FS: 30 BLU-RAY Movies


Just trying to recoup some funds for the summer. I have the following for sale. Prices include USPS shipping and PayPal is preferred. PM me if interested. Thanks!

Grand Theft Auto 4 (Played ONCE) COMPLETE - $40 - SOLD!

Blu-Ray Movies:
2001: A Space Oddysey - $16
American Psycho - $12
A.T.L. - $17
Beerfest - $13
Benchwarmers - $16
A Clockwork Orange - $17
The Departed - $16
Dogma - $17 - SOLD
Dreamgirls (2 Disc) - $15
Evil Dead 2 - $14
The Fifth Element - $14
Full Metal Jacket - $14
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - $13
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret's - $13
Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban - $13
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - $13
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - $15
Hitch - $14
Night At The Museum - $14
The Omen - $12
The Patriot - $12
Rush Hour 3 (2 Disc) - $17
S.W.A.T. - $12
Stir of Echoes - $12
Talladega Nights: Ricky Bobby - $12 SOLD
T.M.N.T. - $15
Underdog - $15
We Own The Night - $16
Wild Hogs - $13

bread's done