBA Street Vol.3
Full Spectrum Warrior
Choro Q
Fisherman Bass Club
Anyone willing to pick up Gun and Condemned for the 360 for me? PM what you'd like to get in PayPal for them both.
can someone pick me up condemned and gun for the 360? I'll pay price + shipping $33 paypal. Send me a PM if you do this. Thanks in advance!
I'd really like Condemned and Gun, damn no Fry's here, any chance anyone would be willing to pick them up for a fellow CAG? PM me and let me know what it'd cost.
Went to Frys on Brokaw in San Jose, there were 15 copies of Condemned left, I picked up 3, one for me, one for brother, and one for cousin. Funny thing is I don't have a 360 but if I start picking up a ton of cheap games I'll definitely be getting a 360 by Xmas, haha.

Also, in the ad today, the X-men game (the one with Wolverine on the front of the case) is also priced at 12.99 if anyone else is interested.

Man they hid the coke in the back corner of the store (cafe area). Normally they have it in the middle of the store right in front of the entrance unless they changed that since Christmas. Anyway good luck to others.

Cheers :)
[quote name='pcktlnt']

Man they hid the coke in the back corner of the store (cafe area). Normally they have it in the middle of the store right in front of the entrance unless they changed that since Christmas. Anyway good luck to others.

Cheers :)[/QUOTE]

Was the Coke on sale? I was actually looking for Coke and bought a 12-pack instead of the big flats they had out - they had a HUGE cube of coke right in the middle of the game/DVD area, but it wasn't marked in any way. So I grabbed a regular boxed 12-pack on the way out, which wasn't on sale. The guy at the register told me the HUGE cube was just for restocking, which seems unlikely given it's size and placement.

Anyway, also wanted to add that the 360/PS2 games were in my Sunday paper Fry's ad supplement. And usually if they are on sale here, they are on sale everywhere (Yukine). It seems like only LA and TX get exclusive sales.

Also, that set of PS2 games for $6.99 today is pretty funny as that is the exact set of games from one of their recent PS2 bundles. Yet I think they claimed them all as being worth more than $7 each when they printed the bundle value price :lol:.

Edit - actually, those 6 games are in the current ad from last Friday (through Tuesday) as part of a $170 PS2 bundle. They claim the "sold separately" price is $250, meaning they are inflating each of those (mostly) crappy games to be worth $20 each :rofl:.
[quote name='pcktlnt']They were selling 6 packs for a buck. =)[/QUOTE]

The bastards... You think they could have put up a sign or something. fuck, was this in the ad supplement for Sunday? I sure as hell didn't see it, but usually I zero in on the games only ;). Of course, I was there on Saturday and not Sunday, so if it didn't start until Sunday then I didn't miss out. I bought a 12-pack for $4 :cry:. I would have bought 12-16 6-packs at $1!
bread's done